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If anydealr aye heïiastbe W. I. Toafi;las Mkm-h witlwut ñamo and price stampea on the bottoju put htm down as a fraud. wTL DOUCLAS $3 SHOE CENTLEMEN. Best in the world. Examine his 85.00 GKNiriNK HAND-SEWED SHOK. 84.00 HAND-SKWKU WELT SHOE. 83.50 PÓLICE AND FARMERS' SHOK. 82.50 KXTKA VALUK CAIF .SHOK. 82.25 WOKKINGMAN'S SHOE. 82.00 and 81.75 BOYS' SCHOOI. SHOKS. All made in Conpjruss, liutlun and Lace. W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE LADRES. Best Material. Best Style. Best Fitting. Il not sold by your dealer, write W. L. DOUGLAS. BKOCKTON. MAS8. Examine V. I DodsUh 82.00 siutp for jfeiitletiien au I 1 'lies. WM. REINHARDT & CO., 43 S. M I STREKT. Ann Arbor. HUMPHREYS' ÏETERIHARY SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hcgs, AND POULTHT. 500 Page Book on Treatment of Animale and (hart Sent Frec. ctrRES j Fovers, Conxefltion. Inflnmmntfoil, A. A. ) Spiniil Meningitis, IVIilk Fever. 11. It.- i rui us. l.nnii'iit'NN, Rheumatism. '. '. - Diwirmper, Nasal Discharges l).li.--lloiMor CirnbN, Worma. E.E.Conghs Ilrnvra. Fnennionia. F.F.- Colic nr . ripi-M. Bellyache. ;.(. - lHinrriaiíi'. Ilemorrhages. II. Urinary and Kidnry Oiseases. I. I.--F.rnpiivp Dispases, Itlange. J.K- Discases of Digestión. Stable Case, wlth Specifica, Manual, Wltch Hazel OU and Medlcator, $7.00 Price, Single Bottle (over 50 doses), . .60 Sold by Drnggists; or Sent Frepaid anyvhera and in any quantity on Receipt oí Price. Humphreys' Med. Co., 109 Fulton St., N. T. W'KM HOMEOPATEIC ff f% Ziim PPniFin k, A K T5n!!aear. The onlï sjeceref ui remedy foc Nervous Debilito, vital Weakness. and Prostratlon, from oyer-work or other oaoMS. SI pervial. or5 vial" and largo vial poier. for (&. 8OU3BT DBUGQI8T8. oraentpostpiiid on receiptot prioe-Uuiiilirjt' Bedldu C, 10 ïults BU, S. ï. ,2 JfADFIELDS , SJL REGULATOR VVENSTRUATION OR MONTHLVBICKNESS t TIVrlEN OVJRVHB CHANSE. Oï Vt' GRtKT.UMtëW8UFfERmBWUteMÏ0IDEn jsooK TO'OMAN'iW BRAOFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA GA. taLQ ir au omsasn. Wen üniluïg Niactiinery SOLD OÍS! TRIAL, ra No Cash Payment- or settlement of any lim kind- until after a IFffl SATISFACXORy TEST. M Maohlnery aai Tools Jf Guaranteod to make Wells m anywhoro, S I and atthe rate of 3 ft. toevory 2 fl. ij I by any other machine , or no sale. Jfll THE BESTlaalwaya THE CHEAPEST. IJ I Empire Well -ucer Co., itmaca v IMITATED, but NEVER EQUALLED, FOR HEATINO Swelliags, Public Building, Churches &c. 'Thk Gornky Hot Watkk System Is safe, clcanly, readily manaved, i-sic blishes a uniform , agreeable and wholesome beat. and ia far superior ín these mentioned particulara to any other mode of House-heating with which I am acqainted." A. BROOKS, M. D., Chicago. Senil for ■' Hu best to litai onr ITomes." GURNEY HOT WATER HEATER CO., Boston, Ma, Kt tim ites furnished by W.surii l' umi II.jiIiilK Co.. Hetroll. Wlch. ■ OTcr lOOrrwnKld by on drnfgbt. Thtrfl ■ hin no oquAl forcurinir Dinioesc, Headftch,V , ■ OoêUreneei, Mlrl, LiTr Complilnt, PnerB Vnd Agüe, Indigestión, Backkcbe, and all M ■Ljrer aod Stomach troablei. They NeTer H MKilil. Sold bj all dragidit md country itonH ■keeper. BIIan A C., ivp's rUUbarfh, ft. 'ft


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