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Advlce lo Motbem. Mrs. Wicslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, soiiena the aams, allays all pain, cares wind colic, and is the best remedy tbr diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents bottle. The dragsistB of Charleston, S. C., refuse lo put up Dr. McDow's preccriptioo'. I have had occ&sion to try Salvati' u Oil in my family for both neuralgia and rheumatiëtn. In evary instance it eii'eoted a permanent curo. I alo tried it on my child suffering with a prained back with like succes. I lake pleasure o recommending; it to all. P. .S. Costello, (Policemn,) 321 l'ark Ave., Blto., Md. Lirut Robert Crawford, U. S. A., bas been chocen for tbe head of the .reat W'illiatnson school at Philadelphit. SHILOH'S CÜRE will iinmediately relieTii Croup, Whooping Congh anti Bronchiti?. Sold by Ëberbach & Son. Don Piatt is engaged ia wríting a life of Gen. Thomas, 10 whieb ha bopes to show that "Old Pap" was the re ui hero of the war. Tj decline a sure remedy when sick, is to (onrt futïering and invite death. Take Samaritan Nervine. At Druggists. H 4ect all the firey tonica and appetisers anil cling to Samariian Nervine. $1 50 Cured me of Epilepsy. Have aiucd 37 pounds and have not had a fít for 4 years. Waher Grahm, Tyndall, D kota. Senator Hurat, who keeps a fine stable of flyera, fay thBt. fhe only good jockeys are negroeg and Irishmea. CROüP, WHOOPING COUGH aud Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by Eberbach & Son. J. L. Cheney of Fort Dodge, lowa, waa receotly tung by beeg no leas tban 100 times, and now snnoui ce? h9 conversión to the theory ihat bees atings will cure rheumatiam. Southern younft women sbow a fast deepening interest in W. C. T. U. work. Nubody Hnowa What I suffered foryenr-i with tbtseracking sick headaches. Life was only a torment to me; f you re so troubled, I woulil advise you to use Su'phur B.tters, (or they cured me. - Cara Belle. It 9 proposed to hold next year an international tetnperecce congres9 at Christiani, Norwny. THAT HACKING COÜCH cn be po quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Sold by Eberbach Selwin: He who loses balf an hour each morning runs after it durinif all the day without being ble to overtake it. CATARRQ CURED, health and swwt breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Prine 50 cents. N isal Ii jector free. Sold by Eberbach & S n. Chinese Proverb: A single conversation aeróse the table with a wise man is bett. r than ten yeirs' mere study of books SHILOH'S COUGH and Consuaaption Cure is sold by us on a Ruarantee. It cures consumption. Suld by Eberbach fe Son. _______ ______ Arnol: Trie unly legitímate anger s holy emo'ion (iircied against au uorioly thinfí. Sin, not our nriribor, must be the object. T'noieaii: To be a philosopher is not merely to have subtl thoughts, but so to luve wisdom as to live acaording to its uictates. W trade rffifËraF mark REmeSySaIIJ For Stralnsland Spralns. E vldonco, Fresh. New. Strontr. Kt. riuMBi. ftai, wiuTitnliht: Md tvo bttUu IL jMtte OUi - - ■ "'"■Tfi.wiSUB. In Bad. BMfktoB. ". 7 ." ?IÓ".4.r. fromttr.. DotU.l 11. JTU U. "- ' jSSa SSfelL AiTIMAT. Terrible Fmln. Vularlm, III. , Kr H, At Dkcogists and Dkalïrs. THI CHARLES k. VOQELER CO.. B.ltlmor.. IM. [TEWlSCÖVTeï! TESTICURA EXTERNOSUM B5 X BY "". ■5 ALBERTXB ness. Impotency, Nocturnal S Emisslons, and Stunted g ,-5 velopment. -Care S oy absorption. Apylied directto O 3 theParU. No naueou drugs tb at pöl teS ruin the stomach ilaaranteed J -ö Ei Vpure or mone refunded. bent Jv3 S X.W ny Part of the U.S. e-X g S curely packed free frotrX a; 'vobaervation upon SE L receipt of f -a3 .. ' ADDRES8 THE AiBERT MEDICAL CO. CLEVELAND. O. 1 -y i You should read The Chica rlf ƒ ff co Daily Nkws bccause it's a family nrwsacr. Thts is ait OlOAT ;iBC w"en cverybody reads, and lJir% ƒ the paper you bring into your famiiv should have sometoine of valué for all. The special ntercstsof womcn arenot orer looked in The Dailv Nkws. And tben you don't want to bríngquestionable reading nutter into your fa mily . Yon don 't wast to put ndecent or tmmoral reading into the hands of your chÜdren You will nevermaJce a nüatako on thís score if you Cake home Tus Daílv Nsws. The ncwspapera are the G?Lt edncators oTthia natíoo. The strength of the naüonlles Ín thc purity of its (resides. R?meiMhr-!a drculation is aaofooo a day- ver raiHion a week- and it costs by mail 35 CU. a moath. fbur momtw $ 1 .00,- cn-e cent a doy. the bottom. put hlm duwa a wtmua. Sslf jÊ lts ■ W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE OENTuTmIM. Bit In the world. :mln: ! 1 OO OENUINK HAM1 SV.VHKI} 8HO. ïtOO HAND-SEWEU WKT.T 8HOg. All made Ín Coniren, Bu Hou and Lao. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE LAroor... Bert Material. BMlSMe. BMtVlMlaC. U "JSSéSS BÍfócKTOK. UU ExamlBC W. I.. I#olaa 92.00 Nhoe f yeutleiuea mini lmtlt. WM. REINHARDT&CO., 48 S. MA13Í STUUKT, Abb -4rbr. HUMPHREYS' Hl'MVHBKYi' STMCinCB ST6 BClentlflcallj D(1 carefuUj prepaied prescrlpUona ; uaed for maar toCTTeü"aedbyUepeople. Every single 8pcJBo il pectol cure for the dtoeaoe nuned. Theu Speelde cure without dnwglng. panIng ar Teduciig the syitcm. and areTn ffot nd deedthesorerelsn remedie ot ih W.rlJ. ijst o raactrAi. o. ccnis. PBica : 1 FeTer, Congtlon. lnfljunmatlon . .a ' Worm, WoJm Fever, Worm Collc .- )lirr ca, of Chlldren or AdulU .: ■ I D7.5er Orlplng, Büloo Collc.. . . 1 Chele MortM, VomlUng . 1 I 'oaffhfl. Cold, Bronchltla . U Mei"ïlil, Tootnaelie, Faceache . Heiíe.8lkHeUchVertlo 'I ■ B5rKdTpalnful Periode .3 : ' White, too Prof use Perlod ' ' Í CroBprCougn, Dlfllcult Breathliw ... .5 ] ■ Salt ftheom. Er-8lpplan . Kruutloii. .' 8FerMd"ïme,ChUto.Matarl .5 : ' ' Pile, Blind orBleeuJng....... ü ■: - : I I ('atsrrh, Influeni, Cold In th Head .. i i WhooplBK t ouïh. Violent Cough. . Í4eene?lDebllHy"phy8lcalWeakne .5 i T Kldney Dle.e ,-2 '■ % IVÏll" wlik'eM, Wetthw Bed. j j Bugw."fthgHea;t,Palpltatlolljii ' Sold by Drtiggw.orlentpo8tpald on iwelpt of prlce. Dr. Houphbïts' Iianuai., (114 P" ,e%VeOdVcanPedCogF!"1?o: SPE Cl FICS. LESSENSPAINNEEF,TOUFE0f BRADnMBtaiiAroRjmAinra Mu GURNEY IMITATED, bñT" NEVER EQUALLED, FOB MKATINW SwellÍB8f hWic Buildings, Ckcheiie. 'Thk Gdbniy Hot Watkb System li fe. eleanly, redily managed, establishes a unifom , aj-reeable and wholesome heat. and is far superior in these mentioued particular to any othermode of House-heating wfth wbich I am acqintd. A. BKOOKS, M. D., chicf o. Senil for " Iiw bet to hea onr Home." GURNEY HOT WATER HEATER CO. Bostm, Matt. Estímales furnLshed by Western Plauíblnic "' Hei%tinc "o.. JHlch. MILLARD'S HAIR GLOSSOMER. tftob A stire cure for itchy F-- "9. Kciema, Dead or í"MW-sv --Il tgu IIar &nd sll .jjp i,;'rííí{'V.5:.M1..'..I:AKBl'a Vi" sale bviili drugíist and dealen, or sent postuiltoanyaadresêoii reoriot oí atwte prtos. eod 'ctrcnlara and iMtlmoniM. VIIA n ■H"lsonnii1lnlh1lilrlpnl THIS PAPER'"tl'e Newspaier .av Uw f 2JJ5ÏJ tHtntr Agency tf ili-asrs. N. W. AYER SON. our autüortoa ageata.


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