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Staalt Womcn be Allowed to Vote. The question of femal suffrage has ag itated the tongues and pens of reformers for many years and good argumeats have been adduced for and against it. Many of the softer sex would vote intelligibly and many of thera would vote as their husbands did, and give no thuiight to the merits of a political iggue. They would all vote for Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription becauge they know it is a boon to their sex. It is unequaled as a cure for leucorrhea, abnormal discharges, morning sickneas and the countlegs ills to which women are subject. It ia the only remedy for womnn's peculiar weaknesses and ailments, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee fro n the manufacturera that it will give satigfaction in evary case or money will be refunded. See guarantee upon wrapper around bottle. Private lessons in dancing will begin at the State-st Academy of Dancing Öept. 1. The general classs begins Oct. 1. 66 OCR 23 CENT COLUMN. Adveitisements, such as To Rent, For Sale, and Wants, not exeeeding three lines, can be inserted three weeks for 25 cents. WAKTED. MAN WANTED to work in anorange (trove this winter. Apply to W. L. Dorr, 20 Maynard-st. 68 WANTED- To act as gteward fora good boarding club during the coming school year. Address L. D. Carr, "Lit. '92," 63 E. University Ave.. Ann Arbor, Mich. 66tf WANTED- Furnished rooms ; a sitting room with two sleeping rooms attached. Any one hariiiK such rooms to rent. will pleate address a card stating terms to W., 20 8. Division-st., Ann Arbor. 68 WANTED- A boy who wishes to learn shorthand and writing and pay hls tuition by doing office work. He can have a permanent position as soon as competent. A good chance lor the right boy. Enquire of S. A. Moran, Register Office. ___ WANTED- An unfurnished suite of room, permanently. No cooking. Address G. Q, C, thi office. . FOK BALE. HORSE FOR SALE - Inquire of D. F. AUmendinger, at the Allmendincer Piano and Organ Co.'s Office. 68_ FOR SALE OR EXCHANGB- House and Lot, beautifully located on Jefferson-st., Battle Creek, Mich. Will exchange for Ann Arbor property worth $180u. R. C. Reeve, Dexter, Mich. 68 FOR SALE- A new modern house with furnace. gas, etc. Price half down, balance on time. Inquire of S. D. Allen, No. 90 Washingtont. 68_ FOR 8ALE, CHEAP- New house of six rooms; hard and soft water, good cellar; small payment down. No. 2 Brook-st., opposite 69 Mlller Ave. 67_ HOUSE FJR SALE- 67W E. Washington. Will be sold cheap, if sold by Sept. lst, '89. 67 ÍT'OR SALE, CHEAP- Good carriage norse. Is ' also a first claes taddle horse. Enquire at office A. A. Gas Co. 66_ FOR SALE- Curbing stone at reasonable rates. Address Box 1233, City. 67_ ABARGAIN- 8150 will buy our family horse, buggy and harness. The horse ia perlectly safe for anyone to drive. E. B. Hall. 67 IOR SALE- Gasoline stove, good as new, with ' all the latest improvements, Parties that called while we were away will now flnd us at home, 26 N. Thayer. Qeo. W. Millen. 66_ FOR SALE OR RENT- Good brick house, furnished; with good well. barns, etc, and IV, acres of land. Enquire on premises, No. 76 ïuller-st., or of G. H. Rhodes, 12 Wash.-. 66 FOR SALE - Modern House, with furnace, centrally located. For particulars cali at No. LI Maynard st. A few pairs of beautiful fantail doves for sale, cheap. Eugene Phillips Hall, Hill-st. FOR SALE.- Thlity acres of land one mile from Court House, also ten acres In the city and house and lot In the city. Address F. CL Loomis, 32 Ann-st. FOR SALE -Building lots, fronting west side Mann-st; extra view; sizes to suit; long time or payments. J. D. Duncan, 76 Miller-ave. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR FARM.- House and 24 City Lots.- Apply 48 South Main St.. Ann Arbof. T70R SALE- 15-acre fruit farm, fine buildings, JP cholee young peach orchard in hearing, good apple orchard, also peara, grapes and berrie. Sofl excellent. Situated one mile south of University, jut outside of city limits. If more land s desired will sell 12K acres adjoining. Will ex■hange for city property, or farm well located. B. E. Nichols. 65tf FOR REKT. A GOOD PIANO for rent orsale, cheap. Enquire J. at 5 Mill-st., Fifthward. 68 FOR RENT- Three room fully furnished for housekeeplng, near the University. Suitable for man and wife. No. 5 N. University-ave. 68 FOR RENT- A suite of rooms in the Hamilton Block, suitable for llght housekeeping. Apply to A. W. Hamilton, Cor. of Hurón and Fourth-sts. 68 FURNISHED- and unfurnished rooms for rent, No. 7 E. Ann-st. 67_ FOR RENT- House and barn, 41 Madison-st. Inquire of B. E. Nichols, Box 92. 67_ n0R RENT- Two large houses near the UniV veraity, in excellent repair, and well adapted for boarding and renting rooms. Enquire of J. Q. A. Sesslons, Office No. 5 N. Main-st. 67 FOR RENT- Several Homes in good repair, in central part of the city. Yearly rent from $130 to $360. Enquire of J. Q. A. Sessions, Atty. and Real Estáte Agt., No. N. 5 Main St. wisiii.iimimv FOR lessons on the Quitar cali on or address Irma C. Wilson, No. 30 Geddes ave. 8turdays are reserved for the accommodatlon of student I HAVE a large tract of land in Alpena Co., Mich., that f would like to exchange for a sood honse and lot in Ann Arbor. These lands belong to an estáte; can give good title. S. S. Blitz. 68 BRICK STORE and dwelling at Vermontville, Eaton Co.,to exchange for Ann Arbor propeity. Address D. A. Pray, Whitmore Lake. 68 LOST- On Tuesday, July llth, in business part of town, in some store, or between town and Lawrence-st. ladies' gold cuff button and cuff. Reward if left at Brown's Drug Store or at No. 11 Lawrence-st. 67 MAGAZINE3 AND PAPERS below publisher's prices. Harpere' Weekly, Í8.65. Harpers Bazar, 3.65. Harpers' Magazine. $3.60. Lippencott's, $2.60. St. Louis, &1.25. Forum, $4.65. W. A. Dnncan, 6 Jefferson-st., Ann Arbor. Mich. 67 A morning school for little children will open onJuly22nd. Hours from 9- 12. Kindergarten oceupations. Terms Ï.50 per week. For further information address Miss Wire, No. 30 Maynard. T) ARTIES having money to loan : I have appllL cations for money every day, secured fully by lint mortgage on Real Estáte at not less than 6 per cent. Address B. F. Bojrlan, cor. Pine and 2nd-sts., Seattle, Washington. T70R EXCHANGE- For small farm near Ann P Arbor, 120-acre farm, neai railroad, timbered with maple and other hard wood, solí first clasa, 30 acres cleared, good house and barn, 2 wellsAUo house and lot in Grayling. Wlll pay dlffer. ence in cash, or unime a mortgaee. Address Box 184, Grayllng, Crawford Co., Mich. 67


Old News
Ann Arbor Register