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TI ti Cavalry Rennion. At a conference of the members of th's regiment at Detroit on the 24th inst., it was decided to hold the reunión of the regiment in the Cspitol builJine; at Lansing, on Tue8day,the 22 1 ot Ootober next. Other state papers piease copy. J. Q. A. Sessions, S ;c. Chenp IliiiKsl Kxcursioiis Will be run via the Wabash line to points in Kansas, Nebra=kn, Oklahom, Dikots, Colorado, Arknnsus and Texas, and all parts ot the West, on Augus', 6 and 20, September 10 and 2-t, and October 8, 1889. Rate, one fare for round trip. For particulars pply or write to P. E. Dombough, passenger and ticket sgent, 308 MadisonBt, Toledo, O. 70. UUR 5 CF.ST (Ol,ll. Adveitisements, such as To Rent, For Sale, and Wants, not exceeding three lines, can be inserted three weeks lor 25 cent. WAMKD. WANTED- Girls for general housework. luquire 13 S. State-st.. opposite Campas. 7ü 750SITI0N WANTED.-By lady stenoRrapher. typewrlter. and rapld loug hand writer. Will accept any clerical work. Address Box 1433, City. 70 WANTED.- An apprentice wanted at the Mil linery store of Wrs. F. L. Munyon. lfi Kust WashingtOD-st. Germán girl preferred. 71 WANTED.- An Intelligent and encrgetic young iran, twenty years old or over,to take a good paying position as travelingr agent. Person of experieuce preftrred. Cali upon or address S. Registkb office. WANTED- A boy who wishes to learn shorthand and type-wtitingand pay hls tuition by doing office work. He ean have a permanent 'position as soon as competent. A good chance for the right boy. Lnquire of S. A. Moran, Rküisteb Office. 71 ANTED.- To do chores for room or board, by student, willing towork. Understands care of hoists. References. Stephenson, this office. 70 WANTED.- Party desires to secure flve unfurnished rooms, or half a house. Address F. at Registkb office. 72_ FOR SALE. FOR SALE- Railroad tickets to Portland. Oregon and return, good till Jan. Ist, 1890. To El Paso, Texas, and remin . These tickets roay be had at a very low rate. Address 3., Register office. IOR SALE, VERY CHEAP - A nice family 1 horse. Enquire at No. 6 E. Huion-st. T FOR SALE- A fine brick residence, one of the best in the city. Excellent location. Price reasonable, Inquire of 8.. Register office. 70tf FOR 8ALE - Krueger's PhotORraphic Stock, Furniiure and Fixtures. Everythingftrst class and nearly new, including about 1310 negatives. Cali and examine property, M. C. Peterson, Receiver. 71 FOR SALE, CHEAP-House and Lot. Huuse, new ; 6 rooms besides hall and pantry ; well, eistcrn and cellar. Will be sold cheap. Small piiyment down. Inquire opposite 69 Miller Ave. , Anti Arbor, Mich. 71 HOCSE AND LOT FOR SALE, CHEAP- Three blocks from Cor. Main and Washington sts. Price, f 1,100; easy terms. Cali at 48a Main st, 71_ FOR SALE -At the Register Office, Signs. such as "Rooms,'' "For Rent," "Boarding," "Dress-Making," "Notary Public," etc, etc. FOK SALE -Genuine Perry Cart, good coudition, 825.00; coa (f,5.00. Liddell, West Miller Ave. 70 FOR SALE OR EEST TO RESPONSIBLE l'ARTÍEá.- House centrally located. Will be rented parlly furuished ïf desired. Heated by larnace, hot and cold water throughoutthe building. Enquire 56 E. VVashingtou-st. 71 FOR 82 1-3 acres. One of the finest farms in Allegan Co., within the fruit belt of Mich., with good buildings, which cost half the prlce asked; all kinds of fruit, two mile from eorperation limit of Allegan, the county seat. Price, Ï45 per acre. Addiess P. O. Box 080. Allegan, Mich. 71 !ƒ OK SALE -Building lots, fronting west side JJ Mannst; extra view; sizes to suit; long time forpaymeuts. J. D. Duncan,76Millerave. PO FOR SALE- 15 aire fruit farm, fine buildings, cholee ïouug peach orchard lu hearing, good apple orchard, also pears. rapes and berries. Soil excellent. Siiuated one mile south of University, ju-t outside of city limits. If more land Is desired will sell Wi acres adjoining. Wiil exchange for city property, or farm well located B. K. Nlehols. 65tf FOR KENT. IfOR RENT - Furnished and uufurnished rooms. Inquire at No. 7 Ann-st. 71 FOR RENT.- A new six room house with (jood cellar and cistern. Applyfirst house south of the Observatory. FOR RENT- Several Houses in good repair, in central part of the city. Yearly rent from 5130 to 13 0. Enquire of J. Q. A. Sessious, Atty. and Real Estáte Agt., No. N. 5 Main St. HISCEL,L,ASEOt7N. IOST- Pair gold-bowed spectacles somewhere J on Detroit-st, near M. C. Depot. Finder picase return to Reoister office. Ti DR. A. C. NICHOL9 will be out oí town from Oct. 7th to the 20th. 7 PROF. 8TORMFELS, 62 S. Main-st. Formerly of Conservatory of Music, Aibion, Mich. Teacher of Violin, Viola, 'Cello, etc. Special class lor ladies and children. 71 IOST- A small dark red Theatrical Date Boot ; J O. H. Hasslemin on cover. Left on the writlngdesk at postoffice. Monday, Sept. 16. Of no use to anyone except owner. PÍease return to manager ot Oppra House. Joe. Oppenheimer, Agt. Leavitf8 Minstrela. 71_ "POUND- üandkerchief wlth deep lace border. J Cali at Reoister Office. 71 CALL on Miss Dora Helle for Dress-Making Neatly done and reasouable priceB. No. 8 Hamilton Blk. 71 DETRJlTCommon Stock Brick, Pressed and Moulded. For sale by the thousand.or by tbe million byJohn Miran. Shippingpoint, comer of Main and Madison-st, at Mr. Justs' luraber yard. Bliek delivered to any part of the Cily on short notice. Residence 24 East Madison-st. 70 FOR lesaons on the Guitar cali on or addrefs Irma C. Wilson, No. 30 Geddes ave. Saturdays are reserved for the accommodation oí studeats 71 MRS. E. A. HOYT, HAS KOW A COMPLETE LI.VE Oí Fall Millinery Goods All Ladies are cordially invited to cali before purchasing elsewhere. NO. 7 ANN ST., ANN ARBOB. Salesmen Wanted To solieil for our wcll-known Nursery. Good waRes paid weekly, hteady eraployment. All tock guaranteed true to name. Our speclalty is íardy stoik for the North and Northwest. Writo br terms before territory taken, síaling ajfe. CHASE BFiOTUEKS' COMPANY, Chicago. 111. 7ü


Old News
Ann Arbor Register