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I I- 1 t t I k t F. J. Schlede is moving to his store on, Suta-st; . ;f:i :■'." . .--.uí'. .'. JudgeXinneris holdiog court at Monroe1 this ,week. . . ,. -, ,-■■ Tbe new drop-amess for tbe fijre department 'teáin baVárriVeS. l'rof. B. E. Kicüols favored The Register with fine basket of pearB Saturday. Next Wednesday wilb be 'children's day at the county faje. Childrea admitted free. Thé front ot .1. T.'.íabTFCo's; cloth-ing store' Vas r'e'cèiv'èd ' a fresh coat of "mm El' a M. HéëeX te tWfcity is to bé married next wr ek to Alex W. Rogers oF Ionia. ' ' '; The oounty fair and the Detroit exposif next week will make liely times for l.;'1, bnr pi?ople, for ererybody wants to attenj, both. u I ;.: ] li. The Mills Bros. exhibited their fine herd of Holstein cattle at the state fair this week. The large bnck addition to the Michigan Furniture Co. building is now completed. Wm. Geer has been appointed supervisor of Superior, vice George Crippen, resigned. The choir of Bethlehem church went to Freedom and took part in the mission services Sunday. Christian Bauer and Miss Caroline Gast of Northfield were mrried byFr. Goldrick on Saturday. The S. of V. excursión to Toledo yesterday was not a very great success, only about 100 people going. Miss Lena L. Maloney of Fountain-6t gave a birthday party to a number of friends Tuesday evening. Rev. A. F. Bourns occupied the pulpit at the Methodist church Sunday, Dr. Studley being at conference. John Bucholz and William Gwinner have tbeir trial before Justice Pond today for assaulting John Stoll. The Electric World of Aug. 31 has a splendid descriptivo article on the physicál laboratory of the University. A large planer and several lathes have been received this week for the mechanical departnjent of the University. Thé ordinance requiring licenaes to be paid for conducting several kinds of business in this city takes effect this week. Goodspeed & Sons are overhanling the inside of their lurnishing goods store, ma'kift'g'a number of neoded improvements. A. P. Fergusoo is making an exhibit of his road carts at the state fair at Lansing and the tri -state fair at Toledo this week. The fire alarm Saturday eveniug was cáüsed by a burnine chlmney at the residence ot Mr?. M. Shë'weraft on North-st. :JI :1 ' ■ 'i- 'I 'i i ) " i 1 Th.ere.are 112tutlents entered in the medical departme.nt.up to date, there beit(g Q7 on fhe correspondipg date last year. . , , n ,,;--,; :. ; : - . The Detroit Presbyteíj wiH be' held in Ann Arbor Sept. 25. Also a convention óf the youngpeople's societibs of this Presbyteryj '1 timn : . ( The "Ladies Aid Society ;of,the' M. E, Chbröh Wilí give a social and tëa ' party at 1 thé church parlors this évening. Tea ser ved at frSOï ' ; The Dayton Alq and Beef Co. bas been organizad at Datyon, 0 , Wa,lter S., Hickc, of this city being vice-president aod one of the directofS; . 3 . Detroit capitalista are talking seriously of connecting'Ann Arbor and.Ypsilanti by an électric street railroad. If built the storage syttem will be used. ■ ,"ii 'r- -1 Mrt - ■ Th Art Cub elected the füjlowiog offioers Tuasday: H. Randall, president; ■ Mr. W. S, Perry, vice-president; Mis .: Jennie Fisher, secre(aryrtreasurer. n The cóurity clerk has récieved copies of tbe annual report óf the Superintendent óf Public Idstruction-whlch he will1 distribúte to 'várlóús townshiüS in the county! If.-I ;i ■ ■■ '. . 'i'' ■ )l ' .. Wines Jl Worden rsecured the'oontract Monday for..caTpeting the new.D. K. B. society hcMse f:om oellar to gwret. Theiy carne in competition with Detroit and Cbicage, firms; .,,,-- Thé cou'nty fair promises to'be i grand sucèéss. ' In thè stock depirtment 'will be. shcwh sonre of the finest cattle in the etste, over 30 head coming direot from'' the etaté fafr, ' The diifereoce in numbers'sbown by tfye. school census of Ypsilanti and' Ann Arbor bIiows the relative 'sizes o{ the twó cities. Anti Arbdr has tï.OÖG chitdren, whil'e Ypsilantihai)onlyÜ50." ' : ' Francia Rooneyof the ; fifth ward died on Friday of consumption, aged 53 years, Deceased was an old soldier, and the governmenti attend ta big tuneral expenses.. The funeral was held Sunday. 'Mayor Beakes, Alderman Miller and W. W. Watts went tó Toledo ltót Friday to look öv'erthe ëlectric street railway in thaf city.; They'foundit very satigfactory aqÖ a great itnproveaiëDt over horee-tíars. Two former Ann Arborite were united in mrriagO in different partB of the state Tueeday. Wm. A. Hatch was mwried at Jackson, :and A, D. Beumer of Detroit made a St. Clir young lady hip bride. Jas. B. Dühcan on Miller-ave has an apple tree, called the Alexánder, which mea8üres sfx feet around the trüirik and is 34 fèét in heie;bt. One of its appïes this eeasóh méasures l2J inches in cirdumference. ■ '' ' ' . i ■■!! i . i . - rftin - m i i ■ Ososr Sohmid, who is tra,veling with hi parents in Europe, wroite a letter tQ E. K. Frueaufif from the top ot the Kiffel tower in Paris, ïhiQb. was, received thia week. He says that it took two hours to ascend the tower. . ,,' ' ; , . ." , The Mgular montWy meeting of the Business Men's Assouiation will be held in the council chambïr next Tuesdayievenmg t 8 o'elock. A lare attendance is desired. as arrangejmepts a,re to be made to entertain the delégales to the Aperican Concre-ss. ,who will visit this citv next , , , , . , .. . , , , in The rertiains -of Thomas W.Hooper were brought to this city Monday, from Detroit, where be died on the pjevious day iof liver complaint. Tlie deceaaed was 47 year old, wm born in this city and hved here unlil b dozen yearg ago. The servioes were held at the oemetery ' day mornipg. , : The pntriesin the different departments of the Unitérsity np to noon yesterday are as foltows : pharmacy, l;law,16; medical, 112; dental, 27; homccopathic, 7. These figures show an increae over last year, and it is expectéd that thë attendatice Will number nearly 2,000 this year. The il E.i Conference, which has been in session at Bay, City tbis weeli, adoptec a report favoripg theerection of auild hal intfiis city for the Wesleyan .gvifd, The plan of worfe is to raiae $32,000 smong the Methodists.of the state, for this pur pose, apd it will, O9t'be loog beforp Ann Arbor will, be opamantéd by aiothe ,handSQnm building. Last week F. L. Parker let the job of railding a neir tar walk in front of the iroperty occupied by Richards' wood ■ard, and was sorry soon afterwards that ie didn't do the job bimself. When the workmen tore up the old walk they found considerable amount of money underneath, a $20 gold piece and eome silver money. This made it a profitable job for hem. The practico of jumping on moving rains at the Michigan Central depot by oung boys, should be stopped before omebody is killed. Hardly a train arives but a half dozen small boys may be een clinging to it. If the city authorities cannot put a stop to this, the station agent hould arm himself with a horsewhip and each thesa boys a lesson. It may save he lives of some of them. Work has begun on the new T. & A. A. lepot and a large forcé of men are rushing he work as fast as possible. The plans how a large and tasty exterior and a roomy and convenient interior. The building will e frame, but the interior arrangement will ie similar to the Michigan Central It will e heated by steam and supplied with all modern conveniences. The building ia to e ready for ocoupancy within 60 days. The probate court was occupied Tueslay in the final hearing on the petition of Smory Snell, to declare bis father, Richard Snell, insano. The room was ciowded withwitnes8es, friends and neighbors from Whitmore Lake, where the 8nells live. After tne judge had listened to the testimony,some of which proved some peculiar raits in the old gentleman's character, he lenied the petilion. The following appointments for churches n this vicinity were made by the M.E. conerence this week: T. J. Joslin, Adrián, preiding eider; W. S. Studley, Ann Arbor; '. H. Mclntosh, Chelsea; R. L. Cope, Dexer; AI. T. Seeley, Dixboro; J. C. Morgan, )undee; W. B. Pope, Manchester and Sharon; W. H. Bartram, Milan; D. K. Yocum, Saline ; James Venning, Ypsilanti; i. D. Robinson, Whitmore Lake and Hamburg; Samuel Bird, Salem and Northfield. On Monday deputy sheriff Schall went o Ypsilanti and arrested George Fleming, a cigar-maker of that place. Fleming s wanted at Mt. Vernon, O., for a burs;ary committed there last spring. He has een working at Chelsea and Ypsilanti for several months past. Sheriff Hilton of áonroe county took the prisoner to Monroe Tuesday noon, and he will be taken from there to Ohio as soon as the necessary requisition papers can be obtained. Justice Butts is mad. He went out to lick some peaches in his orchard Monday nomine and when he carne to gather them up, be found that somebody had come into hei orchard and stolen two half-bushel (askets iulj of the finest peaches. What ade him ruad was that he had to piek he peache for the thieveg. The next motning when he went out to piek he ook his wagon, along and placed the base'ts 'm the wagon, ju soon as they wEre .fitlqd. j ,. .'. ..' ' ' t i OnFridaythe Ypsilanti Savings Bank began suit in the circuit court to recover om two notes giïen by Re.v. Samuel Barp and endorsed by Miss Rebeosa Henriques. The notes ara fot; $'4,500 aad $4,000, respcetively. i i Th9 case wJH b contested by Miss Henriques , . on the ground that the .nfles endored; by her were. givea without consid,eratipnj as fhey were; gif en to takq up two Botes pf similar anjoupts en-, .dorsed by M?a. , Prof. Morris,, and these ñotfis w.ere. qty gi yen up by thé ïanjs. ' Prof. and :Mrs, M. E. Oóoley retumed lome the látter part of last "fereék and buöd that visitors hadealled during their ' absence. The furtiitur'e in the house was upside down, bureau dragers opeöèd and the content scattered 'about the (rooms. An inveütory was taken and it was found that numerous artioles . were missing,' among them being a pair oí opera glasses, a small clook, a couple of pipes, the pro:8sorT8 fine shing tackle, and what made rtim feel the worst, a box of imported ci=;ars. It is thought the burglary was ' mittedion Monday or Tuesday night of ast week. ir. Cooley threateng to take Lhe house with him the next time he leaves the city. , ( :When the regents meet to décidé upon the location of the new hoppital, Sept. 17,' they will receive a most liberal proposition from Mrs. Israel Hall offering to dónate ten acres of land for a site for the building. The ground is a ightly place, ten feelhigher than the campus, and situated only fi ve blocke from the soutli-east corner of the campus. The land lies south of E. B. Hall's property and eást of the fair grounds. It bas a (roatage pf 1,300 feet pn Millenave, with an equal amouut on a proposed avenue "ivhich will be oponed if the offer is accepted.. On the eóuth is , Wells st, i and on the north is Hubbard st, the tract béing. súrrounded by streets so that the entire tract between these streots will ba owned' by the university author íúéi. Thie site will present many advantagesto the,' regents and it is more than likely that it, will be chosen. The proposed street rail-' way will rui, wilhin one block of the grounds. "


Old News
Ann Arbor Register