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GOAL! We are receiving about one Hundred Cars of All SÍZ63 Of LEHI KOAL, From the Pennsylvania R. R. & Coal Oo., oíd and CELE2EATED LES II! NE. Before Purchasing Cali and inspect the KOAL AT S. WOOD & CO.'S LUMBER OFFICE, or at GEORGE MOORE'S GROOERY STORE, S. STATE ST., or at YARDS, located on T. & A. A. TRACK, near D. HISCOCKS. .MAKT IX CLARK is uur anttaorized Agent for Hu city. HISCOCK & WOOD. Messrs. Hiscock & wST' 0W' 7' Ann Arhor, Mich. Gentlemen :- We hereby give you the exclusive sale of our Oíd Lee Anthracite Coal at Ann Axbor. This coal is mined by the Susquehanna Coal Co., and owned by the Pennsylvania Railway Co. All the coal we have shipped you this teason was the genuine Oíd Lee Coal. Yours respectfully, S. J. Pattereon, Agt. of the P. R. Co Ann Arbor Fmit Farm Berry Plants, Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Pears and Grapevines a Specialty. öyrups and Home-Made Wines. Syrup of Raspberry ; Bartlett Pear Syrup, Bone sett, Dandelion and Raspberry WineB and Shruba for Liver and Kidny troubles; Sweet Red Concord and Martha White Wines, especlally prepared lor Invalids. Order Trees and Planto early, as we get most of them from the best Nurseriec east E. BAI7R. West Hurón 8U INSURANCE, REAL ESTÁTE AND LOAN AGENCY OF A. W. HAMILTON Ornees, No. 1 and 2, First Floor, Hamilton Blook. Parties desirins: to buy or Bell Real Estáte wlll Bud it to thelr advantage to cali on me. I represent the followlng flret-elass Flre Insurance CÓmpañíes, havlng an aggregate capital of oveí Ttae rand Rápida Flre Ins. E., The Oblo Farmer'o Ins. '., (iniinrea only I 1. The Merman l'lre Ins. '., The Concordia Flre Ins. '., The Cttizens' Fire Ins. '., The Wertchester Flre Ins. Co., The Milwaukee JHecnanic's Mutual Fire Ins. Co., The New Hampshire Fire Ins. Co., The Aiuazoii Fire Ins. Co. Ratea Low. Loases llberally adjusted mi Dtomptly pald. I also issue Life and Investment Pollciea Ín thc Conn. Mutual Life Insurance Company. A. teta 555,000,000. Persons deslrlng Accident Insurance, can have yearly PoUciea wrltten fer them or Traveler'a Coupon Insurance Tickets lssued at Low Rates in the Standard Accident Insnrance CompaoT of North America. Money to Loan at Curreni Ratee. Office honra from 8 a. m. to 12. and 2 lo . m. ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Hamilton Block Drunkenness 0r the Liquor Habit, Positively Cured BY AOMINISTERINC DR, HAINES' DOLDEN SKCIFIC. It can be given in a cup al coffee or tea, or in articles of food, without the knowledgeof the person taking it; it is absolutely harmless and wlll effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether thcpatientiaa moderate drinkeroran alcoholio wieck. T NEVE.R FAIL8. WeGUARANTEE a complete rure in evei yinstance. 48 page boot FREE. Afiiliessin con'fldence, GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO., 1 85 Race St.. Cincinnatí, 0 THE WORLD'S BEST Kid Button S2.50 Sfioe Has so equal for Style, Fit and Wear. Posltlvel) tno best eboe ín America for the money. Do not bt oect'ivod. 8ee etamp ca bottom oí eacn shoe. Takt no other. Bvery pair warranted. Btyllsh and eual to any 85 noe In the market. For sale b) J. M. PEEPLES & C0., Chicago. F0H SALE EY DOTY & FEINER, Ann Arbor, Mich. SMersIñdTorse owners HAVE YOU SEEN THE 'BIPIi' PJIESS PIEPERS PlTtNTFn I February 2d, 1886-- 'iPaMiaBiBBBBBBwBwBmiHH W You can repair your own Harness, Halters, Str:ips, &c, without expense or loss of time. It will make a nice clean job. NOSEWING 0R RIVETING! " " --- tools. A common hammer will -o the work. It is the most simple and íandy little device known. Can be applied to any portion of a harness. They are put íp, one gross, assorted sizes, in a tin box, íandy tocarry in the pocket ready for any emergeney. Ask your dealer for them. PRICE ONLY 25c PER GROSS. ror Sale by Harness Makers, Hardware anj General Stores. puffalo Specialty Manufacturing Co. Solé Manufacturera and Patentees. 7-,5 Wasltoftan St. BUFFALO, N.T. FOK SALE 11Y O. K II Tilt. tCB, - ,'3 S.MAJX ST. Ann Arhor, Mlcii.


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