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" STOP.'" Nüliirf Has n ure. Eaton Rápida, Mich. J. M. Loóse Red Clover Co., Detroit :- Two years I was 8ÍUicted with a very serere attack of eryaipelas. Aiter two phyeicians had used tbeir treatment eeveral weekg and I continued growing blind, and in their diagnosis concluded that there wasj no earthly help or hope for me, I gave up, having tried all the remedies I knew or heard of. Mv nieghbor Mr. Mi - ler carne in to see me ene day and said, try Loose's Extract of Red Olover, as he had known of its working remarkable cures. I toldhim 1 had lost hope, that nothins; would do me aoy good in tbis world. He insisted, nd taking hia hat went to the drug store and bought one bottle and urged me to try it, wbich 1 did. Ten days afterwarda I sent for two more bottles, and it was wonderiul how I improved. I continued using it and to-day I am better than I have been in years. No sign of rysipelas has showed itself and I heartily Tecommend it to suffering humanity as the greatest and best blood purifier in existence. Yourt truly, Hekrt Makvin. For sale by Eberbach & Son. An insurance policy - To bore you till jou take it. 'The druDkard swills alcohol. Wise men ■use Samaritan Nervine, the king of all remedies. Druggists eell it. At dawn of womanhood, or in the hangeoflife Simaritan Nervine ia the ladies' friend. AH druggist, $1.50. Cured nsy sister. I went to the Lord in prayer and through kind providence was directed to you. Elmon J. McIntire, Millbury Station, Mass. The potter's 6eld - Cerámica. WHY WILL YOU cough when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cis., 50 et?., and $1. Ssld by .Eberbach & Son. Behind the b'arg - The tails. Advlce to Motbers. Mrs. Wicslow'g Soothing Syrup ghould always be used for children teething. It 'hes the child, softens the gum?, allays -sil pain, cures wind colic, and is the best 'remedf for diarrhcea. Twenty-flve cents fcottle. CATARRH CURED, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catorrh Reme■dy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. fiold by Eberbaeh & Son. Adam's all - The woman. DoTouWlsta To regain your health if you are all broicen down and suffering from nerrous prostration? I will teil you what cured me after suffering for months. I used two bottles of Sulpher Bitters and now I am a well man. C. Sttles, Bookkeeper, Can■ton. _____. The court reporter - lier small brother. THAT HACKING COUCH can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Sold by Eberbach


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