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Miss Nan Babbitt is visiting in New York State Normal students number about 600 and still they come. ; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hunt of Yankton, Dakota, are visiting friends here. Miss Belle Donaldson of Detroit is visiting her friend Mrs. Nella Yerkes. Prof. Estabrook, president of Olivet ollege, made Ypsilanti friends a short visit Monday. Mrs. Place and family have gone to ïlkhart, Ind., to open a millinery and azaar house. Mrs. Cari Glein, nee Miss Mollie Basett, and baby have arrived from Alliance, Ohio, to visit the old home in Ypilanti. Mrs. E. M. Daniels, a fashionable niilliner of Hillsdale, has opened a millinery store in the old bazaarette store on Huron-st. S. S. Babcock of Detroit, treasurer of the State Board oí Education, has been looking things up generally at the Normal this week. Some of the students say that the free text books at the Normal are sort of notable for the " exceptions " which are not a bit free. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Williams are back from Selina, Ks., and are getting ready to make some Michigan town their home. No more wild west for them. Hon. Samuel Post has decided to break up housekeeping, and board either here or in Detroit. We cannot well afford to lose such genial people as Mr. and Mrs. Post altogether from our city, and trust they will remain with us. A. F. Burbank'8 house was entered by burglars Saturday night, who evidently expected to make a big " flnd," as Mr. B. had been making collections during the day; but this gentleman was wise enough to deposit his money before coming home, so the thieves got away with Mr. B.'s pants and a few papers, valuable to himself only. Saline. Rev. W. E. Caldwell is home from Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Mason spent Sunday in Plymouth. Miss Minnie Ruckman is visiting relatives at Hillsdale. Mr.' and Mrs. Milton Clarke were Saline visitois Sunday. Fred. Sturm went to Monroe last Friday for a short visit. Mrs. Wm. Larzelere is home from her recent visit at Clinton and Chelsea Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Mason hav moved, into C. Webb's house, and Mr. W. boards with them. Miss Ardie Clarke of Ann Arbor has been makii.g quite an extended yisit with Saline friends. Miss Mattie McKinnon was quite sick the flrst of the week; Miss Rena Simmons taught in her place. The entertainment by Mr. Hill at the opera hall last Friday evening was not a "blooming success," and very few were present. Our new principal, Mr. Hendershot, it seems ia a preacheras well as teacher; he occuped the Baptist pulpit last Sunday morning. A number of our young people enjoyed themeelves at Sand Lake a day or two this week, and report a very pleasant time, as usual. The peach social at the Presbyterian parsonage Tuesday evening was a very pleasant afifair and was well attended ; it was given by the Pres. Y. P. S. C. E. Milán. Henry Whitehead is visiting Jfriends in Howell. The agricultural works are closed for a short time. Miss Grace Wilson'has returned from Niágara Falls. Born, Sept. 6, to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wisdom, a son. Born, Sept. 8, to Mr. and Mr. Alfred Putman, a son. Milán school enrolled an extra large number of pupils Monday. Mrs. Pyle and daughter returned from thereast the last of the week. Wm. Whaley is doing a large business at his eider mili this year. Mr. and Mrs. T. Leonard leave for Williamston the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs.Otto Bennett of Ann Arbor visited Milan friends the first of the week. Died, Monday, of cholera infantum, infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Vercetians. A lawn fete under the auspices of the Baptist Aid Society Saturday evening at Mrs. Blakesley's. B. F. Thomas died Monday after a severe illness. The funeral services were held at the M. E. church Tuesday morning, Eev. Bartram officiating. Mrs. Harmon Allen died Friday after a short illness. Mrs. Allen was a member of the M. E. Church and had lived in Milán many years. The funeral services were held at the M. E. church Sunday. Webster. Mrs. O. W. McColl of Nashville is the guestíof R. McColl and family. Rev. Mr. Adams of Dexter accompanied Rev. G. Lincoln in the pulpit last Sunday. A concert conducted by Mr. Pixley of Grand Rapids was held Wednesday evening in the Congregational church. The Y. P. S. C. E. will hold an ice creana social Friday evening, the 20th, at the residence of Geo. Phelps. The social was postponed one week on accout of death in our midst. Died, Sunday, the 8th, at her home aged 30, Mrs. William Parsons, daughter of Reuben Queal. Born and brought up in Webster, she was much respected by all. Her death is mourned by al! circles of society. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon.


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