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Supervisors' Proceedings

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[COSTISUED FROM LAST WEEK.] Board met pursuant to adjournmeiiCalled to order by the Chairman. Ton called and quorum preBent. The jonrnal of yesterdny was read and approved. The following report of the Judge of Probate, relativeto tbe corumitments to the Eastern Michigan Aeylum for the Ineane for the year ending October 14, 1889 was presented to the Board, wnicn, on raotion, was adopted and ordered spread upon the journal: To the Honorable Boardlof Supervisors of Washtenaw County, Michigan : Gentlemen- I have the honor to submit herewith my official report of commitmente to the Eastern Michigan Asylum for the Jnsane, for the year ending Oct. 14, 1889. ! t I . I i ? B =g s -o of 1 ... U P II tï: ia 5 J j 5 II S S? i z.t: f 2 'm oí o P II 1 f .L c 5 C ai iV f! .! I dl 5 1 ? t f til' oÉJS =85. 3-?.-3d II .l.ill 11 I. ■i liiildi Bi! III DUedOct. 14,1889. ((Ml ReS.CWILARI) BABBITT, Judge of Probate, Washteuaw Co., Mich. The Chairman announced the following standing committeeB: On Equaliiation- Hughes, Gilbert, Davenport, Brei ni nu, Miner. Criminal Claims No.l- DePny.Wheeler, Kearney. Criminal Claims, Xo. 2.- Geer, Case, Young. Civil Claims- Hutdiinson, Graves Oesterlin. To Settle with County Officers- Burlingame, Dansingburg, Perry. On Salaries of County Officers- Mann, Burtless, Hutchinson. On Apportionment of State and County taxee-Corey, Duncan, Kearney. ' On Public Buildings- Jedele, Case, Bennett. On Rejected Taxes Oesterlin.Kdwards Corey. ToExamine Accounts of Superintendentsof the Poor- Perry, Burtless,Bennett. On Finance - Dow, Hall, Slann. On Fractional School Districts Young Duncan, Ball. On Drains - W alter, Wheeler,Dan8iiigburg. On Printing - Geer, Graves, Edwards. On Per Diem Allowance- Walter, DePuy, Bnrlingame. Mr. Case moved that the Board visit theCounty House in a body on ïhursday next at 10 a. m , which motion was carried. On motion of Mr. Hughes, Mr-. Ambrose Kearney was elected Chairman pro tem. of the I'oard. Mr. Miner offered the following: Resohcd, That the Committee on Printini; be instructed to solicit bids from the several publishing houses for 1500 copies of the proceedings of this Board in paraphlet form and have the ame ready for distribution on or before December lst next; and for the publicationofsaid proceedings in some paper printed in the English language, beginning next week and continuing from weelc to week until completed; and to solicit bids for the publication ofsaid proceedings in one of the (erman papers of this city, whichresolution was adopted. On motion of Mr. Edwards, Messrs. Kearney and Dansingburg were appointed a conimittee to procure conveyances to carry the Board to the Connty House. .Mr. Miner oflered the following: Resolved, ïhat the Board do re-adopt and continue in force the resolution passed October 22nd, 1886, relative to the depositing of the county moneys and inake the same apply to the year 1800, and that the Clerk ask for bids from the several banks of Ann Arbor City in pnrsuance thereof and present the same to the Board next ïuesday at 10 o'clock a. m. Adopted. Mr. Miner offered the following: Resolved, Thaf the Clerk be instructed lo advertise for sealed proposals for medical attendance on the prisoners in the county jail for the ensuing year, said attendance toinclude medicine and surgery, and that said bids be handed in on or before October "Jlst, which resolution was adopted. Mr. Case moved that the Superintendente of the Poor be reqceited to rnake their annual leport to the Boaid on Friday next atlOs. m., wliich was carried. " On motion of Mr. Hughes, the Board took a recesa until 2 p. m. AFTERNOON SESSION. Mr. Miner offered the following resolution: Ittxnlved, That the clerk be allowed $35 for furnishin a copy of the proceedlngu to the printer. Carried. Mr. Geer offered the following: Resohed,Ttiatthe committee on claims be and are hereby ordered not to allow any bilis unless certified to by the person or persons performing the services, or ordering the articles named in the Wil. Carried. Mr. Miner offered tho following: Retolved, That a special committee be appointed by the chair to consider and report as to the proper compensation to be allowed the sheriff for the board of prisoners at the coiinty jail for the year 1890. Adopted. , . . The Chair appointed assuch special committee Messrs. Miner, Kearney and Hutchinson. Mr.Miner moved that when the Board adjourn it be to meet at 2 p. m. of each ay until further ordered by the Board, which motion was carried. Mr. Breining offered the following: Resolved,Tha.t the Clerk cali the ñames of those persons previously appointed by the Board oí Supervisors to have charge of the burial of deceased Union soldiere and sailors, as provided for by an act of the Iegislature approved June lOth, 1885, and if any vacancy had occurred in any of the supervisors district, that such vacancy be now nlled. Adopted. TheClerkthereuponcalled the rolland found no vacancy to be filled. Whereupon on motion the Board adjourned. V. N. Gkegory, Chairman. FnEi) A. Howlett, Clerk. WKdXESDAY, Octobcr 16th, 1889. The Board met pursuant to adjournment. Called to order and quorum present. The journal of yesterday was read and approved. Mr. Gilbertoffered the folio wing resolution: Whereas, the plank walk, leading to the court house entrences are rotten and unsafe, therefore Retolved, That the Committee on Public Buildings are hereby instructed to have laid stone walks leading to tne several entrances to the Court House, said walks to be similar to that laid by the city around the grounds. Adopted. Mr. Wheeler, from Criminal Claims Committee No 1, presented the following bilis and recommended their allowance at eums stated, to-wit: Cl.AIMED. ALI.OWED. Michael Brenner, Deputy, Sheriff, altcuding court Ï69 bO $69 59 Michael Brenner. Deputy Sheriff, attending court , 2148 2148 Report adopted. On inotion the Board adjourned. J. V. N. Gregory, Chairman. Fred A. Howlett, Clerk. Thiesday, October l"th, 1889. The Board met pursuant to adjounment. Called to order by the Chairman and quorum present. On motion of Mr. Duncan, the Board resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole with Mr, Miner in the chair and proceeded to visit the Countv House as previousiy agreed to; and after beinabsent for a time returned to the Sup ervisoris' room and through its Chairman aroseand askedfor further time in which to make a report, which was granted. On motion of Mr. Duncan the Board adjourned to to-morrow morning at 10 a. m. J. V. N. Gkeuory, Chairman. Fred A. Howlett, Cierk. Fkiday, Oetober 18th, 1889. The Board met pursuant to adjournment. Called to order by the Chairman. Roll called and quorum present. The journal of yesterday was read and approved. Mr. DePuy, from Criminal Claims Committee No. 1, reported the following bilis and recommended their allowance at sums stated, to-wit: Charles Dwyer, sheriff, Í 8 00 $ 8 00 Charles Dwyer, sheriff, 18 00 18 00 Charles Dwyer, sheriff, 18 60 13 50 Charles Dwyer, sheriff. 1'.'4 5 121 60 John Gillen, deputy sherifl, 4 05 4 05 Chas. Schott, deputy sheritt, tening court. 133 00 )35 00 Chas. Dwyer, sheriff, tending court, 135 00 135 0" Charles Dwyer, heri ff, ::i 50 31 lO Heport adopted. Mr. Miner, froin Committee of the Whole, to visit the County House made the following report: To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Washtcnaw County : Gemti.kmen : Your Committee of the Whole to visit the connty house beg lcave to report tliat they have performed that duty and have made a careful examinaron of the county house and other buildings; also the farm. and thcy find ihat the farm ís careful 1? managed. The housa is exceedingly clean ; the inmates appear to be properly carea tor : and everything is done for tliem iliat can be reasonably expet ted. We reL'ommend that a rote be passed by the Board commeuiliug ihe excellent management of Mr. and Mre. McCormlck. We also recommend that a telephone connectlon be made from the county house to a line now existlng on the south Ypsilanti road, so that the cuurt house and county house shall be in commuuication. v e also recommend that the Committee of Public lluildings be inBtructed to makc the necessary iroprovements in the boiler room. All ot wbich is respeetfully submitte1. 30. R. Miner, Chairman of the Committee of the Whole. On motion of Mr. Hughes the report was adopted and the Uommittee discharged. Mr. Jedele moved that Tuesday next at 10:30 a. m. be made a special order for the election of a Superintendent of the Poor, which motion was carried. Mr. Hughes moved that the election of a janitor be made a special order for next Tuesday at 10 :t!0 a. m. Carried. Mr. Graves moved that the election of County Drain Commissioner be made a special order for next Thursday at '2:'.'0 p. m. Carried. Mr. Miner offered the following: Resolved, That the Committee on Printing be instructed to include the proceedings of the special session held in January last, in pamphlet. which they have been instructed to have issued. Carried. The special hour havingarrived for the consideration cf the report of the Supj erintendents of the Poor, Mr. Loomis made the following report, which on motion of Mr. Graves was reeeived and referred to the Committee to Examine the Accounts of the Superintendent of the Poor: To Ihe Honorable Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County: The undereigned Superintendents of the Poor of said county respectfully - submit the following report of their work for the year ending September 3Oth, 18S9. We have received money as below and from sources named: Balance In the Treaaury October lst, '88 ï 465 6! AnnArbor City, board paupers, t 618 ft Ann Arbor townshtp, W H Augusta. 'w ' Manchester, 1 08 Northfield, f Saline. '1 24 Scio. T'6 J' Sharon, Superior, } Webster, ' jL York, 52 H Ypiilanti, K Ypailanti city. 6'3 tm a PRODUCE SOLD. Calve, 52 0 Lard, J 0 Hlde, 5 Bonen. ' Old iron, 5 9 Flour, i Rags 3 5' Useo'fboar, g lu??er. 4 loil barrel. „ j Subiects old University, 60 00 Coffins, 6 Gillman.caih, 8 00 Watch. 8 00 Rhod., _800 ig w Cah forexcy. work, 16 85 Cash tn excy. work, 4 10 JO 4 E-P-MU0D' EECArlTULATIO. Balance Oct. lrt. '88, 465 69 Townshtps and citles, 134 fo Appropriated, 4d00 00 Cash from county house, 293 SI 8393 3o Accounts for local teinporary relief in the different townsandcities have been audited by us and paid from the Poor Fund as follows: ANK ARBOR TOWNSHir. Food 5 67 Fuel. 3 00 Supervisor' sfccrvices, w - "- 11 b AS ARBOR CITY, Ut DIST. Food, 4 2 Fuel, 9 00 Clothlng, ! 'a Transportation to county house, 1 2o - - 16 02 ANN ARBOR TV, 2nd DIST. Food, Jg Fuel, 11 5 Medical attendance, 22 00 Transportation to county honsc, 9 20 " 1 8 oo ANN ARBOR CITT, 3rd DIST. Food, 31 8" Fuel, 21 -o Medical a'tencance, 1 25 Transportation to county house, 3 75 61 oo Ann Arbor city total, 206 42 LODI Food, 5 00 Medical attendance, 1 00 Transportation to county house, 4 0 Supervisors services. 4 00 MANCHWTER. Food, 27 40 Supervisors services, 5 00 ' ' 32 40 PITTSFIIID. Food, 25 uin Food. 1 00 Medical attendence, 9 2o SUrXRIOR. Food, 2 0 Medical attendence, 18 CO Supervisors services. 75 „„ SLYVAN. Food, 89 Fuel, 10 Clothing, 8 75 Funeral expense, 24 00 Supervisors services 90 -■■■ loo 48 acio. Food, 12 00 Transportation to county house, 10 15 Supervisors services, 11 00 - - OO ld VPSItASTI CITY, lST DI8T. Food, 5 48 Fuel, 9 50 Funeral expenses, 11 25 YPSILANTI CITY, 2ND DIST. Food, 67 12 Fuel, 21 00 Funeral expenses, 5 00 Transportation to connty house, 4 60 Supervisors services, 11 40 Clothing, 1 25 110 27 136 50 SUPEKIKTERDENTS' SKRVICES. Wm. Aprill, 9 00 E. P. Mason, 111 70 C. H. Kempf. W 90 Elisha Loomis, 46 40 182 00 TRANSPORTATION TO FRIENDS. Michigan Central railroad, 66 85 Toledo, A. A. & N. railroad, 12 40 E. P. Masón, 1? 88 04 EXPENSIS OUTSirE TUI CODNTY HOUSE, Ann Arbor township, 11 67 city, 206 42 Lodi township. 20 00 Manchester, 32 40 Pittsfield, 25 Saline, 10 25 Scio, 33 15 Superior, 20 75 Syfvan, 133 48 Yysilmtl city, 136 50 TRANSPORTATION TO FRIEND8. M. C. railroad, 66 85 T.A.A.&N. railroad, 12 40 E. P. Maton, 8 7!) 88 04 SrPERINTENDKNT.s' SKRVICES. Wm. Aprill 9 00 E. P. Mason, 111 70 C. H. Kempf. 14 90 Elisha Looinia, 46 40 182 00 Total outside relief, 874 91 HELP AGCOl'KT. Keeper and Matron, 700 00 Elvira Clough, 241 00 Chas. Pontney, 108 21 Chas. Kyan, 33 75 Ira Aldrlch, 78 00 Amelia Walter, 30 08 Ernstine Malti, 40 55 Ernstme Downer, 40 55 Catherine E. Slmondi, 40 00 Mre. C. Ryan, 16 14 Catherine Ryan, 11 85 Mary Price, 40 00 Mary Flynn, 32 00 Martha Philport, 6 07 Christian Frey, 1 00 J. Mabee, 3 50 Jacob 8chapan, 1 60 Chas. S. Woodard, surveying, 4 00 Frank Kapp, 26 7fi George Klager, IS 00 Wm. Campbell, 8 25 ChaB. McCormick, 24 19 Wagner Brothers, 21 02 M. seeb. 1 K M. Chandler, 3 13 Anna Jamison, 35 00 1L61 5S I1KKI AO OUNT. H. Fairchilds A Co., 288 85 Henry Mathews, 82 93 E. KeDt, 34 40 Chas. Smith, 6 61 W. W. Voorhies, 2 88 - ■ - 410 67 BLÁCSUCITEING. Wm.G. Martin. 1130 R. and T. Kearns, IS 25 John Vol, 8 45 28 00 BOOKS AHD STATIONIRY. Elisha Ixiomii, 7 55 Edward DuLfy, 1 50 Chas. WoodrufT, 1 CO E. P. Mason, 75 10 80 11OOTS AND SHOKS. W. K. Davis, 35 65 Goodspeed & Sons, 15 25 Doty & Feiner. 9 83 Samuel Krause, 1 50 62 23 GLOTUIHG. Jo F. Sanders. 27 00 C. S. Wortley & Bro., 7 05 Alban and Johnson, 5 25 ;:0 30 CROOKERY AND GI.A8S VTARK. Han Is Bro. ei Co., 2 00 [CONTINUED ON SEVENTH PAGE.] [OONTIHUID FROM SIXTir TAGK] DRY GOODS AND BEDDINii. Lanib. Davis and Kishler, 64 0? C'. H. Kempf & Sou, 32 28 Geo. H. Kempf, 2S 91 F. K. Rexford & Son, 16 91 H. P. Ulover, 12 10 W. H. Sweet. 9 70 Strong. Lee & Co., 0 :" Mack & Schmid, 1 10 171 32 DRUGS AND MEDK [HE, H. .1. Brown. 5 30 .1. Frank .Smith, 3 37 Cniversity Hospital, 1 50 J. J. Goodyear, 1 00 11 IS PBBIOHT. Chas. McCormick, 50 Elkha Loomis, 25 75 FLOUR AND 1SRKAD 5TOFFS. Deubel Bros., 30 22 J. M. Swifl, 4 25 Hl 47 FARM IMn.KMENTS AND SEEDS. George Klager, t41 43 Isaac Davis, 11 76 ('. E. Thompson, 10 50 .lohn Hnnegan, 5 31 W. W. 'oohies, 75 Wm JIcCttrty, 50 70 28 FURNITURE. C. H. Kempf and Son, 10 60 HARDWARE. W. C. Stevens, 33 4ü fichuh & Muehlig. 29 41 C Eberbaoh, 25 86 Harding & Shaefer, 4 63 Durry & Taylor, 58 93 SS 1IAY, OKAIN AND FEED. Deubel Bro., 72 46 J. M. Swift & Co., 81 51 . Tod Chandler, 20 00 lieorge Klager, 18 53 Swathel. K. & P„ 16 69 M. Staebler, 18 00 John Finnegan, 6 25 Joseph Goodwill. 4 50 187 91 QBOOKIK8. Rlnaey & Seabolt, 320 '2 Kdward Duffy, 1S8 11 O. Killed Co , 1S9 24 Davis & Co., 69 91 Gaspar Kinsey, 19 73 Grant, Wood & Co., l'J 24 William Osius, 18 00 A. A. Ainsworth & Co„ 16 03 E. V. Hangsterfer, 6 00 Robert McCarty, 5 00 Joseph Goodman, 4 40 William Heu.-y, 12 70 James Watrous, 14 !5 C. H. Kempf, 3 20 C. L. Tuomy, 3 33 Isaac Giay, 1 80 842 69 LDMEKR. James Tolbert, 8 66 pork ACCOUNT. Charles Blaess, 139 56 E. Ransom, 99 44 239 00 PAINTS AND OILS. O. E. Thompson, 14 15 Hu'zel & Co., E 52 E. ). Maaon, 25 19 92 STOCK ACCOl NT. J). M. Uhl, 51 00 Burt Thompaon, 10 00 E. M. Colfc. 4 00 05 00 TOBACCO ACCOUNT. Edward Duffy. 41 80 David ScotteixSi Co., 28 6(5 RInsey Si Seabolt, 1 05 71 41 WOOD AND COAL. Charles Schultz, 620 01 Frank Monegban, 22 50 L. Laiurgc & Brother, 25 00 867 51 LEGAL SERVICES. Expense in the Howe-North sult, 9 75 MEDICAL SERVICES AT THE COINTY BOCSE. Dr. Edward Batwell, 116 00 Dr. J. II. Lemon, 18 50 Dr. C. HotreU, 6 00 Dr. B. B. Sudworth, 2 00 University hospital, 'i 15 151 65 IMPEOVEMl.NT ACCOUNT. Loughridge and Wilcox, 8 L0 ZZ. REPAIR ACCOtNI. Hutzel & Co., 20 35 F. (i. Graupner, 22 25 C. H. Sinclair & Son, 13 44 J. Voland, :; 2S Fred Ganss, ü 40 S. L. Shaw, 10 8fl Schuh & Mliehlig, 5 00 M. Rogers eslate, 3 10 G. Collins. S 25 M. Staebler, 6 75 A. McNichol, 3 30 M. Bevens, 4 05 O. E. Thompson, 3 75 Vanliangu Co., 2 30 Elisha Loomis, 2 16 William H. Hall, 2 75 Durry & Taylor, 2 25 K. W. Parous & Co., 1 87 John Haupt, 1 40 w. w. Watts, 1 00 E. 1'. Mason, 1 00 Truss Co., 1 00 Samuel Kni 65 F. Wanner & Brother, 85 S. II. Dodse, 50 C. Eberbach, 65 John Finnegan, 50 13(1 14 TOTAL KXPENSES AT COl'NTV HOUSE. Help, 1561 SS Beef. -115 67 Blacksmithing, 28 00 Books and stationery, 10 80 Boots and shoes, '2 28 Clothing, ;i9 80 Croekery and glassware, 2 00 Drygoodsand bedding, 171 32 Drugs and medicine, 11 17 Freight, 75 Flour and breadstuffs, 34 47 Farm implements and seeds, 70 28 Furniture, 10 60 Hardware, 3 88 Hay, grain and feed, 187 94 Groceries, S42 69 Lumber, 8 56 Pork, 239 00 Palnts and oils, 19 92 Stoel;. 65 00 Tobacco, 71 41 Woodandcoal, 67 51 Legal Eeuüces, 9 75 Medical rvices, 151 65 Repairs, 130 14 Improvement, , 8 50 5114 07 RECAl'ITULATIUN. Balance Oct. lst "88, 4ti5 69 Cities and townships, 3134 35 Appropriated by Supervisors, 4500 00 Cash from county house, 293 31 8393 35 Expenses at county house, 5114 07 Expenses outsiile county house, 874 91 ;V.88 98 Less old orders paid, 28 49 paidorders, 325 11 353 60 685 38 Balance Oct lst, '89, 2757 97 8393 35 The foHowing amounts are due the poor fund froin cities and towna for last year's board and care of their poor at the County House. Ann Arborcity, 699 19 tovnüshlp, 2)6 61 Augusta. 66 04 Freedom. 34 10 Uma, 90 17 Lodi, 109 01 Manchester, Northlield, 88 89 Superior. 110 12 Sharon, 66 in 137 31 Seio, 821 76 Webster. 57 15 Ypsilanti, 105 77 eily, -"'"8 19 29S2 70 J. ;. Feldcamp. guardián, The county farm consists of 120 acres valued at Buildings valued at 1400O 21200 0Q Farm products for the year now closed are as follows : 300 bushei wheat valued at 7.) 225 00 tSO - i.ats, 22 143 0Ü 300 " ear corn, 20 60 00 300 " potatoo, 50 löO 00 SS tous hay. 8 00 üO4 00 (.arden productsestimated at 175 00 Products of 11 cows. 275 00 " poultry, 50 00 Increase of swlne, 150 00 - eattle, 18 00 - - 1550 00 PioJucts of the North-Howe Farm. 350 bushei eara corn, 20 70 00 20 '■ beaus 1 50 30 00 8 tons hay, O Cl 00 100 bushels Appli-s 10 10 00 We obtained a lease of this farm for two yeare, in part payment for the care of Charle3 insaneman thrown on the county from the townfhip of Pittsiield. The personal property consiste of 4 horses valued at 100 400 00 11 cows valued at 35, 385 0Ü 1 buil " 0, 50 00 38 hogs " 5, 190 00 4 sows " 12, 48 00 1 boar " 12, 12 00 150 fowls " 28e, 87 50 100 clucks " 30c, 30 00 1102 50 Estimated value of Farm goods, (00 00 Furnlture, 2500 00 Clothing, 60 00 Boots and shoes, 25 00 Oroeeries, 60 00 Dry goods and bedding, 125 00 Tobacco. 6 00 Pork 3 bbls., J2 00 36 09 50 cords wood, 4 60 225 00 8 tons coal, 6 00 48 00 3S75 00 Total personal property, 4827 60 Male paupers maiutained, 167 Female " " 10 207 Average number of paupers. 77!.: Add the help in the house, 7) ", Average no. supported at house, 86 Whole no. under 16 jears of age, 1 " " mildly insane, 10 " " mutes, 4 " " blind, 2 idiote, 4 Average cost per week of maintaining paupers, $ i 27 Amencans, 116 lrish, 40 Germans, so Knglish, 10 Cauadians, 5 Scotch, i Italian, i Xovi Scotia, 1 Frenen, 3 - 207 C'olored, 9 Whole no. deaths 8 " births 2 We estímate for the ensuing year as follows: Beef, $ 500 00 Blacksmithing, 50 00 Books and stationery, 00 00 Boots and shoes, 125 00 Clothing, J50 00 Cook and kitchen help, 600 00 Crockery and glassware, 25 00 Drugs and medicine, 25 Oo Dry goeds and bedding, 500 CO Farm labor, 40O 00 Flour and breadstuffs, 150 Oo Farm tools and seeds, 100 00 Freight, 25 00 Furniture, 25 00 Groceries and provisions, 1000 00 Hardware, 150 00 Engineer, 100 00 Improvement, 15' 00 Keeper and matron, 700 00 Lumber, 75 00 Medical services at county house, 150 00 Miscellaneous, 100 00 Paints aud oils, :)5 00 Pork, 500 00 Repairs, 300 00 Outside temporary relief, 1200 00 Tobacco, 75 00 Transportation 150 00 Wood and coal, 1000 00 8510 00 Of the estimated expenses of the ensuing year, twenty-nine hundred dollars are due from towns and cities for board and care of their poor for the last year. ïhis leaves flve thousand, six hundred dollars to be provided for. We have abalance of two thousand dollars in the treasurer's hand?. This would leave thirty-six hundred dollars to be provided for. We respectfully ask you to allow us three thousand, five hundred dollars, and we will try to not be very much in debt at the close of the next year. All of which is respectfully subaiitted. Elísea Loomis, (. II. Kemti , E. P. Mason, Superirrtendents of the Poor of Washtenaw tíounty. Coi.ntvHouse, OctoberlTth, "89. On motion the Board took a recess to till 2 p. in. [CONTINI'ED. ]


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Ann Arbor Register