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FOK SAI.E. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE.- Fine suburban resklence, with about six acres of land, large barn, good water. Variety of fruits. 69 M. A. SMITH, , N. Pontiacst. FOR S A LE or trade for small farm, a oew house and lot. Inquire on premises, 19 Cemetery-st , 6i_ COAL STOVES FOR SALE, CHEAP-Two good second hand parlor coal stoves with pipe and zinc. Enquire of L. I). Wines, No. 9Í S. 8tate-st. 70_ Ï7OR SALE- Stoves. dishes, furniture, etc, etc Sultable tor student's roomor boarding house 8Thompson-st 69 ÜOR 82 1-3 aerea. One of the finest i farms in Allegan Co., with in the fruit belt of Mich., with good buildings, which cost half the price asked; all kinds of fruit, two miles from corperation limit of Allegan, the countv seat Price, 5 per acre. Address P. O. Box 680. Allegan, Mich. 71 ÏOR SALE- Knabe Piano, in good conditlon. Alfosomegasfixtures. hall lanternand centei ana slde nxtures. No. 9 Monroe-st, HORSE FOR SALE - Inqulre of D F. Allmendinger, at the Allmendinger Piano and Organ Co.'s Office. 68 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE- House and Lot beautifully located on Jefferson-st., Battle Creek, Jiich. Will exchange for Ann Arbcr property worth S180J. R. C. Reeve. Dexter, Mich. 68 FOR SALE- A new modern house with furnace, gas, etc. Price half down. balance on time. Inquire of S. D. Allen, No. iO Washington5Í: 68 I10R SALE, CHEAP- New house of six roomshard and soft water, good cellar; small payment down. No. 2 Brook-st., opposite 69 Mlller Ave. 67_ HOUSE FOR SALE-67U E. Washington. Will be sold chea?, if sold by Sept. lst, '89. 67 POR SALE. CHEAP-Good caxriage norse. Is A1 also & firstclass faddle horse. Enquire at office A. A. Gas Co. 67 FOR SALE-Curblng stone at reasonable rates. Address Box 1233, City. 67 A BARGAIN- $160 will buy onr family horse XX buggy and harness. The horse is perfectly safe for anyone to dtlre. E. B. Hall. 67 UOR SALE - Modern House, with furnace ' centrally located. For particulars cali at No. 11 Maynard-st. A few pairs of beautiful fantail doves for sale XX cheap. Eugene Phillips Hall, Hill-st. FOR SALE.- Thiity acres of land one mlle irom Court House, also ten acres in the city and house and lot in the city. Address F C Loomis, 32 Ann-st. FOR SALE- Building lots, fronting west side Mann-st; extra view; sizesto suit; long time for payments. J. D. Duncan, 76 Miller-ave. FOR SALE OR EXCHANQE FOR FARM - House and 24 City Lots.- Apply 48 South Main St., Ann Arbor. T?OR SALE- 15 acre fruit farm, line buildings, X cholee jroung peach orchard in hearing, good apple orchard, also pears. grapes and berries. boil excellent. Situated one mtle south of Unfversity, just outside of city limita. If more land is desired will sell ny, acres adjoining. Will exchange for city property, or farm well located. B. E. Nichols. 65tf HOKSES FOR SALE.- T wo Wilkes Colts, one Mentor Colt, and two broofl Mares L P Hall. 69 ' FOR RENT. T7I0R RENT- Barn, 44 Washington-st. Inimire JU on premises. 69 TX) RENT- Unfurnished rooms, No. 7 BoweryJ-St. e9_ A GOOD PIANO for rent orsale, cheap. Enouire A at5Mill-st., Fifthward. 68 FOR RENT- Three rooms fully furnished for housekeeping, near the ünivereity. Suitable tbr man and wife. No. 5 N. Uniyersity-ave. 68 FOR RENT- A suite of rooms in the Hamilton Block, suitable i'or llght housekeeping. Apply to A. W. Hamilton, Cor. of Huron and Fourth-sts. : 68 ÍpURNlSHED- and unfurnished rooms for rent. ' No. 7 E. Ann-st. 67 FOR RENT- House and barn, 41 Madison-st. Inquire of B. E. Nichols, Box 92. 67 Ï7OR RENT- Two large houses near the Univeraity, in excellent repair, and vveü adapted for boarding and renting rooms. Enquire of J Q. A. Sessions, Office No. 5 N. Main-st. 67 FOR RENT- Several Houees in good repair in central part of the city. Yearly rent from 8130 to $3:0. Enquire of J. Q. A. Sessions, Atty. and Real Estáte Agt., No. N. 5 Main SL FOR RENT.- Medium Sized House in Rood repair and localion. Enquire of A. Moore 14 N. TnayerSt. 69 1I1SII.1.I.M.(II V LO'TOOLE has taken the management of the Singer Mtg. Co.'s business at Ann Arbor. Office in Opera House block. 69 FOR leesons on the Guitar cali on or address Irma C. Wilson, No. 30 Geddes ave. Saturdays are reserved for the accommodatlon of students 71 I HAVE a large tract of land iu Alpena Co , Mich., that I would like to exchange for a sood house and lot In Ann Arbor. These lands belong tu au estáte; can give good title. S. S. Blitz. , ; 68_ BE1CK STORE and dwelling at Vermontvillo, Eaton Co.,to exchange for Ann Arbor property. Address D. A. l'ray, whltmore Lake. 68 LOST- On Tuesday, July llth, in business part of town, in som e store, or between town and Lawrence-st. ladies' gold cuff button and cuff. Keward if left at Brown's Drug Store or at No. 11 Lawrencest. 67 MAGAZINES AND PAPERS below publisher's prioes. Harpere' Weekly, $8 65. Harpers Bazar, J3.65. Harpers' Magazine, 83.60. Lippencott's, 82.60. St. Louis, 1.25. Forum, 84.C5. W. A. Duncan, 6 Jefferson-st.. Ann Arbor. Mich. 67 T)AKTIES haviDg money to loan : I haveappliX cations fbr money every day, secured fully by (rat mortgage on Real Estáte at not less than 6 per cent. Address B. F. Boylan, cor. Pina and 2nd-ste., Seattle, Washington. FOR EXCHANGE- For small farm near Ann Arbor, 120-acre farm, near railroad. limbered with maple and other hard wood. soll firat class, 30 acres cleared, good house and barn, 2 wellsAlso house and lot in Grayling. Wlll pay differ. ence in cash, or assume a morteage. Aildresa Box 184, Grayling, Crawford Co., Mich. 67 Ha ving1 Secured the Services of Mr, F, W. Chich'ng, FOR SEVEN Y E ARS PAST ITH THE FACTOR Y OF mmm & sons, boston, mi We shall hereafter give more extended attention to the tradein the Chickerinj; Pianos outside Detroit. .Mr. Ctiickeringis atunerof abilit.y, and will devote a portion of each month to our business, present and prospective, at Ann Arbor. Address, MR. CHICKERING, At 79 South State St., Ann Arbor, or 253 WOODWARI) ATE.. IK IKOIT.


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