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Swept by ttaeTide of Popularlty To the utmost pinnacle of sucoess, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters stands a shining proof of what germine merit, backod by the living f"rce of proven facts, can attain. The North and South American colonies, Europe, Australia, the West Indies, Guatemala and Mexico have all contributed wide patronage and testimony of the most favorable kind- hut un&olicited - to awell the reputation of this sterling remedy. Am ng the maladies for which the most conv ncing public and professional testimony proves that it is a benign curative are ohills and fever, bilious remittent, durob ague and ague cake, dyspepsia, liver complaint, nervousneas, debility, kidney and bladder complaints. It mitigates the infirmities of age, hastens convalescence has a tendenoy to prevent ill cansequences from exposure and exhaustion. Persons of gedentary habits and Iaboriou9 occupations will find it an ever useful A rather expensive oddity is a match box, a reproduction of a boxing glove. Tortoise shell bands, thickly set with garnets, form inexpensive, though attractïve, braclets. She T ried and Knows. A leading chemist of New York says : " No piasters of such merit as the Ath-lo-pho-ros Piasters haveever before been produced." They are a novelty beeause they are not made simply to sell cheap, they are the best that science, skill and raoney can produce, and will do what ia claimed for them. For sprains, sienes, weakness, lameness, etc., they are unequaled. 404 Fulton St„ Sanáusky.O., Nov. 21. '87. The Athlophoros Piaster acted liko maffia It is tbe best I ever trit-d and I have uBtd many kinds. Our dmiiKist said " piasters are all about the same " bnt I don't think 80 now. I sprained niy arm and shuulder in July, and it has twen painf ui since, but it does not pain me at all now. Mre. Willis Magiu Sena t cents for the beautiful eolored picture, "Mooriib Maiden." THEATHLOPHOROSCO. 112 WallSt N. ï. BUSINESS CAROS. ALEX. W. HAMILTON Attorney at Law. Wlll practlce in both State and United StaUü Courts. Office Booms, one and two, lst floor ol the new brick block, corner of Huron and Fourth Btreets, Ann Arbor, Michigan. (i K. WILLIAMS, Attorney at l.nn . Hilan, Micli. Money loaned for outeide parties. AU lega] business given prompt attention. QET O.E. GODPHEY TO IO TOUK DRATING, Freight work, Furniture and Piano moving, or anything else that you need done. He has all the latest appliances, largest drays and best force of men. Resldcuce, 46 . 4th-st. Teleptaone 82 WM. W. NICHOLS, DENTAL PARLORS over Savings Bank opposite Oourt House Square. Teeth extracted without pain by use of Gas or Vitalized Air. Louis :_p. hall, -pF.NTTRT OFFICE Over Sheehan's Book Store, South. State Street HOURS : 9 to 12 A. M., and 2 to 5 P. M. WM. BIGGS. Contractor 1 Mier And all kimln of work In connectlon il li tne aboyé proniptly execaten. Shop Cor. of Church-st and University ave. Telephone 9 ; P. O. Box 1243. oztsr Gr. H. WILD BEFORE PLACING YOUR ORDER FOR A Fine Dress Suit! If you want a Nice Suit, the latest Style, see G. H. WILD, THE TAILOR. . 3 Washington St. BOBBY & SEABQLT ÏSTOS. S -A.JSTX) 8 Washington Street, Ann Arbo; , Michigan. Have al ways on hand a complete Stock of evei I thinginth GROCERY LINE! Teas, Coffees and Sugars All prime Articles bought for Cuta and can se 1 atlow figures. Our frequent large Invoioes C! Teas ie a sure sign that we give bargaiua in QTJALITY AND PRIOE. We roast our own coffees every week, alwayi fresh and good. Our bakery turns out the ver; best of Bread, Cacea and cracsers. Cali aiece ns. áffc, PENNYROYAL WAFERS 5 Aro siK'cessfully nscd mnthly by over lO.tXX! R.Laiii'. Are Safe, Kji'crtual and Fleasant. Hl K-íer box by mail. or at drugglsts. Sealed ParJr J ticultirê 2 postiiïre stamps. Address Y THE KlliKKA (HKMICAL COMIMVV. % Fiaher Block, 11 Woodward ave Detroit, Mich. HtTTTö DABIID mayTio fmindonnie atov JLHX9 JTilJrJjJXi p. Rowell&Co'sNowspapi! AdTertl8lnKBureaa(10SprnceSt.).wherendvertlIna toatncu (aar be made (or It irv MLfV ÏOBJk


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