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James Means & Co's Boots And Shoes

James Means & Co's Boots And Shoes image
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„röf AMES MEANS JAlffiSJAEANS'fteru P Ü $3 SHOE . USHOE kWÊÈtt9 L0i0NVAUAEJ,Cr-ELl-ED 'N CANNOT FAILfil ASTYLE UNEQÜALLE3 ,. 70 á- A ffeHBf É VJviN DURABILITY CiTKFY WBÊB f AlAMro. Ïv.-5--and soMIIOr 1:,. HffiS ja ■ PC!! VvPERFECTION THE MOST .jSyV IIPP3 JAMES MttNS' BOOTS and SHOES SBgyL9 UI Are Unexcolled in Werit. BWfclWV l'WNltivcly none genuine unless havlng our mune and prico :5s!exS55S$ , siampod plaiuly on the soles. Your retailer wlll suppïy you wit! g - jrT u Booisand ShoesBO tanipt-d if you inslst uimnhisdoingRO; if youoo !; [iH{jjps= nut. Uisist, someretailers will coax you uto buyintf inferior goods , - 3Ölfll!fflf uihh whlcb tbey niake a larst'r prollt. Onrrt aro theoriKÍnal$3ana iHlttJE--. giShoes.and those wlio tmitiitt our yst'm of bus-uessare unablo ií?' : ' ' a? to compete with u ín quality of furtoryjivoJuctfi. lu our Unes '- - - j - - ==-■- we are the largeat manufactun-rs in tiie l nited Statea. tiï? =- How your boy doce wearout bln BbOM! ï ; g Si5=-ia! .la mr Mennn' Si Sboes fr )?- will outwear aoy otlief t3itfllC awSisIlaH" boys' Bh' te over made. You havo lace or button. Kip i-t9 mraiM $2 50 Buys the Best Farmers' Thidt Boot, 'IgiQUARTER EAGLE BOOT V A Reliable Kip Boot for Farmers, WjÍinJÍ BÍÍ8tSS# JO l''ut! make mie Dtnie; JU lHtriCH iiinlio !!{ la!liiï'ï 10 Dollar in:;ke or.e Laele. Éjj M Anl with n Quarter Eagle ny Farmer in Tho jp5 i lunntry can now huy h booi that wlllsatisfy him. K L=yrl Farmera have been lookinp; for such u boot for " gi-.i= Uootf aud Shnn fioni uur celebrated jíBBBSS " : S in uil purtH t ihf couutry. We wiU rfjjggPI? tlioin tí.rsily withiu your rtïiicl m any Stato or j3SSSOÍsÍIEa Terrltory if you wlll iuvest oue cent n u powial feg " ■ r ESr- 'eard and write to us. bs Special Offer on th9 James Means Quarte? Eagie Kip Boots for Farmers. In order to immediately dlntrlbute samples of these BoU nl) over the country, we wUl send them trausportation prcpaM, t any man in iiny pi ace whero tliero ld poKKflice or railroad iu any Stat ar Territorv of the United States. We will scnd them hy expres or by mail, wlth all charges for trauspor tallón todestlnatlon prepaid by ourselves, on reoeipt uf regular price.8ira.5O. Send money bypustofltce or'lTor registert! ltttir. Wc will aívptUDÍii StAte p8tae stam ph for theodd half dollar. In order to get a [wrfpct út, take a píoe of paper and place your foot upon it, then mark out thi fhape of your foot, ktHpiug your pneit close to the foot all the wav around. Theo take the laat boot which you wore, and mark out the hapc of thal ; th same way. We will mi your order on the aam 'tay we roceive it. Take reat care to be very accurate, and be sure to grlve us your full addreB, town, oounty and State or Territorv. lf wo have a dealer handling our goodB ín your town we want you to ouy of hini, we do uut want you to reud hu wc will uot fnterfere witta the dealers who sell our icoods, but we aro glad to suppl y you if your dealer will not. Any boot and shoe retailer or any country store-keeper can supply you wjth our jcoods If he wantt to, but some dealers will try to sell you inferior goods on which tney umkn a larvi-r profit tuan tney ought to ask for. Ia that oase, send to us. JAMES MEANS & CO., 4! Lincoln St., Boston, Mass. FULL LINE OF THE ABOVE QOODS FOR SALE BY t 7Xl U iH J-iXV, iM „RB..X, MIC.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register