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As apprehended in The Register last week, the result of the accident to Prcf. B. E. Nichols proved fatal and he died at 3:20 last Thursday alternoon, without returning to consciousness after the accident. Drs. Smith and Morton performed the operatioc of trephinicg the .kul), but without avail. A jury was sutnmoned by Coroner Clark and a verdict of accidental death rendered in accordance with the facts. The funeral services were held at the house at ten o'clock Sunday moruing, and at the Unitarian church an hour later. The church was crowded, not more than one fourth of those wishing to be present being able to gain admission. The floral offerings were numerous and handsome, the genool children and teachers being profuse in their tributes to the deceased. R?v. Sutiderland preached the sermón. The School Board acted as escort of honor, and the teachers in the schools attended in a body. The pall-bearere were Prois. Perry, Pattengill, Pettee, Chute and Green, and Judge Harriman. The remains were interred in Foret-t Hill cemetery. RESOLUTIONS Ot THE TEACHERS. At a general meetina; of the teachers held Satuiday, September 8, the fjllowing resolutions were adopted: memorial. "Called to mourn the loss of a eherished frlencj and lellow teacher, in the untimely death of Mr. Benjamin E. Nichols, instructor in the High School, and special teacher in the lower grades of ihe city scuouls, we desire hereby to pay a Drief, but heanlelt tribute to the inemory of one so destrving of our love and esteem. "As an associate. Mr. Nichols has always shown hims. 11 the unwayering frieno, tnu helpful counselor, and the uenial companion, His Iriendship was something almost unique in its ireedom from every appaient trace of ttli consdousness and sell-exalutiun. AU tl e impulses of h!s soul seemed 10 üeof thal bruad and uenerous pattern that marks thegtnuine christian gentleman. The phi.osophy thttt held sway over his eonduct of life, seemingly lilted him lar away from the petty jealousies and troubles that fco olten belittle both individuáis and society. It is doubtful, If in his long service oí twenty-seven yearsas a teacher, he was ever known to exhibit a seli seeking spirit, or was ever heard to express an ungenerous thought, so kindly his heart, so equable his temperament' "auu yet he was a man of extraordinary resolution and euergy. Nothins; of duty was too hard or dimcult lor him to undertake, and he seldom stopped thoit of his highest aims. Hts uormal cqndition was one of work. He believed him-elf, with every olher human soul, to be in this world for accuniplishiu,} soniething worthy of his powers. "lt was this in part certainly, that made him the brigbt, forcible, successt'ul "teacher that he was. To become a perlrct workman in hls field of teaching, he was indefatigable. No pupil of his lailed t'i get clear ideas of his subject, or toestablibh sirong foundation principies, from the lack of lucid aud loaieal preseLtation by the teacher. "Moreover, he was the genuine teacher, in that he held all branche of Mudy, all school processes, arts and eflbrts subordínate to a higher eud- the formation of character. The growih under his hand, oí a cbaracier undetiled, tinweighted be vicious habits, and searchinu out alter the better virtures, was, as many of us can testify, oue of his uhief delights. And to realize such a purpose, no service was for him tjo arduuus or too prolonged. "He was a man of duty rather than of pleasure. Orraiher the perlormanee of duty, was to Mm tlie mot genuine pleasure, aud made his face radieut with happiness. "As a body oi teachers we shall greatly miss his cheerful couuteuanre, his inspiriug presence. his noble exampie. He has manifestly goue to a great reward. "As the moulding influenceof his ideas and his labors, exerted for more than a quarter of a century, will long cununue its beniflcient work in shaping the character of our schools, so we may well pray that his deep devotion to duty, his high ideáis oí his work as a teacher, the biucerity of hl life, and the goodness of his heart may long abide in our memories, as a stimulus to a higher success in our work than could possibly be attained without their presenee. "Our heart go out in great sympathy for the stricken wiie and children in their sad afüction, though we reaiize that only the luving Father, who doeth all things well, can give that consolatiou and support needed in such au hour. "


Old News
Ann Arbor Register