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Examination lor State 'ertilirates Teachers desiriug to be examined ior state certificates, as provided by Section 15, ot the Public Acts of 1889, are informed taai an examination will be held at Lansing, in the Capital building, comniencing at 2 o'clook, p. in., Monday, December 30, af-d continuint? for five days. Perjons desiring to take this examination can asoertain full partieulars by addressing any member of ihe Saté Board of Educa1 ion. JOSEPH ESTABROOK, 8ec'y State Bjard uf Educaticn. Art Students. Tho people who are interested in decorahve art, wi!l be offered an excellent opportunity for cultivating that art this winter, as Mr. H. M. Liwieoce, teacher of designiog at the Detroit Art Academy, intends to organiza a clas here, providing he can get a lurgejenough number interested ia the work; ttiose who wiíh to joia, can get full information and paráculars at Randall's Art 8:ore, 30 E Huron-st, where it is desired they shall.leave their namefl before 6 o'clock Friday eve, Nov. 1. 75 Ol'R 3.1 CENT ('Ol.r.H.V. Adveitisements, such a To Rent, For Sale, and Want, not exceeding thrce Unes, can be inseríed three weeks for 85 eentN. WATED. WANTED- Two furnlíhed rooms withor without board by a professor iu the Uuiverslty. Address Reqistkr Office. 77 WANTED- Girl todo houre-work. No boarders, sniall family. No. 2Packard, 77 WANTED.- Party 50 yearaold desires to secure position to attend furnace. Havo had experience, address, Y. Register office. 75 'OK SA 1.1 . 1?0R SALE-Mortgage. Box 12. 1 75 FOR 8 ALE- Two good coal stoves, at No. 49 N. Main st. 77 WOODRACK FOR SALE.- At Saw Mili, cor. HUI aud Packard-st. 75 IIANO FOR SALE AT A. E A.RGAIN.- Slxty dollars will buy it Going to move away. For informatiou inquire at this office. 75 FOR SALE.- One new four-drawer Singer sewing machine, for Ï12.00. VVarranted for flve years. H. N. Neuhoff, Agent, No. 3 VV. Wash'ngtonet. 75 ÍX)R SALE- Railroad tickets to Portland. Oregon and return, good till Jan. Ist, 1890. To El Paso. Texas, and remin, 'lhese tickets may be had at a very low raU3. Address S., Reoistek offlee. FOR SALE- A fine brick residence. one of the best in the city. Excellent locatinn. l'rice reasonable, Inquire of 8., Register office. 7utf FOR SALE- Building lots. fronting west sitie Manna; extra view; sizes to suit; long time for payments. J. D. Duncan. 76 Millur-ave. W FOR SALE- 15 acre fruit farm. fine buildings, chotee roung peach orebard in bearing. good apple orchard, also pears. grapes and berrle. Soil excellent. Simated one mlle Bnuth of University, jut outslde of city limlts. If more land is deslred will sell 12], acres adjoinlng. WIJ eichange for city propefty, or farm weil located B. E. Nlchols. 65tf FOK KENT. FOR RENT- Modern brii k house containine nine rooms, barn. outbuildings and well; all in good repair. Reut cheap. Enquire at No 12 E. Washington-st. 77 FURNISHED HOUSE.- For rent, the larger portion of a well furnished hou'e. House rent glven for the board of one person aud chilj. Inquire 68 E. Huron St. FOR RjsNT- Several Houses in good repair, in central part of the city. Yearly rent from f130 OÏ3 0. Enquire of J. Q. A. Sessions, Atty. and ieal Estáte Agt., No. N. 5 Main St mimi:i.i.:ms. MISS S. PE-COTT would solleit the patronage of any wishing dress makiog done, at ïer place, 15 S. State-st. 77 DRES3 MAKER- Miss Helen J. Salyer. árctB and c lonk maker, makes a specialty of the enness-Millet Fashiou. Parlors 15 Elizubeth-st., Ano Arbor, Mich. 77 LARTIES wanting first class family cirter. can L address P. O. B"X, No. 1559. Also young pigs or sale. H. K. White & Son. 75_ IOST- Saturday evening. In Adams' Bazaar or J beiween there aud the Argus office, a lady's purse conuining S5. some small chauge and memorandum lrom a dry goods store. Finder vill receive reward by returning to Argus Office 77 O3Ï- A gold brea-tpin with a purple enamel psn-y contalning a diamond in center. Lost uesday between 6? S. Hale-st. and Iluron-st. 'inder please return to 68 S. State tt. aud receive ewrd. 77 LOST.- A male Pug Puppy. The fmdcr will (íreutly oblige owner by returning sime to 33 C. Jefferson-st , and receive liberal reWMrd. 7" L&f:A TH fe 0 A montH can be 3iU 1. V flp l't} made c'ear of exnnses telling a M:w i'liiinii ai. hok we lave just published. Agents rat eting with great uccebs. We furnish explanatory circular I'ree. Addriss O. A. BROWK I NG & CO. Toledo. Ohio. P. S.- A few general sgents wanted on special ommission or guaranteed salary. 80 ang. 21-'S-fm. I


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