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Tbe Cnptlan Of good Ship Storm King says : For the past five years I have used Sulphur Bitters on board my vessel, and have not lost a man. They are sure preventivo of all comagiou fevers so incident to warm climates. Please sendme at once two dezen bottles, and oblige J. S'arret. Sotne Toronto tirms give the half holiday earlier íd the wc k than Saturday. Are Yon OoinK to travel ? If so you must be very careful of your health or your doctors' bilis will costyou more than yoar travehiii expenses. A bottle ot Sulphur Bitters will protect you from all eickness incident to a change of clinnte.- Evening Telegram. An Oakland (Cal.) company offers Napa farmers 3 cents per pound ïf they will raise cotton. CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by Eberbach & Son. A Swedish butter extractor delivero butters from fresh milk at the rate of 8 pound a minute. A Iady In Sonth Carolina Wrltes: My labor was i-horter and less painful than on two former occasions; physicians astonished; I thank you for " Mothers Friend." It is worth iu weight in gold. Addreso the Bradüeld Reg. Co., Atlanta, Ga., for paniculars. Sold by all druggists. ___________ Paper bottles, it is claimed, are better than glass THEY DD IT. What? Cured among others the followini. Theywrite: 849 CentralAve.. Cincinnati, O., January 4th, ias8. f Atulophoroa PUls have cured me oí liver comiJaint and dyspepsia. I galeien 01 the Pilis to a f riend who is troubled with indiircstion and ho bas improved wonderfully. F. H. RowEKAMP. 16 Eosette St, New Haven. Ct, ! FebruarylOth, 1888. { Athlophoros PUls worked wondere in my case of dyspepBia. Emma L. Olabk. Ath-lo-pho-ros Pilis are small and pleasant to take, yet wonderfully effeotive. Invaluable for kidney and liver complaints, dyspepsia, indigestión, constipation, headache, etc. They'll take away that tired feeling giving new life and strength. 49-Send 6 cents for the beautlful colored picture, " Moorish Maiden." THE ATHLOPHOROS CO. 112 WallSt N. ï. BUSINESS CARDS. ALEX. W. HAMILTON Attorney at I.nw. Will practice Ín boto State and ünlted Bttei Gourts. Office Rooms, one and two, lst floor ot the new brlck block. comer of Hurón and Fourta Streets, Ann Arbor, Michigan. p R. WILLIAMS, A Uornej at !. . Hilan, Micta. Money loaned for outeide parties. All legal business given prompt attention. QET O.E. GODPREY TO DO ÏOVK DBATINO, Frelght work, Furniture and Plano moving, oí anything else that you need done. He has all the latest appliances, largest drays and best forcé oí men. Kesidence, 46 N. 4tii-st. Teleptaone 83 WM. W. NICHOLS. DENTAL PARLORS over Savinga Bank opposite Court House Square. Teeth exlracted without pain by use of Gas or Vitalized Air. Louis p. hall. DENTIST OFFICE Over Sheehan's Book Store, Soutli State Street HOURS : 9 to 12 A. M., and 2 to 6 P. M. WM. BIGGS. Contractor l Mier A iil all hintlM of ork in connectlon wlth the aboye promptly execnted. W Shop Cor. of Church-st and University ave. Telephone 9 P. O. Box 1248. O-A-XjXj OU G. H. WILD BEFORE PLACING YOUR ORDER FOR A Fine Dress Suitl If you want a Nice Suit, the latest Style, see G. H. WILD, THE TAILOR. No. 2 Washington St. BIHS1Y & SlABOLf 3STOS. S -AJETID 8 Washington Street, Ann Arboi , Michigan. Have alw&ye on hand a complete Stock of eveü thingln th? 6R0GERY LINE! Teas, Coffees and Sugan All prime Articles bougkt for C&un and can se 1 atlow flguree. Our frequent large involces 01 Teas Is a sure slgn that we gi ve bargalns In QUALITY AND PRIOB. We toast our own coffees every week, alwaji fresh and good. Our baker; turns out the yerj best of Bread, Cakes and crackers. Cali an? een.


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Ann Arbor Register