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OIIR 25 CEAT CIHVMS. Adveitisemenfc, Biich as To Rent, For Rale, and Wants, not exceeding three Unes, can be inserted three weeks ior 25 cents. WA.MED. C" IRL.- Wanted at No. 6 Bowery-st. 73 "ANTED. - Girl for Store. Iuquire at 48 S: State-st. Opposile Campus. 72 WANTED.- By student, a place to work for board, or room, or both. Addrets H., Regíster office. 7S WANTED.- Good Etrong boy to learn the upholstering trade. Cal] at Koen & Heune's. WANTED- Girls for general housework. In quire 4S 8. State-st.. opposite Campus. 11 WANTED.- An apprentice wanted at the Millinery store of Mrs. K. L. Munyon. 16 East Washington-st. Germán glrl preferred. 71 WANTED- A boy who wishes to leam shorthand and type-writingand pay hls tultlon by doing office work. He can have a permanent posltioii as soon as competent. A good chance for the right boy. Enqulre of S. A. Moran, Reiji.ster Office. 71 WANTED.- Party desires to secure five unfui nished rooms, or half a house. Address F. at Register office. 72 FOK KALE. ÍT'OR SALE.- Heavy and durable home made flannels for blankets and underwear, at the Woolen Mili, 5th ward. Also clotn and yarua nd heavy hosiery ior gentlemen, ladies and Chlldren. H. Storms. 73 FOR SALE.- Heavy Mare, chestnut color, perfectly geutle, 6 years old. Cow and Heittr Jersey grade. Emil Baur, West Huron-st. 73 I7OR SALE- Kailroad tickets to Portland, Orer Kon and return, good lili Jan. Ut, 1890. To El Paso. Texa?. and reiuin. These tickets may be had at a very low rate. Address S., Register office. FOR SALE, VERY CHEAP - A nice family horse. Euquire at No. 6 E. Huron-st. 72 " FOR 8ALE- A fine brick residence, one of the best in the city. Excellent loeation. Price rcasonable, Inquire of S., Register office. 70tf ÏfOR SALE - Krueger's Photograpbic Stock, Furniiure and Fixtures. Everylhingfirst class ard nearly new, lncluding about 1300 negatives Cali and examine property, M. C. Peterson, Receiver. 71 FOR SALE, CHEAP-House and Lot. House, new ; 6 rooms besides hall and pautry well cistern and cellar. Will be sold cneap. Small payment down. Inquire opposite 69 Miller A ve. , Anu Arbor, Mich . 71 HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE, CHEAP- Three blocks from Cor. Main and Washington sts. Price, 81,100; easy terms. Cali at 48 S Main st. 71 FOR SALE- At the Register Office, Signs such as Rooms," "For Rent," "Boardiug," "Dress-Making," "Notary Public," etc, etc. ÍfOR SALE OR RENT TO RESPONSIBLE PA RTIK-i.- House centrally located. Will be rented partly furuistied ïf desired. Heated bj furnace, hot and cold water throughoutthe building. Enquire 56 E. Washington-st. 71 T?OR 82 1-3 acres. One of the finest r larms in Allegan Co., witbin the fruit belt of Mich., with good buildings, which eost half the price asked; all kinds of fruit, two mile from corperation limit of Allegan, the county seat. Priee, 815 per acre. Addiess P. O. Box 1580. Allegan, Mich. 71 li'OR SALE- Building lots, ïronting west side Ij Mann-f-t; extra view; sizes to suit; long time for payments. J. D. Duncan, 763tiller-ave. f0 ÍpOR SALE- 15 acre fruit farm, fine buildings, cholee young peach orchard in beariug. goot apple orchard, also pears. grapes and berrie. Soil excellent. Situated one mlle south of University, jut outside of city limits. If more land is desired will êell Vl] acrei adjoining. Wiil ex change for city property, or farm weil located B. E. Nichols. 6")tf FOR REKT. rpVO PIANOS TO RENT. - Enquire at 22 S -L Divi&ion-st. 73 'T O' RENT. -House and Barn 41 Madison st t Mrs. B. E.Niehols T3 TO RENT.-A Piano. 23 N. Dniversity Ave. 73_ FOR RENT - Furnished and uufumished rooms. Inquire at No. 7 Ann-st. 71 FOR RENT.- A new six room house with good cellar and cistern. Apply flrst house South o; the Observatory. FOR RENT- Several Houses in good repair, in central part of the city. Yearly rent from Í130 to 13 0. Enquire of J. Q. A. Sessious, Atty. and Real Estáte Agt., No. N. 5 Main 8t. FOK RENT.- Story and a half dwelling, pleasantly located just out of the Corporation, Ï5 per month. J. D. Baldwin. 73 FOR RENT.- A suite of rooms in the Hamilton block suitable for light house keepiiiK. Apply to A. W. Hamillon, corner of Huron and Fourth streets. 73 SIISCELLAKEOIJN. HARDWOOD LUMBER FOR 8ALE. - Dry White Ash and Black Ash, Red Oak. Cherry, Walnut, Basswood and White Wood lumber. Saline, J Sturm. 74 FOUND.- Self Winding hose reel. Found on campus. Owner can get by calling at 27 North University-ave, and paying for this " ad." 73 LOST.- On the ball ground of the University Campus, memorandum book containing flfteen dollars, belonging to II. Ñ. Goddard. The flnder wlU be suitably rewarded. N. W. Cheever. 73_ LOST- Pair gold-bowed spectaeles somewhere on Detroit-st., near M. C. Depot. Finder please return to Register office. 72 DR. A. C. NICHOLS will be out of town from Pet. 7th to the 20th. 72 PROF. 8TORMFELS, 62 S. Main-st. Formerly of Conservalory of Music. Aibion, Mich Teacher of Violin, Viola, 'Cello, etc. Special class lor ladics and children. 71 '■ LOST- A small dark red Theatrical Date Book ; O. H. Uasslemin on cover. Left on the wriöngdesk at postoffice. Monday, Sept. 16. Of no use to anyone except owner. Please return to manager of Opera House. Joe. Oppenheimer Agt. Leavitfs Minstrels. 71 "ÜOUND- Handkerchief with decp lace border. J Cali at Register Office. 71 CALL on Miss Dora Helle for Dress-Making Neatly done and reasonable pi ices. No 8 Umilton Bik. 71 FOR lessons on the Guitar cali on or address Irma C. Wilson, No. 30 Geddes ave. Saturdays are reserved for the accommodation oí studenü 71 MRS. E. A. HOYT, HAS NOW A COMPLF.TK LINE OK Fall Millinery Goods 11 Ladies are cordially invited to cali before purehasing elsewhere. NO. 7 ANN ST., ANN ARBOR. Salesmen Wanted To solicil for our well-known Nursery. Good rages pald weekly, Meady employmeDt. All tock guaranteed true to name. Our tpeclalty is lardy stock for the North bdJ Northwest. Writc or terms before territory taken, stailne are CHASE BROTHERS' COMPANY, Chicago. UI. 76


Old News
Ann Arbor Register