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The Washtenaw Battalion. G. A. R.

The Washtenaw Battalion. G. A. R. image
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A meet in jj of delegites of the severa] (i. A. R. Posts of Washtennw couaty, was "neld at the G. A. R. hall i i tais eity Ou Fridoy la-t to orgsn ze a county ba'.tal ioD. Col. H S. Den was chosen for president, and A. E. Fjrd of Yp-iUnti for 8ecretary. J. Q A. SePsion, A. B Ford, and Edward Gorman were appoiníed a committea to present articles of assoeiation for the organizition, which were reported and adopted as follow: ARTICLES OF ASOCIATIOK. WherüA!, We, the members of the seve'al post of the Grand Army of the Repubüc in Wanhtenaw county. deiring to establish an organization for thepurposeofcultivatinir and preserving the frlendhips formed whiie defendine our country against armed rebe lion and treason, and to honor the cause for wliich we fought and the memory of our convades wlio gave ihelr livea that onr nalion ini.'ht live, do thenfure adopt the following anieles of associatlon; Article 1. This orgnlzatlon Bhall be known as the Waslitenaw Coutity oldlers' and Sailors' Baltalion of theJ. A. R.. an-1 all persons who belong to any Gand Army post In this county bhall be members of this battalion. The foliowing named posta located in Washtenaw couniy. shall constilute this baitalion: Carpenter l'osr, No. 180, ai Ypstlantt; Wiltsie Pot, No 314, at Saline; Lu-ius Post, No. 274 at Milan: Welch Host No. 137, at A in Arbor: Col. Jeffords Post, No, 33 , at Dexter; K. H. Carpenter Pont, No. 41. althelsea; Comstock Post, Ko. 352, at Manchester. article 2. In this association previous rank shail be entirely Ignored. Articli B, The regular encampments shall be held once a year al such time and pluce as the colonel of the battalion aud the executive comniittee shall decide upon. Artice 4. The officers of thls batta'ion thall coni(.t of a Oolonel, Lleut.-C'oionel, Maj r, Adjuttnt, and Quurter Master, and an Exeoutive Committee oí reven, one from each pot in the county who Khall be the commnnders thereof. The omcers shall be electeii annualiy at the regular meeling of the battalion. The colonel shall prrside at all meetings of the battalion il' present, and in h s absence the lieut-col. or major, and in the absence of each, a presidlng offii er st all be chocen irom the commaiiders of potts at the meeting. Article 5. Fnnds to defray the expenses of the battnlion shall be raltd by the ezecutlve cnmmlttee. by a taz imposed eqnally on al ita membera, when deemed necessary by said committee and when collecled, ihall be paid over to the quxrter-mns er Article . All bilis for expenses of the battalion shall be presen'ed at a regular meeting, and if approved ty a majority voie of the members present, shall be paH by the quarier master out of iimds i f tlie battnlion in his hands Articli 7. 'I he riuties of the colonel shall be to preside at all regular meetings and have command at all encampmen s. and in his absence at any encampment his place shall be UI ed by the lieut-col. or major. Artice 8. Tne duties of the adjutant shall be to record the proceedlngs of all nuctiug of the battalion. altend to the necessary correspondente, cali special mee inus when ordered by the onel and perform snch other duties as usually devolve npon an adjutant of a regiment. Articlb 9. The quarter-master shall 1 the treasuriT ol the hattalion. His dulies shall also be to reoeive and keep a record f all moneys and other property belonging lo the battnlion, and pay out the funds only on orders signed by the coionel nd a jutant; and at the close of hls term of office deliver up to his sueeess r a'l propeny and lecords in his possewion belonging 10 the battalii n. and present a detailed staiuinent of thesame to the coionel. Irticlb 10. The duties of the exeouüve committee Khall be to make arranyement for the r 'guiar meetings and encHmpmenis of the bat talion, perform the duties of a finalice rom nittee, select a proper perron to di liver an address at such mietiiiys and encamnments whendeemed desirable. and ptrform snch other duiies as may be from time to lime impused upou them. add lo washteuaw batalu n Article II. All discharged soldiers and falors resiilingin this counly, whether members of any pust or not, are cordially inviled to attend the fnnual meetings and eucampmems of the battaliou. Article 12. The annunl meeting for the election nf offleers and iransactlon oTgeneral business of the batt-lion, shall be on the Ist day of November, at 2 o'clock . m. of each year except whenlhat day comes on S inday, w'hen it shall be held on ihe Mond iy following. The place of me ting hal be üetermined by the executive committee. Article 13. The proeeedlng at all regular meerins shall be conducted in accordanre with such parliamentory rules as are applicable to similar organizations. Artiolr 14. These arlicles of awociation may be amended at any regulr meeting by a major ity vote of the members present. The following offl :ers were elected for the enming year: H. S. Dean, Ann Arho--, Colonel; E. W. Bwen, Ypsilanti, Lipiitennnt-Colonel; A. D. Jaekson, Milan, Maj ir; Tbo?. E Wood. Chelsea. Afjutant; J. Keily, Mnchfster, Quurtpr Master.


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