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Supervisors' Proceedings

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[OORTTinm -ROM LAST WEÏK.J I TKBNOON SES8ION. Bol) callea and quorum present. Mr. Graves, from Civil Claims Committep reponed the following bilis and recommended their allowance at sums stated, to-wit: Claimcd. Allowcd. SíaStSSnptofttePoor'M $ S JrKiem.?,%ep y Game Warden ;8B fl Jacob Brein!.., wlmess Probate Cl 0 8 60 E. P. Mason, Supt. ol the Pour 0 00 60 00 M. J. Cavanangh. Seerewry SOM M. F. Case, wilnem in Probate Ct. 00 2 00 ■.fcSSdworib" :!M 30U Report adopted. . , Mr Geer, from Committee on Print. ine reported bide of P. G. Suekey and L J. Leismer, which report was, on raotion of Mr. Gilbert, laid npon tbe taA communication from tbe State Board of Correction and Chanties, and also one from Dr. Edward Batwell, recommending certain improvements in the County House, was read to tbe Board and on motion received and placed on flle. Whereupon Mr. Gilbert offered tbe following: Resolvtd, That the communication be referred to tbe Committee on Public Bnildings,and they are hereby ïnBtrncted to make such improvements m the small building referred to in the communication as they may deern neceBsary to meet the views of the Superintendente of the Poor. Adopted. The Clerk presented to the Board the County Treasurer's report, which, on motion of Mr. Davenport, was referred to the Committee to Settle with the Coanty Offlcers, and ordered printed with the proceedings. Following is the report : ïo the Honorable Chiiinnan and Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County : Gentlemen- I herewitli transmit my report of monies received and paid out by me from the first day of January. A. D. 1880. up to and including the JOth lay of Septmber, A. D. 1869. Álso a statement of resources and liabilitiesas ehown by the books in this office on October Ut, A. D. 1889. AH of which isrespectfullysubmitted for yonr inspection and examination. GUSTA VE BREIIM, County Treasurer. RECKIPTS. ■ IIAB'.KD BACK TAXF.S. rundries b 97 LYNnoK innnr. Tes Wg f. l'rimary Momy ! ' l.ibrary monty __ , :l8J, 70 DtlCEAKCK USD. Appropriation 6 'WOrTax JU- 1000 00 KXTEB VI1.LAGB. LiquorTax lotó 98 MANCHESTER VILI.A' Liquor Tax '039 EO CHELBKi VILLAGK. 1-iqnor Tax !l90 5AUNB VILLAGE. I.iqnorTax 'H '" .uil ll'ND. Appropriation 1250 00 I'l1uorTa': """ 2000 00 HILAN Y1U.AGE l.iquor Tax 2" ij0 VOBK IOWJBBIP. Te. ' " JielinquentTax ,_ "" Irimary Money '",iv1-ineMonty ltl' ...,., , ANK AI'.IIOK TOWSOHIP. Tas Uelinquent taies L Primary Money JJÏ KineMoney __ SAI.lSKIOWXSHlr. Taxes l4 6R Delinquent Tax ljf 70 Primary Money 1 21 FiueMoney __■ 4Q69 f)g KOBT1IFIF.I.D TOWNSIIIP. DcUnquent Tax 2 i i-r.iui.rj Money 2,6 6 Kine Moncy 13 8i 3„4 % AUGUSTA IOWKSBDP. laxes 1611 8Ü )rimary Money ; I.iquor Tax '48 5J' Delinquent Tax l " MANCHV5TBR TOWNSHIP. Taxcs :i'-! Delinquent Taxcs }- J Uquor lax j J' Primary Money ! Kine Money _.__ jwo -] SY1.VAN I tWKSHIP. Taxes MM f' Delinquent Tai 22 16 Primary Money 609 5t O4.Í4 o INTRKES1 FOB. lntereston Delinquent! axw) 3 84 ■■ of F. &M.Bank 3V2 S: 376 17 BRIDQVWATSS TOWM8HIP. Taxes 2804 B lviinqaent Tax J 'i: Liquor Tax ' 2710 02 ■ !■ "! HICB1GAK Taxes 46-78 47 IieliiiquoutTax 127 84 Sundues - 9 30 -Srllir. 11 l.. M ■ At)i: -500 00 Ltquu ló1" ; Appropri"l Linuí.r 1126 00 ;iOOO oo rUIbOM TOWMBHIP. Faxes 34 K l'rimory Moncy 34 ■-". Fine Money II '-' ■ Delinquent Tax 10 35 40! cl FITTSPIS1 D rOWNSBIP. Taxes Belinqjient Tax 7 2 LL; l'rimary Money 282 Fiuii Money " 11 63 í" .. I TOWHSBIP 1122 55 ■ Primar? Money 229 ' Fine Moncy 1H]1 1 iclinqueut Taxes SO 1364 48 Appropriation 625 00 LiciuorTax 875 ihi 1000 CO TPBH 1NT[ TOWKSB1P. 'laxes Ü971 91 l'rimary!Money 227 08 Klne Money 11 34 Delinquent Tax 24 02 PUBLIC Bl'll.hlNi. Fl'ND. Approprialion 1875 00 J.iquor ïax 1125 00 3000 00 BOARD SCHOOL EX AMINF.K3. Appropriatlon 937 60 l.lquor Tax 562 50 UiUO 00 '" ■' 'rl)ELlNWLNT COUNTV TiX TaxesCollecUd 48 21 rbargcd back for te assessment 2 0T a , . 50 26 " " STINOGRAPHKR TWD. Appropriation 625 00 Uquor Tax 375 00 1C00 00 TEACUrüi IN8T1TUTF. FÜKE. Institute Fccb 146 50 COl'HTY rVKl. Appropriation 3750 00 I.iquor Tax 2250 6o 600000 U)DI TOWNSHir. tvp 2477 33 1 iquor Tx J" Prima ry Money Jr :? Fine Money 'L x 2865 73 SHARON TOMSSHIP. Taxes 2;]' Primary Money ,?.,f Fine Money 12Jl 263343 ITKH1OKTOWNS11IP. tr1 '1)93 67 J &XÜS . j-c Priinary Money 1.1 Flm Money __ 32M 10 FI.NK MOKKY FUND. Finos Collccted -Js w WEPSTKRTOWNSHIP. Taxes 2. l'riniary Money ] L' Fine Money _____ 2793 47 ( !( TOWHII'. TaxeB sl.0 DelinquentTftx J Pr mary Money 4, "; Fine Mouey __ H38 73 pooR nam. Appropriation 2S Towns and cities 13 J Cash of tiuperinteBdents ao ■" 7gM D-XTBB TOWKSHIP. Ta_es I' f Primary Money i Flua Money 8 "" 1876 14 Tax '■1MATOWSSHn:2280,1 Liqaor Ta_ l? Prim.ry Money ? Fine Money u " fai lJg GENERAL FUNII. LiouorTax _ f? CullecÜonFecsonDel. Tai 13601 M TPS1LANT1 CITY. Ta_. 6970 36 Delinquent Ta_ 38 Primary Money U f' Fine Money ■ LiqaorTax - 60 CONTIWRNT PtIND. AppropriaUon 2t0 " Sundríes W 60 . „.,Mr Ta- 1500 00 SALARV KUND. Appropriatlmi 125 W UquorTax JOH? 0 00 1RI ARHOH CITY. T„„ 18078 82 Delinquent Tax l1 g Primary MoDey f ' ue Noney " LlquorTax ifl6 2]887 98 STONKY CHEKK DRA1N. g3 KEAR M. AND SWAN CEEEK DKA1N. Drain Tax - lí ' SOUTH CX)ONTY LINE DRAIN. Drain Tax 189 69 PITTÍFIEI.D DBAIN NO. S. Drain Tai ü65 Amount overdrawn at F. fc M. BankOci. lrt.1 n816 10 Tot8l f203071 38 DISBURSBMKNl.-. Amount nverarawn at F. & M. Bank, Jan. lst, 89 1MC9 o9 rjlARGED BACK TAX f. Sundrieif ■ 61P LYNDOK TOWN8HIP. State ard County 'faxes 13M 2ñ Paid Trtasurer 12a stt )3gg ï6 ANNUA1.TAX SAI-ES. Apportionment 17J UI BEDF.MPTIONTAX. Apportionment la 8a INSÜBANCE FUNI). Orders Paid 7Ö bó DEXTEK VILLAGE. Paid Treasurer l055 9 MANCHESTER V1LLAGK. Paid Treasurcr 1039 M OHELSEA VII.LAGF.. Paid Treasurer -1 "" SALINE VILLAGF.. Paid Treasurcr 4 ou JA1L RUND. Orders Paid w4 " Mll.AN VILLAGE. Paid Treasurer -47 VORK TOWKS1I1P. State and County Taxes 2S11,J raía ireasurir . 24 ASN AEnnR TOWNSHIP. State and County Taxis 32A5 09 Paid Treasurer USj!l SALINE TOWMSHIP. State and County 'laxes 3543 63 Paid Treasurer 46 19 gj NORTI1FIELD TOWNSHIP. State and County Taxes 91 90 Paid Treasurcr " m-i.ima TOWKÍH1P. State and County Taxes 16U 6 Paid Treasurer 61ábJ 65 MANCHFSTF.R TOWKSHIP. State and Coumy Taxes 8639 55 Paid TreuBurer M " SYI.VAN ÏOWSSB1P. State and County 'J'axes 2902 bi Paid Treasuier 63l6J INTERfST FCND. Paid State ' HRIDGEWATKR TCAVNbHlF. State and Couuty Taxes -304 66 l'aid Treasurer 405 36 STATE OF MICHIGAN. P&id Treasurer 46329 47 SuudrieS JUl 46-160 24 K. MICII1..AS HyMJM. l'aid Tieasurer JOBOES FUKD. Orders Paid 19 30 FREKtOM TOWNSHlf. State and Countj laxes 2257 'JS l'aid Ireasurer 368 65 PITTSFIKI1' 1OUNSH1P. State and Couuty Taxet 3:TO2 56 Paid Treaeurer 28j 82 . BALKM TOWNSH1P. State aiul County Taxes 2732 3R Paid Treanirer "' s7 ■ ■ ■ -il o u FDÏl FÜBD. Orders Pald 31C 08 ann Ar:rni; hïv. State and County Taxes 18078 '■''- ''""' TriaMlri'r ' KU 97 O-2068 29 YP311 AMl TOWK8H1P state i' 2971 - Trei,uttr 43á S5 UISG PVJND. l'aid UW 71 BOABD SCHODI. EXA51INERS. Order. Paid 105G 47 DELINQUENT COTJNTÏ TA X t'. es retun ed 75 31 f rfc.NOGRAPHER I'l'Mi. Orders Pairt 615 20 TEACHERS IXSTITÜTE FTJKD, l'aid Conductor 175 00 WITNS6S FUNI). Orders lVid '1 60 C0NTTFC99. Orders Paiil 2819 12 I,ODI TOWNSHIF. State and County 'i'axes 3071 64 l'aid ïreasurtr 394 77 M66 81 MIARON TOWNSUIP. State and County 'f axts 2375 90 Pad 'Jreasurtr L,; 63 Uelinqueut Tax on State Land f 46 26:iS 89 SVPERI1R TOWN8HIP. Slote and County Tmw 2993 67 l'aid 'i'reasurer 269 43 : ■WUWTF.R TOWN8HIP State an d County 1 ax 2641 95 l'aid Treasurer 152 52 Delinquent Tax on State Land BS '2794 39 FINEMONEY FOND. Apportioumcnt 405 00 M 10 TOWUSHIF. State and County Taxes 43S9 :; Paid Treasurer b-a 09 4S66 12 WOKH W. OrderB Paid 4288 91 HKXTER T0WNRI1U'. State and County Taxe 1687 60 Paid ïrcasuru 188 54 1676 H J.ÏMA TOWNSH1P. State and County Taxes, 2476 73 Paid Treasurer 382 27 2869 00 HOUSE OF CORRECTION. Paid Treasurer SOS 93 GENEBAI, FUND. Orders paid '-' Apportionment Liquor Tax 15000 00 15000 25 YP8ILAHTI CITY. Btate and County Taxi 6970 8fi Paid Treasurcr 4018 79 11029 15 CONTINGENT FrNO. Orders Paid 3159 M SALARY FUND. Orders Paid 5229 47 ABS MAYBEK DBAIN. Orders P&id " BIG MABSH DBAIN, Orders Paid H 8T0NEY CKEEK DBAIN. Orders Paid 19 M B m. and s. c. drain. Orders Pa!d 197 S1 80CTH COCNTY LINE DRAIN. Orders Paid . 18S s PITTSFIELn DBAIN NO. 5. Orders Paid M1 62 Total Mi Statement of resources and liabilities as shown by the books in my office Oct. Ist, A. D. 1889. RESOURCE. Chargert Back Taxes ï 20 JurorB Fund x.} f} Fuel Finid .} l] Public BuilrttriRFund -"024 H Delinquent Couiity Tax " Stencnraph r Fuud - " Witne-s Fund JwtVi County Kund iul " Shanm Township 6 WtbsterTiwii6hip Huu-e of Corrertion í Contingent Fund W'J 8lary Fund M Unkuown Heir Fund 2 01 Total 123683 58 LIABILITIKS. Insurance Fund 9 York and Augusta Drain Spenser Maroh Draln " J jíTl Fund ' 82 Michigan Asylum 6 Augusta Township a Manchester T„wuship Intereot Fund State of Michigan " E. Michigan Atylam " " F.eedom Township J YpKilami Township 'ff BoaidofScho 1 Examinen 01 Teachers' Institute Fund f Fine Mouey Fuud lM "" ScioTOWLIShip O7Í7 q? Pot.r Fund Gener.l Fund 6g 63 Ypsiianti City ti York Township " Ann ArborCity P BndKtwater Urain No. 1 North Branch of Bear Marsh Dram 4 10 Wamy AddiMon to Sugar Creek Dram B 07 Me Branch No. 1 , J ; ; 8wan creek and Pliney Harrls Drain 10 99 N. Branrh of Bear amp Drain W Yom and Augusta Diaiu No. 2 } Dian aud Ferri Diain - Fuilerand Hardy Drain Haicbinson Drain ' , "V Kast ranch of BÍR Marsh Drain i 10 York and áaliue bram 10 J West Binch of Haint Creek Drain 49 Btoney Creek Drain óó I ear Marí-h and Swan Creek Drain H 44 South County Line Drain J' Piltsflclil Drain No 5 ■ oh Abn Maybee ' rain ?" Edward simpsou F-state 1 '"■ John D. Doan tstate 9 "" Lev. June oSi'ídra'itat F. & M. Bank Oct Ut, 1889 11816_10 Total 23583 58 G. BREHM, County Treasurer. [CONTINÜKD. ]


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