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Bret Harte's rext serial story will appear in " Pick-Me-Up." Don't confoand a very tight glove with a well fitting glove. The spurious English lord is abotu due o appear at a watering place. Owing to iheir business hxvin? griwn 00 la-ga for their prpsent offices, the Gurney Hot Water IleatT Co., r't Boat.on, Ihss., will retriove on Nov. 15, 1889, to 63 Frnkl n-st, corner Congress-st, whe-e hey will ht.v ■]! their ffl jt-s n 'hp öisr loor, ard w.l. or p i-a-i'd to mt-t'i ,.ll en [iiiri"fr friends. The offices will beh-a'ed by hol wver ii-i"ff the Gnrny H ai t and tl: G iiuej Ra' a'or. tid l . i m e if famplfs wiíl be on rxhibuioD on thi loor. All interested are inviled to i'tll. Kotice of l'Iinnccry Siili'. In pursnance and by virlue of a derroe of the Mrcuit Court for the County of Wahtenaw in ChaiN'ery. Made and entered on the first dayof October, A. ). 1889, in a rertaln cause thercin pendiiiR. wheren Wiiliam H. Mather is complain nt. and J. d iailey. executor of the will of Julia A. Reynolds leeeased, and Eliza Montgnmery re defendants. Koiiceis HerebyCïiven, That I shalisell atpubic auction or vendue. to ihe hlghest at hesouth front d'Or ot Ihe (lonrt Housj, in the ?ity of Anu Aibor, Countv of Washtenaw, Stte f Michieau (that being the piafe of holding the Circuit Court of sid Connty), on Friday the hlrtcenth day of December, A. I). li-89, at 10 o'clock in the foreuoun of f-aid day, all or so much thereo' as may be nccesüaTy to raise the nmimt due to said complainant for principal. la.irei-t and costs in Uiis cause, of the folluwing described parcel of land, to wit: All of the followingdescrihed land situated in he towuship of Manchester in the County of ■Vashlenaw and State of Michigan, viz ; The outh-i ast qunrter (S. E. '4i of scction number hirty-fi e (3ó) In townsulp uumber four (4) scuih n range number three (3) enst. exccpting fiityive acres otï' from the east side thcreof heretobreconveyed to John smallv.leaving theamount of land included in this descnption, one hundred and five acres more or less. Dated at Anu Arbor this Tth day of Oc'ober, A. D. 188. TATRICK McKERNXN Circuit Court Oomini&siouer for Washtenaw Co'inty, Michigan. Noaii W. Ciieever, Solicitar for Cmaplaiuant. 81 Notice to Crediiors. STaTE OF MICHIGAN,) COUNTY OF WASHTENAW. I Notice is hereby given, that by an order of the Probate Court for the ('ouuty of Washtenaw, made on the 21st day of October. A. D. 1889. six monihs rom that date were allowed (ot creditors to prfent their claims agaiust the estáte of Wiiliam II. E tabrook late of sid county dcceased, and that all creditors of said deceed are required to preent their claims to sald Probate Court, at the 'róbate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, for examnation and allowance. on or bcfore the 21st day of April next, and that such claims w 11 )e heard before said Court, on Tuoday, the Ürtdayof Januxry, and on Monday, the 21st day of April next, at ten o'clock iu Ihe forenoon of each of said days. Dited, Ann Arbor, riet ?lst. A. T). 18S9. I. WII.LARI) BABBITT. 77 Judge of Probate. Damplingj vcitK Rpyal BakincJ - Powder No dessert is more delicious, wholesome and appetizing than a well-made dumpling, filled with the fruit of the season. By the use of the Royal Baking Powder the crust is always rendered light, flaky, tender and digestible. Dumplings made with it, baked or boiled, will be dainty and wholesorne, and may be eaten stcaming hot with perfect impunity. Receipt. - One quart of flour ; thorouehly mix with it three teaspoons of Royal Baking Powder and a small teaspoon of salt ; rub in a piece of butter or lard the size of an eg?, and then add one large potaro, grated in the flour; alter the butter is well mixedj stir in mük and knead to the consistency of soft biscuit dough ; break off pieces of dough large enough to close over four quarters of nn apple (or other fruit as desired) without rolling, and lay in an earthen dish (or steamer) and steam until the fruit is tender. Bake if preferred. In all receipts calling for cream of tartar and soda, substitute Royal Baking Powder. Less trouble, never fails, makes more appetizing anH wholesome food ant1 is more economical. Royal Baking Powder is specially made for use in the preparation of the finest and most delicate cookery. S ,


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Ann Arbor Register