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OCK 25 ('E.M COM'X.V. Adveitisements, such as To Rent, For Sale, and Wants, not exceeding three Unes, can be iüserted three weeks for 25 cent. WAKTED. "POSITION WANTED.- By lady stenoRrapher, JT typewriter, and rapid long hand writer. Will accept any clerical work. Address Box 1433, City. 70 WANTED- Girl for general housework; no boarders. Inqaire at 41 S. 4th-st. 69 ANTED.- An apprentice wanted at the Millinery store of Airs. X. L. Munyon. 16 East Washingtön-st. Germán glrl preferred. Vf ANTED- By a lady of experienceasltnatlon TT as matron or cook in society house. Inquire at thi3 oflice. 69_ TITAN WANTED to work in an orange grove this ' 11 winter. Apply to W. L. Dorr, 20 Maynard-t. 68 TT7 ANTED- Furnished rooms ; a sitting room TV with two Bleeping rooms attached. Any one havfng Buch rooms to rent. will please address a card stating terms to W., 25 S. Divisionst., Ann Arbor. 68_ WANTED.- An Intelligent and energetic young nan, twenty years old or over, to take a good pajlng position as traveling agent Person of experienee preferred. Cali upon or address S. Register office. WANTED- A boy who wishes to learn shorthand and type-writing and pay hls tuition by doing office work. He can have a permanent position as soon as competent. A good chance lor the rlght boy. Enquire of 8. A. Moran, Register Office. ANTED.- To do chores for room or board, by student, willing to work. Understands care of horses. References. Stephenson. this office. 70 WANTED.- Party desires to secure fine unfurcished rooms, or half a house. Address F. at Register office. 70_ FOR SALE. "pOlt SALE- Genuine Perry Cart, good condiX tion, S25.00; coLt Í75.0O. Liddell, West MUler Ave. FOR SALE OR RENT TO RESPONSIBLE PART1ES.- House centrally located. Will be rented partly furnished if desired. Heated by f urnace, hot and cold water throughoutthe building. Enquire 56 E. Washington-st. UOR SALE OR EXCHANGE.- Fine suburban " reeidence. with about slx acres of land, large barn, good water. Variety of fruit. 69 M. A. SM1TH, 42, N. Pontiae-st. FOR SALE or trade for small farm, a new house and lot. Inquire on premises, 19 Cemetery-st. ZOAL STOVES FOR SALE, CHEAP- Two good J second hand parlor coal stoves with pipe and zinc. Enquire of L. D. Wlnes, No. 94 S. State-st. 70_ FOR SALE- Stoves, dishes, furniture, etc, etc Suitable for student's room or boarding house . 8 Thompson-st. 69 ' FOR 82 1-3 acres. One of the finest farms in Allegan Co.,withn the fruit belt of Mich., with good buildings, which cost half the price asked ; all kinds of fruit, two miles from corperation limit of Allegan, the county seat Price, $45 per acre. Address P. O. Box 680. Allegan, Mich. 71_ FÜR SALE- Knabe Plano, in good condition. Also some gas fixtures. hall lantern and center and side flxtures. No. 9 Monroe-st. 09 HORSE FOR SALE-Inquire of D. F. AUmendlnger, at the Allmendinger Piano and Organ Co.'s Office. 68_ FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE- House and Lot. beautifully located on Jefferson-st., Battle Creek, Mich. Will exchange for Ann Arbor property worth $180j. R. C. Reeve, Dexter, Mich. 68 FOR SALE- A new modern house with furnace. gas, etc. Price half down, balance on time. Inquire of S. D. Allen, No. SO Washingtonbt 68_ ÍpOR SALE - Modern House, with furnace, centrally located. For particulare cali at No. 11 Maynardst. FOR SALE- Building lots, fronting west side Mminst; extra view; sizesto suit; long time for payment8. J. D. Duncan, 76 Miller-ave. FOR SALE- 15-acre fruit farm, fine buildings, cholee young peach orchard in bearing, good apple orchard, also pears. grapes and berrie. Sofl excellent. Situated one mlle south of University, just outside of city limits. If more land is desired wlll sell U]4 acres adjolning. Will exchange for city property, or farm well located. B. E. Nichols. 65 tf HORSES FOR SALE.- T wo Wilkes Colts, one Mentor Colt, and two brood Mares. L. P. Hall. 69_ FOR REKT. FOR RENT.- A new six room house with good cellar and cistern. Apply flrst houBesouthof the Observator?. FOR RKNT- Bam, 44 Washington-st. Iniiuire on premises. 69 TO RENT- Unfurnished rooms, No. 7 BoweryBt. 69_ A GOOD PIANO for rent orsale, cheap. Enquïre A at 5 Mill-st„ Fifth ward. 68 FOR RENT- Three rooms fully furnished for housekeeping, near the Univeraity. Suitable for man and wife. No. 5 N. Uniyersity-ave. 68 FOR RENT- A suite of rooms in the Hamilton Block, suitable for light housekeeping. Apply to A. W. Hamilton, Cor. of Huron and Fourth-sts. 68_ FOR RENT- Several Houses in eood repair, in central part of the city. Yearly rent from 8130 to $350. Enquire of J. Q. A. Sessions, Atty. and Real Estáte Agt., No. N. 5 Main St. TpOR KENT.- Medium Sized House in good reF pair and location. Enquire of A. Moore, 14 N. Thayer St. 69_ MISCEH,AMi:OIJM. DETROIT Common Stock Brick, Pressed and Moulded. For sale by the thousand, or by the million byjohn Moran. Shippinepoint, corner of Main and Madison-st, at Mr. Justs' lumber yard. Brick delivered to any part of the City on short notice. Residence 24 East Madison-st 70 FOÜND. - A new pair of ladies shoes on Broadway, lower town. Owner can have same by calling at Nickel's MeatMarket, proving property and paying for this notice. 68 LO'TOOLE has taken the management of the Singer Mfg. Co.'s business at Ann Arbor. Office in Opera House bloek. ' i 69 EOR lessons on the (Juitar cali on or address Irma C. Wilton, No, 30 Gtjddes ave. Saturdays are reserved for the accommodatlon of studente ■ - 71 IHAVE a large tract of land in Alpena Co , Mich., that I wbnld Hke to exchange for a ; ood house and lot in Ann Arbor. These lands elong to an estáte; can give good ütle. S. S. Blitz. , . ■. , , . t 68BRICK STORE and dwelling at Vermontvillo, Eaton Co.,to exchange fOT Ann Arbor propery. Address D. A, Pray, Wtiltmore Lake. 68. BRING YOUR MAGAZINES TOTHE ■ ' ' II FIRST CLASS WORK ' AND PRIOBS VERY LOW. SITTREDG3 85 MOP.AN.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register