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SHILOH'S CURE wil! irnme-liately relieve Croup, Whooping Cnusrh aocl Broncbitis. Sold hv Ehñ'bich S S n. The Knee-JNnts Mnkers' naton of New York hs opened nro--per.ttive estabühment. LEGALST Nutlce of ChiiDcery 8al. In pursnance and by vTtue of a rleeree of the Circuit Court for the County of Wa-.htenaw in Chaucery. . , „ Marie and entered on the first day of Ootober, A. D lK89,in a ertain cause ihtrein ienditiK.wherein Wi Mam H. Mather is coinplain nt. and J. (1 Bailey eecut"r of the will of Julia . Reynolds deoeaVt-d. anci Eüza Monigimery re rlefendants Noiire is HerebyGiven, That I shal'sell at public aiiction orvendue. to lh bighest i.idier, at the south front d or ot the Court Housa. in the City of Anu Aibor, Countv of Washtenaw, St-te ot iliehiKan (Ihat being theplaieof holding the Circuit Court of sid Connty), on Friday the thirt.enth day of December, A. I). 18. at 10 o'clock in the forenomi of t-aid day, au or so much thereo as may be necewa-y to raise the amcmnt due to said complainant for principsl intere.'t and costo ia thix i-ause. of the foll.wing described panel of land, to wit: All of the following lecrihed land situated in the towiiKhip ot Manchester in the County of Wnshienaw a"d Stute of Mithiisan, viz; The ast quarter (S E. M, of section number thirty-fi e (Sn) in townthlp uumber four 14) snuin in range nuuiber three (3i est. exceptiug flltyflve acres off from the east side thereof herctoforeconveyed to Johnsmall,leavlng theamount of land Included in this descrlption, oue hundred and five acres more or le. Dated at Ann Arbor this 27th day of Ocober, A. D' lb89" PATRICK McKERN XN Circuit Conrt Ck)mmissioner for Washtenaw Co inty. Michiiian. . , Noau W. Chekvkb, Solicitor for Complainant. Notlce lo Crertltors. STaTE OF MICHIGAN,) COUNTY OF WASHTENAW. i ' Notice is hereby i?tven, that by an order of the Probate Court tor the County of Washtenaw, made ou the lst tiay of Octobtr. A. D. 1889. ix momhs trom that date were allowed f ir creditors to pivFent their claims agahist the estáte of w ilham H. E tabrok late of mld. ouniy deceased, and that all ereditots of said dere-i-ed are requireM to pe(■ent their claims to aid Probate Ciurt, at the Probate Office in the City of Arm Arbor, for exam ination and allowance. on or bcforp the Ist day nf April next, and that such claims w 11 be heard before said Court, on Tueiday, the ülstdayof Janniry, and on Monda;, the 2Ut day of April next, at ten o'clock iu the fortnoou of eaoh of said days. D.ted, A,m Arbor, $LL g 77 Judge of Probate. Prnbnte Order. STATE OF MICHIGAN,! _ COUNTYOF VVaSHTENAW ) At a-essionofthe Pr batef'ourt fortheOounty of Wa-htenaw. holden at the Pr bate Office in the ('it of Ann Arbor, on Monday. the 2sth dayof October, in the year one thousaud eight hundred and eigh'y-nine Present J Willard Babbitt, Jndge nf Probate. In the Matter ol the Estateof John W. Thumpson, deceased. m . On reading and fllingthe pptltion, duly verlfVd of Zorai'ia A. Thompon prayine that adminisirllon of said e tate may be granted to Frauk A. Thompson or sume other mitable person. Tliereujxm if is Urdered. That Monday, the 'Mh day of November next at teno'clock In the fore noon. be assignedfor the hearing of said petition and that the 0611 atlaw of said deceased und al otber cersons tnterested in said estáte, are required to appear at a sesion of said Court.then to behold en at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor and show cause, if ai y 'here be why the prayer of the petUioner shoiild not be granted : Anc it is lurther ordered, that said pelitimier üive noüce to the persons interested iu said estáte of ihe pendency ot said petition, and the hear ing thereof, by'eauMng a copy ol thls order tt be published In the Aun Arbor Kbmvter, a newspaper prinied and circulated iu said comity. tnree suutetsivc weeks previous to said dy 01 hearing. } WILLABD BABBITT. TA true COpy.J Judge tl I'robaic. WM. G. DOT Y . Probate Reuister. W í'rob.ilc Mc'. At a seí-sion of the Probate Court f'ir the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate office iü the city of Anu Arbor, ou We(luesda , ihe seeond day of Ootober in the year one thousand eight hundred and eii?hty-nine. Present, J. WILLAEi) BABBITT, Judge of ProIn the matter of the estáte of Bcujamin E. Nichol, deceaed. On reaclina and filing the petition, duly verified, ofLilliüM.Nichols. praying that administratie of 8id e-late may be grauted to herself or sume other suitable pereon. Thereupon it is urdered, that Mooday, the 28th day of Oetober next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon be assiüiied lor the hearing of said petition, and that the heirs at law of sald deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a ses&ion of sald Oourt, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, il auy there be, why the praverof the petitioner shouid not be granted : And it Is further ordered, that said petitioner give noiicetothe perso1 s mtere-ted in said estaie. of (he pencieucy 01 said petition. and the hearing thereof, by cauing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Register, a newspauer printed and circulated in said county, three fiuccessive weeks previousto said day of hearing. J. WILLAK1) BABBITT. [Atruecopy.] Judge of Probate. W'm. G. Uoty. Probate üegister. 71 Iteitl Estáte For Sale. State of Michtgan, j _ COUNTY OF WASHTENAW. ( É In the Matter of the Estáte of Thomas S. Sanford leceased. Notice is hereby (tiven, That in pursuance of an order uranted to the underngned Execnlor of the lastwill and testament of said deeeased by the ïlon. judge of Probate lor the County of Washienaw.on the Sixteenth day of September, A. I. 3880, ïliere wül be sold at Public Vendne, to the hiph'est bidder, at the Kast. front door of the Conrt e In the City of Anti Arbor. in the County of Washtenaw in said State, on Moniiay the lourth day of November, A . I). 1889, at leo o'clock in the forenoon of that day (subject to all encumbranceti bv mortgftge or otherwise existinu; at Ihe time of the deeth of aid deeeased, thu fuilowini! describí d R al Kstate. to wit: (Beinir the ulil 1'nitnrian Chnn-h property of Ann Arbor now kn'iwn hs tlie ünlty Bloek) and deacribed as follows. The East mvc . ly six (76) feet in length off of lots number beven (") and eiühl 8) In Dloek numberone (l) north range nunibcr flve (5) ast In the ('iiyot .vu Arboi in the Cöunty t ashtenaw and St ite of M Ichi ran belngtne Eat half {% of said lots and the Eas ten (10) feet in wldth off' ot the Wcat half (]4 of saiil ioiB number teven () and elght (8). Dateil Beptember I6th, Benjamin Brown, 75 Executor. MortK.ise Rale. Whereai óY'fauH having been made 1h the conlltlons of thrce several mortuales executed by Au 'Uts M. Brition and saniamlia M. Britton, iis wlfe. to Mrs. 8. 8 ('owles. the first mongge bearing date the 28th day of June, 1879. and recomed in the office of the Kegister of Deeds for Washtcnaw County, Hiobigut, on the first day of Ju'.y, lh"9, In Liber 58, of mongages, on page 9"). The secnnd morlgage bearing date the 7tli day of July. Ih8:i, and reeorded in the ofiioe of Ihe Register öf Deeds lor Washteniw County, Michigan, on the I2th dny of July, 1883, in Ubtr 68, of rnortgages. on page 304. The third mongage dated July3d 1881, and reeorded lu the oftice of the Kegister oJ Deeds f .r Washtenaw County. Michigan, on the 'tb. day of July. 1884. in Liber 6S, of mortaaces, on page 207. O:i wblota three above described mongages there is claimed to be due, at the date of this notice, the sum of 3194.i6. for principal and Interest, and no aeti iO or proci-edings at law or in cquity having been instiluted to recover the debt -ecured by said niortitages or any part therenf. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a power of sale cnnuinuil in said morUages and of the statnte lu fiuch cases made and proprovided, the said mortgages wiil he foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premisea therein dexcribed. which sale will bc made at the West door of the Court House in the City of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, at public the Sheriff of said county, on Friday, the 2ith day of Oetober, A. D. 188, at 2 o'di ck in the aflernoon, lo satisfy the amount which hall then be due on said mortgaces, with the Interest thereon and costs and expenses of sale and bixty flve dollars attoruoy ree as stipulated in said mortgages in case of foreclosure The premises deseribed in said mortgages to be sold as above specifled, are the lot, pieio or parrei of land situated in the City of Ann Arlxir, Michigan, and known and described as follows: All of lot No. 6. block five, Range ten (10. East Lawrence and Mayuard's Hddition to the Villogc, now City, of Ann Arbor. Michigan, according to the plais ofsaidVillageandCiiy recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Wastenaw County, Mate of Michigan. Mus. 8. 8. Cowlrs. D&ted t Ann arbor. M'ch., August 1, 1889.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register