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Fkom Washington.

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CAPITAL NOTES. Washington-, Sept 13. -The following is Commissioner Tanner'e le tter oí' resignation and President Harrison's reply Uiereto: "Department of the Interior. Bubeau of Pensions, Washington, D. Q, September 1, 18S9.- Jo ihi President: The diflerences which exist between the Secretary ot the Interior and myself as lo me plicy to be pursued in the administration of the Pension Bureau have reachíd a stage which threatens to embarrass you to an ejttent which I íeel I should not cali üpon you tó "suffer, and aa the investigatlon into the affairs oí the ureau has been completed, and t am assured, both by yourselí and by the Secretary ofthe Interior, contain no reflectíon on my integrity as an individual or a's an offlcer, I herewith place my resignatlon In your hands, to take effect at your pleasure, to the end that you máy be relie'ved oí any further embarrassment In ihb matter. Very respectfully yours, 'James Tonner,. Commissioner," "ExecütíVe Mansión, WaÏiiinöton, September 13 -Ilon. Janus Tanner, o Pensions: Daar Sir-Your letter tenderIng your resignation of the office of Commissloner of Pensions has been received, and your resignation is aceepted to take effeot On tho appolntment and qualifloation of your guc cessor. - "Ido not think it necessáry ín I spondence to aiscuss the causes which have I led to the present attitude of affairs in the ' Pension Office. You have been kindly and fully adv1Sed oí my views upon most oí these .-"itmv. - - - - 'Zlftüsr, .o me pleasure to add that so far ás I am advised your honesty has not at any time been called ia question, and I beg to renew the expression of my personal good will. Very truly yours, Benjamin Hahrison.' Corporal Tanner is undecided as to whp, ■ he will do. The reports about hi havtjj been tendered various áppointmeñts a$tiié hands of the Administraron are without authority or fact No trade -wás enterad into for the purpose of irnlUeihg Mr, Tanner to retire from office and uo uompromises were made. Washington Hept, 14.- The Ohio State Eepublican Association serenaded Senator Shennan at hls residence here Friday night A large and enthusiastio crowd of Ohioans and citizens, numbering perhaps 2,500, gathered in front of the Senator's house. After an introduction by Congressman Grosvenor, who in behalf of his friends congratulated the Senator on his safe return from Europe, Senator Sherman, itanding on his front door steps, made a Btirring speech. Washington, Sept 10.- A statement prepared at the Treasury Department shows that the total amount of bonds purohased to date since August 3, 1887, is $199,253,8001, of which 8,478,250 were 4 per cents and 118,775,556 were 4% per cents. The cost of these bonds was $231,538,:0(. Washington, Sept 17.- The Postofflce Department has Í6sued advertisements for printing postage stamps. The number called for will be about 2,000,000,000. The usual coBt of printing these is about 9185,. 000 ayear. including paper and gumming. The new two-cent stamps are to be either brown or carmine.


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