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John Thompson and Andrew Anderson, minera at Champion, foug-ht with picks recently and Anderson was t'atally wounded. The post-ottice at Orion was robbed by thieves the other night. They captured about twenty-üve dollars in cash and several hundred dollars' worth of stamps. John Mullane shot himself fataliy at Bay City the other afternoon. He was a sailor and left a paper saying he wa3 tired of life. JohnHatcher, a Detroitmarkotgardener, was thrown from his wa?on the other af ternoon. He grot up and walked across the Street to a doctor's office where he died in twenty minutos. West Bay City capitalists have bougnt three hundred acres of land on Saginaw bay, and propose to make one of the flnest summer resorts on Lake Huron. Many of the Ironwood iron mines are to be liehted with electricity. Iradore liruyea, of Montrose township, Genesee County, lost two large barna with their content tha other erenlng. Loss, $2,300; insuiedfor $1,300. Cause, threshing engine. WllUam Johns, oï' Hanover, lost his entire wheat erop a few daya ao by flro, which h saya was gtarted by so:no one who does not like him flrHt rato. The Ironton Hotel, belon'fing' to the Pina Lake Iron Company, was burned the other morntng with al ■ uts. Kallraoyor Broa, a wholosale and retail jeweliy house of Detroit that had apparently been doinj a larjfe business, closeel lts doors the other day, and lts proprietora were said to be in Canada. Hon. O. S. Sinith, of the last Legislature, who becarae insana (lurinsr the session. Is now at tho Northern Asyluin aud growins? much wo: At Big Rápida recently the JoIid Boom Furniture Corapany asiigned with üabilities oí $8,000 and asseta of 8 y"00. Tüe roller-milis at Readln ware burne-d the other nlght, and so rapid was the progresa of the flames that oaly Ihe books were saved. Loss, $10,000. l'our head of cattle were stolen trom Mr. Loudsfarm at Osooda reosntly, drtven to Eaet Tawas and sold to 8am Anker. The thieves won: rciiorted eaught. Qeorge lïeechcr, of .Marshall, was convlcted recently of felonious assault and will Btay at Jacksou tor the uext twelve years. A i 'inr at Nesraunee named Henry Carlson hanged hiinself ín a barn thore the other niht. He was bound to die, as his Ceel were on the Hoor and he had to lean forward to effeot strangulation. Oscoda liad a novel sight recently when & man natned Martin was burlad. The principal mourner wa his wife, of courae, butsho was ai tended by her husbaud, a9 she had married another man without being divorced from Martin. A Holiand man this summer irathered seventeen bushels of pears trom one tree, the fruit for one dollar a busheL Ear ged sixteen ycars, was inBtantly kill od in the ele vator of the Seventh Day Adventlt Publishing House at Battle Creek recently. He had only been at work a day or tv Dr. E. E. Fast, of Buchauan, cuthls throat wlth a razor recently. It was thought he was under tho influence of opium, as he was addicted to the use of the drug-. Bert Gibson, who ran away two years ago with $4,)ü of the Península Furnlture Com. pany's money, hasreturnedfrom California under the escort of Sheiin Ribson. He waa brakiug on a Southarn Pacido train and was quito surprised at his arrest


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Ann Arbor Register