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Short But Newsy Tteim.

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At Bay City recently Joseph Hughes was genteneed to five years in Jackson prison for the larceny of $400 froiu Dr. Chester Cary, oí Colunibia. Charles A. Rockafellow, of Elmer, Oscoda County, has fodder oom that stands six feet 6ix inches high, with leaves five and a hall inches wide. Charles Sohmldler, a Detroit machinist, ras discharged frora the car-shops and took to drinking-. He went home recently, found a revolver in his sister's bedroom, and put abullet throngh his head, dylng in ten miiiu'n. Nelson Pfándert, of MiisVnon, got so mad recently at his relative, a man named Tibbitts, that he bit oiï most of his nose. Marshall' grist mili at Imlay City was burglarized the other night. The robbers shattered the outer safe door with sives, but got do f urtlur. and sucoeeded In getting only about $00. Tha body of John Peterson, of Gladstone, ■on of the county treasurer, was recovered the other day uear Península point The deceased was lost last January while skating ou the lake. Maggie Hiebark, wlio Uves in Auburn township, Bay County, did not want to live in disgrace, so she took Paris green recently and would probubly die. Manistee has secured the Bethlehem Home knittlBg works of Milwaukee. The works were purchased by Fred Reynold and will be reincorporated under Michigan laws with a capital of $50,000. It ia the fourth factory started there within a ysar and will eraploy seventy-five hands. John Miller, of Vassar, aged ninety-flve years, died the other day. He was a soldier ot 1812. Peter Morris was ridlng down State ■traat in Grand Iiaplds the other day when hls horse became frightened at a streetcar. throwing Morrii ut and killing hlm instantly. The other afternoon J. V. Andrewg, lumber inspector of the firui of Humphrey Andrews, was drowned in one of tha slips at Wllson's ïmll in Muskegon. Coldwater has a lot of bad boys whohave been fooling with powder and doing other bad thing that are 6tgn-poats jon the way to the penitentlary. Keports frora Big Bapids say that .Musksgon river is a foot lower than the lowest ever known, and fears were entertained that many millions of feet of logs would be "hung up." Mrg. W. B. Swan, tha wife of a wellknown farmer of Sheridan, wasfounddasd in bed the other morning. She was about siity years old and had been troubled witb. heart dlseaso. O. O. Williams, professor of Latiu at Hillsdale College, died of catarrhal fever the other morning. He was but twenty-sia years of age. The Bark Rivet Store Company, doing a ganeral inerchandise business at Bark Blver, assienad recently for the benefit of ita creditord. Uabilities, $4,."00; assets the same. Burg-lars took about $100 froin the store of Beals ,t Maxwell at Grand Ulano the other niglit. Cornelius Defouw, an early settler aged eighty-six years, died at Holland recently in consequeuee of terrible abus-3 by two burglara about a .rear ago. One oí them washisown grnnilson. Both aro now ia btatij irison. There seems to be a fatality in the name of Johnstown. New York as well aa Pennsylvania must hereafter connect the name with disaster. The soldiers at the United States forts are hereafter to utilize their idle time breeding and rearing flsh for the United States flsh commission. This ij a step upward from blacking officers' boots. Governor Fitzhugh Lee, who is so courteous to women and who rides horseback so handsoruely, is to be president of the Lexington, Va., Military instituto when his term is out in 1890 The cork heimet, such as is worn in tropical countries, is the lightest and most comfortable head coveriug for men in hot weather. But where is the man who is strong minded enough to wear it? Herr Johann Most, the fiery hearted, fiery haired Anarchjgt leader of New York, changed the day for a great réunión of lus followers from Sunday to Saturday recently. The reason was that beer could not be sold at the meeting on Sunday. The essential connection between beer and anarchy Herr Most can probably explain better than anybody else However her numbers may climb into the millions, Chicago can never be a first class city till she purifies the Chicago river, which, in the shape of a Y, lies stagnant within her borders. A Tribune reporter who went recently to interview the foul body of water declares that the stench along its banks is thick enough to be used as a foundation stone, even in Chicago.


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Ann Arbor Register