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Swept by theTlde of Popnlarity To the utmost pinnacle of success, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters stands a shining proof of what genuine merit, backed by the living force of proven facts, can attain. The North and South American colonie8, Europe, Australia, the West Indies, Guatemala and Mexico have all contributed wide patronage and testimony of the most favorable kind - but unsolicited - to swell the reputation ot' this sterling remedy. Atmng the maladies for which the moet convincing public and professional testimony proves that it is a benign curative are chills and fever, bilious remittent, dumb agae and ague cake, dyspepsia, liver complaint, nervousness, debility, kidney and bladder complaints. It mitigates the infirmitiesi of age, hastens convalescence has a tendency to prevent ill onsequences from exposure and exhaustion. Persons of sedentary habits and laborious occupations wilt find it an ever useful tonic. Miss May Metcalf haa been appointed official stenographer for theMadisDncounty, Ind., judicial circuit. THE RBV. GEO. H. THAYER, of Bourbon, Ind., says: "Both myself and wife owe our lives to SHILOH'S CONSÜMPTION CURE." Sold by Eberbacb & Son. _ Mr8. E. S. Richie, near Hatboro, Pa., has a rosebush of the 'Sven Sisters" vanety containing 1,600 buds and roses. A Lady In South Carolina Wrltes: My labor was shorter and less painful than on two former occasions; physicians astonished; I thank you for " Mothers' Friend." It is worth its weight in gold. Address the BradSeld Reg. Co., Atlanta Ga., for parliculars. Sold by all druggists. __________ A small town near Morgantown, W Va., has an ecsentrie woman who wears a different colored wig each day in the week. SHILOH'S COUGH and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. I cures consumption. Sold by Eberbach & SOD. ____ Chirles S imner once said of Clara Bar tor:[She has the talent of a statesman, the command of a general, and ths heart am hand of a woman. A Great Surprise Is in store for all who use Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, the great guaranteed remedy. Would you believe that it is sold on its merits and that any druggist is authorized by the proprietor of this wonderful remedy to give you a sample bottle free ? It never fp.ilg to cure acute or chornic coughs. All druggists sell Kemp's Balsam. Large Bottles 50 cents and $1. A temporary lone - The grass widow. SHILOH'S CURE will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. Sold by Eberbach & Son. Bird seed - Eggs. HORSE AILMENTS. j Neponset, 111., jgfefer--. Hy mare caught jjyiS cold; result: swelled f+2lXr: jflimbs; lumpbetween Bi'! ,9j fore-legs and inflamjjÊÊÊS ' V mation. Cu red her 'M Mfii I wlth St. Jacobs Oil. '"IJ- L' ' GAUDNER'fiT ' " HP My horse was hurt 10 months; was curedby St. Jacobs Oil; cura hu remained permanent. V. J. CLINE. JOS. CAIRN SIMPSON, Esq., Sec. PaclBc Coast Blood-Horsa Association, sa y : "Being familiar witli the remarkabie efficacy of St. Jacobs Oil, I cbeerfullr and heartily indoru thli raluable specifio for palnful ailments." Hon. ODEN BOWIE, Ex-GoTernor of MryUnd. Jockey Club, Prest. City Pass. Kallway Co., layi: "In my family and my stablesl have used St Jacobs OU with satisfactory resulta, and belleve It the best remedy for the palnful alimenta of man and beast." At Drpgoists and Dialers. THE CHARLES . VOGELER CO., Baitlmon. Iti. "CHICAGO TRUSS." rNew Spiral Sprinu Trust , Hard Rubber Pad; Clean, Durable, Cheap. Approved oy the higheat Medical Au.hority. Worn day and night oy an Infant a week old or au Adult 80 yeare. Ewsily adjwted. It meets all forrnt of Scrotal.Fermoral, Inguinal and T'mbilical Hernia, in both Infants and Adults. Satisfaction guárante e i in all cases. Any desirable pressure obtained. II your araggist does not keep this Truss, enclose Btamps ana address, i'cAeso tri;ss ro., hi.M-.i. III. OFFICE AND FITTINO BOOM, 122 E. Randolph St, T. Y. KAYNE, Manager. Sold by Ann Arbor Druggists. LOOSE'S EXTRACT EED fLOVER DLOSSOM fl. ' TSAOE MABK IT CTJBSS Canean, Humors, Sores, Ulcers, Swellingr, Tumors, Absceues, Blood Poisoning, Salt Rheum, Catarrh. Bryaipelas, Rheumatism, and all Blood and Skin Diseases. Pkicb, $1 per Pint Bottle, or 6 Bottles for fü. 1 Ib. can 8olid Extract $3.50 p J. M. LOO8E BED CLOVER CO.. Detroit, Mich. Soll ly Eberbach A Son. filie nDrDiH"nnii-InPhl!'"lv1" I !iL2L lülüítisingAttency of Messrs. N. W.AYER A8ON. our authorlzed agenta If any dealer says lie lias ttie W. ïi. Douffla Shoes without name and price itamped on the bottoni, put liim down aë a fraua. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHvC CENTLEMEN. Beat in the world. Examine hls S5.00 GENUINE HAND-SKWED SHOE. S4.00 HAN1)-SEWKI WELT SHOE. S3.5O POI.ICK ANO FARMERS' SHOE. S2.5O KXTKA VALUK CAI-F SHOE. ■.'5 WOKKINGMAN'S SHOE. 82.0O and SI. 75 BOYS' SCHOOL SHOESi All made iu Cocress, Button and Lace. W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE lafdTe8. Beat Material. Best Style. Best Fitting. IÍ not sold by your dealer, wrlte W. L. DOUGLAS. BKOCKTON. MASS. Examine W. I.. DoiicIhs 83.00 Shoe for gentlemen and IikIIpm. WM. REINHARDT &, CO., 42 8. Mll STREET, Ann Arl.or. HUMPHREYS' ÏETERIHAfiï SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, AND POULTET. 500 Pago Book on Treatment af Animal and C'hart Sent Free. COTUB j Fever. Congestiona, Inflammatfon A.A. - Spinal Meningitis, Milk Ferer. 11. B.- Strain, I.nnniKHH, Rhcuniatism. C.C.--Ditemper, Nasal üischames. D.D.--Bat8Or Grnbs, Worms. K. K...f'oiiiih, Ilriivo, Pneumonía F.F.- Colicor Gripes, Bellyache. G.G.--Miscarriaffe Hpmorrhaires II. 1 'rinnry and Kidnpy Oiseasea. I.I.-ErnptiTe Diseases, Alanse. .1 . K -IlinpaNP of OiifPstion. Stable Case, wlth Speoiflos, Manual, Wltch Hazel OU and Medlcator, S7.00 Price, Single Bottle (over 50 doses), . .60 Sold by DruRgists; or Sent Frepald aziywhers and ín any quantity on Receipt oi Price. Humphreys' Med. Co., 109 Fulton St., H. Y. P?S H0ME0PATEIC fl f gSPEGIFICNo.fiO Ise3ears. TheonJysncceasfnl remedjfor Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prostratioo, from orer-work or otber csuhl tl per vial.or 6 víais and l&rge vial powder, for 5. 8OLDBïI)RUöGl8T8, orflentpoatpaidonrocoiptol price.- Uaphrej' ffledlcln. Co. 100 FulU Bu, JÚ ï. gftjpriELD'S Fl FEMÓLE. „REGULATOR VVENSTRUATION OK MONTHiy BICKNESS t TWIN OUR1HG CHANGE Of UfE - 6RLM BKHCt.RtoSUfFtRNGIILLHEMuU)LQ OOK TO"WOMAN'Ky BRADFIELDREBUUTORCO. RTLANTAGA. SOLO ÊVALLORUGGISTS. vueí ?:- ■■ ■ Macnmeq SC. . i [Rli No C&üb Pjntint- or Bottlemen of nny ƒ1 i... ; ■:,,: ..I tLÜtmr a f ' C ÜTICCA0TÍIDV TCOT Wacliltiory and Toot3 ml Suaranteed (o maks Wells KI ap.yjhore, ijl i and ac the rato of 3 ft. to every 2 ft. SI by any other c.achine , or no sale. Êfil THE BESTIaBlway3 lij I THE CHEAPEST. il I yXyjySen for Catalogue. USW" Empire Well Auger Co., i- u a ra . y ""■"■l min ii ril MnA ■Bohmw rs. I ■ I I IJ Ml l_ V ÈMÊL bUnIMtT IMITATED, büt" NEVER EQUALLED, FOK II i: A I I M. Jwellisj 8, Public Suildirs, .burches &c. 'Thk Gdrnky Hot Water System Is safe, cleanly. readily mauavcd, esinblislies a uniionn, agreeable and whuleaome heat, and is far superior n these memioned particulars to any other mode of House-heating witb whleh I am flrtjainted." A. BROOKS, M. l) . Chicago. !enl for IIoh bei to lital om Homes. GURNEY HOT WATER HEATERCO., Boston, iiaaêt 4ES Ei-timateK furuhed by WeMlerii FlumMiiü atul Ilat nr Co.. llrou. lih kBOrerlOO grom sold by one dTugrUtTTheyÊ ■ hiTi no eqaml for cnrinpl)iiilnet, HeadschV , ■ Coiti venes, M-iari, larer Complaint, PcTerft ■nd Agüe, Indigestión, Bckache, and all B ■ Urn and Stomach troubtea. They NTer ■ ■Fail. Sold by all dnigfdati and country store ■keeptra. Sellen Co., ivp', FUUbargh, Pa 'B


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