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Another Horror

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BLOWN TO ATOMS. Antwehp, Sept. 7.- A terrible explosión of dynumite occurred in the cartridge factory here Fridav by which 130 persons were killed and 500 injured. The explosión ocourred in a workshop where old cartridges vera being taken to pieces. Men and women were aetively at work breakIng them up, and 25,000, ÜUO had been jartially broken when the explosión occurred. The factory was situated behind tha docks, upon which millions of cartridges ■were being loaded. It was adjucent to the petroieum Btores, and two larie Bussian wareliouses, containing S),OÚO barrels of oil, were set on fire and are now burning. Other stores are endangered. The Eourse, which is in the immediate Ticinity, was also set on fire by the burnlng fragraents. The loss will be many million francs. It will be impossible to extinguish the flames in less than twenty-four hours. Several veseels have been burned. üwing to the intense heat the liremen are unable to approach the liames nearer than 100 yards. Pólice, gendarmes and troops are assistIng in the work of extlnguishing the flames, while prioBts and Sisters of Charity are caring for the injured. The city is enveloped In dense smoke. The fire is still raging and now cover two acres. The flames shoot up to an inense height Amid the roar of the flamei there Is a c ntinuous succession of loud reports, supposed to be from the ignition and explosión of packets of cartridges. Beyond the Iïuasian tanks and Hobel's shsds there are numerous houses burning. Tha Bhipping at the África and American docks Is in dangor. The scènes at the hospitals are heartrending. King Leopold has sent a telegram expressing sympathy and asking for particulars. The people are incensed at tha deputation permanente for allowing work to continue in the cartridge f actory. Antweep, Sept 9.- The tire whichstarted In the cartridge factory on Friday has at last been extinguished. Several more corpses have been found and the numberof dead willcertainly reach 'JOU. King Leopold and the Cabinet Ministers yesterday visited the ho3pitals where the sufferers by the ftre are being cared for. Th arrest of M. Corvillan, the proprietor ol the cartridge factory, has been ordered. Many persons passed the night in the open air, dreading to remain in their homes owing to the explosiona of petroleum which occurred at intervals until Sunday morning. The village of Austruwell, in the suburbs, inhabited by artisans, was completely destioyed for hundreds of yards, and in its vicinity not a building escaped damage. AU parts of this city show more or lean damage, and portions have the appearance of having been bombardea. Antwebp, Sept. 10. - Many of the oldeat Windows of the cathedral hre were deBtroyed by the explosions of Saturday. The bodies of numerous victima were recovered frora the ruina of the cartridge factory Monday. Many others were blown to atoms and only portions of their apparel can be tound. Among these were five English visitors.


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Ann Arbor Register