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HICKORY AND HICKORY TIMBER, 1 will pay $12 oo per cord. cash. for Good Second Growth Hickory Bults, suitablc lor Xie Handles. Delivered at myShop, or at M. C. R. R. Track. Ypsilanti. Good Second Growth White Ash also wanted. C. W. DICKINSON, Ypsii.anti, Mich. YOU CAN GET IT AT Calkins' Drug Store 34 South State-st. Salesmen Wanted To olicit for our wellknown Nursery. Good wages paid weekly, rteady employment. AU ulock guaranteed true to name. Our specialty is nardy itock for the North and Northwest. Write for terina before tcrritory taken, maling ae CHASÏ BKOTHKKS' COMPANY, Chicago. 111 X Notlee. An Abbor, October 12th, 188!. OJtiee oí the Wmhtenaw Mutual Firc Insurance Company. Whkrkac . On the Slat day of December 1889 Urn preseDt Washtenaw Mutual Flre Insnrance Company will have been in existence 30 years, and according to the constitution and laws of the charter ni)l expire on that date, and aa the Attorney General of the itate, has decided that no mutual Insurance Corporation c an extend iu corporote exlLtence.beyona 30 years: Therefore It han breóme necessary to organice a new llutnal Flre Insurance Company, to take the place oftheprtsent company, and to commence Dusltic on the lst day of Janoary,, and this notlce is glven for the purpose of informing all memoen of ihc preaent iTiiurance COmpany and all othcr intereeted, that och a company hu been formed, and that lt is propoaed to transfer all, novr insurcd in the present company, tothe new company, on or before the lst day of january 1880, and that all membera of the present company and all others interested, areinvited and rcquested to attend a meeting to be held in th Oourt Hotise. in the city of Aon Arbor. Mich on 1 uesday, Oetober 2, 188. at 2 o'clock p. m. for the parpose of hearing report of the doiugB of iioh organixatiou. fiy order of the Board. Wm. K. CHiLns.8ee. ('uiamtmtoni'r' alle. STATE OK MICHIGAN, I COUNTYOK WaSHTKKAW, W The underelgned baviag been appoiuted bj the Probate Court forsaid County. Ooinmlaioneñ to receive, examine and adjust Ril claims and dcinandx of all persous against the estáte of William II. Dell, late of said ccunty, deceased, hereby give notice that ix months from date are allowed. by order of Baid Probate Cotirt, for Credttors to present their claims against the eêtate of said deceased, and that they will meet t the icsidence of Geo. Nisslv in the Township of Saline in said County, on Tuesday, the seventh day of January, and on Monday, the seventh day of April next, at ten o'clock a. m. of ach of said days, to receive. examine and idinst raid cl alma. Dated October ;th, 188ÍI. 73 (JEORGE NISSLY, 1 CnmmlMtalMI. rmnnilniunrrk' BottCC. STATE OF MICHIGAN, ( COUNTV OF WaSHTENAW, The undersigned having been Kppoinicd by the Probate Court for said County, Commissioner to examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons against the eitate of Benjamin E. Nichols, late of said County. deceased, hereby give notice tlmtstx months from date are allowed, bv order of said Probate Court, for Creditors to prescD t their claims against the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the Abstract Office of Harriman llanly and Doty In the City of Ann Arbor, in said Couuty, onThursday the thirteenth day of January and on Wednesday the thirteenth day of April next, at ten o'clock a. m. of each of said days, to receive, examine and adjiwt said claims Dated October 30lh, 188ÍI. BENJAMIN BHOWN. Í „ WILUAH D. HARKIMAN, CoIumtsslo"eti'.'7


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