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CO AL! We are receivmg about one Hundred Cars of All SÍZ6 3 Of LEHI KOAL, From the Pennsylvania R. R & Coal Co., old and CELESUTZ9 LIS MINE. Before Purchasing Oall and inspect the KOAL AT S.WOOD & CO.'S LÜMBER OFFICE, or at GEORGE MOORE'S GROCERY STORE, S. STATE ST., or at YARDS, located on T. & A. A. TRACK, near D. HISCOCKS. MARTIJ! CLARK Is oiir nuthorizetl Agent lor tliis city. hiscock & wood. insurance, REAL ESTÁTE AND LOAN AGENCY OF A. W. HAMILTON Offices, No. 1 and 2, First Floor, Hamilton Block. Parties desirinf; to buy or oell Real Estáte wi! 1 flnd lt to their adrante to cali on me. I represent the following first-class Flre Insurance Gompaules, havlng au aggregate capital of over 88,IJOO.OOO : The Grand 9tHilH Flr Ins. Co., Tlie Oliio liinnci-'slirs. '., (usures only dwellriiKK'. I lic Urriillin Firc IllN. .. The Concordia Flre Ins. Co., 'I he Citizen' Fire In. Co., The Wertcbester Flre Ins. Co., The Milwaukee Mecbanic's Mutual Fir las. '.. The New Ham]shire Fire Ins. Co., The Amii.oii Fire i iih. Co. Ratee Low. Losses líberally adjusted and ororoptly pald. I aleo issue Life and Investment Polleies In the Conn. Mutual Life Insurance Company. Ajets 855,000,000. Persons desirlug Accident Ineuianee, can have yearly Poüclee written for them or Traveler's coupon Insurance Ttckete Issued at Low Bates In ilie Standard Accident Insurance Compaui ui V)rtn Araerica. Money to Loan at Cunvui Ru:'-. Office hours from 8 A. M. to 12M. and 2 1 .LEX. W. ÍÍAMILTON, Hamilton Block farmersIñdIorse owners HAVE YOU SEEN THE fPlO' PimBiS PIEPEBS PATNTED i February 2d, 1886. AiJNitu j March 27th, 1888. You can repair your own Harness, Halters, Straps, &c, without expense or loss of time. It will make a nice clean job. NO SEWING 0R RIVETING ! No "'cCííu tools. A common hammer will uu the work. It is the most simple and handy little device known. Can be applied to any portion of a harness. They are put up, one gross, assorted sizes, in a tin box, handy tocarry in the pocket ready for any emergency. Ask your dealer for them. PRICE ONLY 25c PER GROSS. For Sale by Harness Makers, Hardware and General Stores. PufFalo Specialty Manufacturing Co. Sole Manufacturers and Patentees. 67 -ó9 Washington St. BUFFALO, N.T. FOK'SAIE P.Y r. IHKItACB, - -!3 S. 3I.ÍIX ST. Ann Ar'ior, '!ih THE WORLD'S BEST Kid Button $2.50 Shoe Has no equal for Stylo. Fit and Wear. Poltlvelj the best sboe In America fcr tli money. Do no be decoived. 8ee Btamp on bottom of eacb lho#. TtXi no other. Bvery pair warranted. ÉJtylitU tiu" evnal to any S uioe in tbe market. ior U n J. M. PEEPLES & CO., Chicago. FOR SAL"S BY DOTY & FEINER, nn Lrbor, Mióla.. OSCAR 0. S0R6, DEALER IN PftlHTEfiS1 SUPPLIES House Decorating and Sign Painting a specialty. 70 S. Main-st, Ann Arbor. ■Ovcr 100 KToss iold by one dragsist. Thefl ■ bare no equal for cnringDiziines8,Ueadache,B CostivenesB, Malaria, Liver Complaint, Fevtrm ■and Agrue, Indigestión, Backache, and all B B Liver aod Stomach troubles. They Never S ■Fail. gold by all drngistl and conntr; nore yers. Bellen k Co., IVop'i, Plthnbr


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