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Mrs. Prof. Hopkins is very ill with typhoid fever. Miss Hattie Swift has returned from a prolonged visit in Boston. Rev. Mr. Morey of Marshall will fill the Presbyterian pulpit next Sunday. Mrs. Prof. Lodeman and daughter Hildahaye returned from their European trip. Byron Edwards has purchased Mr. Taylor's interest in the firm of Robbins & Taylor. Mr. Alex. Hardy will not attend the University this year, but will teach at Grosse Isle. Mr. Palmer, an Agricultural College student, has taken Mr. Shuler's place m the high school. H. P. Glover has returned from Boston and announees that his daughter, Mrs. Brooks, is much better. Miss May Soule of Ann Arbor is assistant preceptress and Miss Lillie Crawford teacher ia the model primary at the Normal. 0. A. Shaw's mustangs are again in disgrace through having distributed their master'sgroceries along the street, and tipping over a lady's carriage, and frightening folks generally. The funeral of Mrs. Wm, Deubel, sr., took place from her lato residence Sunday p. m., Doctor Wm. McCorkle of Detroit officiating. A large number of friends from Ann Arbor were in attendance. Hilan. A moonlight picnic at Wiley Dexter's Wednesday evening. Everybody is going because they like to go to Wiley's. Milan high school commences Monday greatly to the joy of the scholars, who feel that the vacation has been lengthy enough. School meeting was called Monday eveaing with a small attendance. The indifference manifested by the patrons in this particular school district is without parallel. The union services were held at the M. E. church Sunday evening. The audience waa greatly interested in the fine sermón delivered by Rev. J. H. Huntington. Editor Smith of the Milan Leader has written some interesting letters about the wet water inour fine northers lakes, and the beautiful scenery. The editor and wife returned home the first of last week. Milton Clark had a narrow escape Wednesday from losing his right arm, but owing to the alertness of Mr. Acker he carne off with three badly bruised fingers. His hand caught in the planer at the stave factory at Hayden's. Drs. Maclean of Detroit, Yale of Deerfield, and Messic of Milan were called to attend Louis Earle who was fatally shot AVednesday. Everything that human skill could do was done, but of no avail as the patiënt breathed his last Thursday morning. Died Aug. 29, at Milan, Louis J. Earle of Manchester aged 15 years. The remains were taken to Manchester for interment. He leaves a large circle of friends to mourn his loss. Desceased resided with an aunt, Mrs. Milo Bane, since his mother's death which occured five years ago. Chelsea. Rev. and Mrs. T. Holmss returned last Friday from an almost three weeks' absence visiting friends in Kalamazoo and Battle Creek. Five new gasoline lamps now shed their cheerful light on the west side of Main-st between the railroad and Middle-st. Considerable enlightenment for Chelsea. The premium list of the Chelsea fair has just been issued by the Chelsea Standard office. If pluck and push will win success, Emmert Í3 sure to have it. A number of our citizens who keep their eyes and ears open, witnessed the occultation of Júpiter by the moon Tuesday evening. The planet this place, at 35 minutes past eight o'clock, standard time. Rev. J. H. Mclntosh has completed two years of acceptable and successful labor with the M. E. church at this place. He ia now absent, attending the conference at Bay City. His return to this field of labor is confidently expected. The uew and commodious Babcock block, supposed to be the finest store room in the county, is now compleied and has been leased for a term of years to D. D. Durgy of Homer, who will open with a general stock of goods about the last week of this month. Geo. H. Kempf, of the late firm of Kempf & Schenk, has put a stock of dry goods, carpets, boots and shoes and furniture into the room formerly occnpied by C. H. Kempf & Son with furniture. His formerpartner.W. P. Schenk, has opened a new store of clothing and boots and shoes in the Durand & Hatch block. Competition is the life of trade. Saline. Miss Carrie Wheeler opened her school in the Sutherland district Monday. Miss May Gregory returned Saturday to Hülsdale, where she is attending school. Miss Laura Brooks returned to her home in Buffalo, N. Y., Friday last, after a two weeks' visit here. Mr. Víctor Sturms has been suffering from a se veré attack, caused by the temporary loss of his wheel. ArtherBrown was in town last Friday examining thepretty schoolma'ams and otherwise enjoying himself. Owing to repairs in the M. E. church this week the Sunday evening services will be held at the Presbyterian church. The Misses Wilcox of Detroit, who have been visiting the fatnily of Eden Buckman, returned home last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Shephard and Miss Lucretia Gillett will soon start for California to join their brother and sister and settle there permanently.


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