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Michigan (Tentra " The Niágara Falls Route." OENTAAL STANDARD TIME. SOINO EA3T. i áJ 7 i -aw a-a 3l 3" STATIONS. = jB . - -.g, fig, ?_ ?_1?_L_M. A M A. M. P. M. A. M. P M. P. M. Chicago Lv. 7 5. 10 a 3 lu 10 10 9 10 P. H. P. M. A M. Kalamazo io llí 2 tí I NI 7 10 S IB 2 27 acksoil Ar. 3 2f 4 4 8 49 9 3 6 lf 4 45 Aun Arbor.... 4 43 5 48 9 4110 4 7 50 6 00 Jetroil .Ar. 6 1U 6 bu 10 45 U 50 9 20 7 80 A. V. A. H. P. U. P. M. Buffalo Ar 2 30 i 25 6 15 4 5 8 05 opino wm, ! . & . o M . s 3s ï SS S RATIO d J ff gS ! á á 3 3 á L A. H. A. M. F. H. A. M A. M. P M Buffalo Lv. 1125 o Só 8 3 12 30 P. H. P M Detroit Lv. 9 10 800 400 120 800 10 15 A ii ii Arbor.... 10 25 8 59 5 2' 2 M 9 15 II 35 Jacksou Ar. U 45 10 00 6 oO 8 18 10 45 12 49 P. H. P H. A. a. A 11. Kalamazoo 2 45 12 18 9 45 5 07 1 20 3 07 Chiuago Ar. 7 5' 4 3 9 0. 7 00 7 45 Suuday excepied JSatarday excepted. fDaily. ü. W. RUliULES, H. W. HAYK8. G. F. 4 T. A., Chicago. Ag't. Aun Arbor. Toledo, Ann Arbor & Mortli Hldugac R Time Table going tato effect 8unday, Jan. 6, '89. Golng North. UolngHouu. aa .. a. stations. i. . i i. jftSÍ Pass. Mail SO"" División. Mail Pa8s fe A. M. P. M. A. M. LVE] [ABB P. M P. M. U. M. 3 25 Si .Toledo. 110 1100 4 06 6 19 Mouroe Junct'u 12 24 10 20 .... 4 ;5 6 27 Dundee 12 18 10 13 4 31 6 46 Milán 12 00 9 50 4 52 7 ( Pittstield ... 11 40 9 Al 7 31) 5 07 7 20 ..Ann Arbor.. U 25 9 20 9 39 8 00 5 27 7 3a Leland's 11 10 9 05 910 5. 45 7 49 Whitmore Laki 10 5- 8 50 5 52 7 5 Hambure 10 48 8 45 6 34 8 45 HoWttl I" 11 8 13 7 15 9 Durand 9 3S 7 30 _ 8 55 10 5 ...East Sagiuaw... 7 55 5 5") A. M P. M. A. M. A. M P. M.lA. M. NORTHERN DIVISIÓN. ....... 7 80 9 8fi Durand 9 33 7 15 0 1" 12 4 ...Mt. Hleasant... 6 48 4 35 1 55 3 30 Cadillac 4 15 2(10 A. M. P. H A M. P M All passenger trams run daily except Sumlay. Counectious at Toledo wtth raUroadedtvi-rfc-i g, AtManhttttan.lunctionwlthWheeling&LakeEro P.. S. At Alexte Juuctior witb y.C R RL h li'y ar.d F & f M R E A Monros Junctloi ■ur. L. 8. di. M. 8. K'y. At Dundcc wlth LU M. 8.. and M. & O. Ry. At M ilan with W„ 8t. L. t P. Ry. At Pittsfleld with L. S. & M. 8. B , At Ann Arbor with Michieat) Central B. K., .■.■ at South Lyon wlth Detroit. iAnsiug aun Nonb ern R. B.,and (4. ï. Ky. H. W. AHHLPV, A. J. PAISLEY, Superintendent, Gen Passenger Asent. GEJ. H. HAZLEVVOOD, Agent, Ann Arbor. At Ashley with the Toiedo -aginaw & Muskeion railway. OALL O IN" G. H. WILD BEFORE TLACIVG YOÜR ORDER FOK A Fine Dress Suit [f you want a Nice Suit, the lates Style, see G. H. WILD, THE TAILOR u, 3 Wiisliiuu'luii SI. "CHICAGO TRUSS." tNciv Spiral íSprinu Trusi , Hard Ruhhcr Pad ; Clean, #359' Durable, Cheap. Approved g, oy the htghest Medical Au.hority. Worn day and nighi oy an Infant a week oíd oí ati Adiilt 80 years. Eaxtt& adjunted. It meets all formt of Scrotal Fermoral, Inguinal and Umbilical Hernia, in li.ith Infanta and Adults Satisfactiou guaranteed in all 21SSS. Any desirable pressure obtained. II your druggist dies not keep this Ttuss, endose 8[&mp8 and address, CU CAO TRISS O., riiirasu. III. OFFICE AND FITTINO ROOM. 122 E. Randnlph Sí , T. Y. KAYNE. Manager. Sold by Aun Arbor Jjruggists. BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGESY. NONE GENUINEWITHOUTTHE 5A I ManuTd bv Wm. Aykis & Sons. PbUada. wíh make tlie famous llorse Braua liaUer Blankets p. H. HAGERTY, Prch. il. A. PAULHAttUS. Sc3. ÁBERDEEÍI, SOO TH DAKGTA The commercial and rnilway oenter of cho tvo D Is oor western ' We ca 3 7 prr cent, sonii-aninial f: [ ft-rm tanda In Boa ■ : per aiinuni. If you areptn , il piy q write for i prives full in■ COMPA r-Orr Iüiwsüo, YOURrflËV%e C.H.PEARSON&CeV -BALTIMORE.Md. I THE CREAT Germán RemedyJ IaTRUTHSFORTHESlCK. "TmüTac! deatlilv $1,000 wlll lio pnidl] niIiousSpcllffflepeml roracascwhercbiiL-ill inSlTLI-JuuUlTTEKS I'HUB BlTTF.KS Wil 111 it wlll cure you. notassist orcurc. ltJJ PI '■"■ u,, "erfails. „ IJItliattlredandallgone Clcanse the vitintedljl llrcelins; lf B, usc hlood when you set III liui.PHUB Bittees; ts lmpuritles bnrst-IH it will curcyoa. in;through the skiDlII Hl not procure suiïicicnt lmm m m tm l I lexerr.ise, and all who gULPHUR I!ittkksI lareconünedindoors, wm cure uTerCom-II Ishould use Sulphur lalnt. v„„,t dia-l I mSÜ, L Í aYotUe of o you BtrongandBI Sulphbe Bitters ; Ü22iüü -111 lrJ0," SULrmrB r.i n misJ m Don't be without a wlll make your bloodpj Mbottle. Tryit; yon pure, rich and strong.M w 111 not regret It and your nuBh hard. Ijl health, who are all tf.ks to-nlght, andlH rundown, shoulduse you wlll sleep welllll tf ri.rm'i: lü rn i:i ' - ■ ' '■■ '■ ' ''■■■" J Do you w:mt the beátHecUcal Work publlahed? (pnd'3 2-rent stamp to A. 1'. ORDWAt Co„ Bdoton, Wjiss., ftnd roceivo a copy, free. , THE BESTWHITE 60APMADE-IN-AMERICA: t :MW dAS-S-KlRK " cisr M cloud! I MlLlÍ;!l Rappers _JWÍSJ" 1 O PH0T06RAPH4 g AcTORsandAciRESSS LADIES, GENTLEMEN, AND STUDENTS' THe Hrciil Knsrllsh Hrescrlptlon will restore that lost Vitality and a Rugged. Healtliy Condilion follow its use. Buy at yom drUKK -Vs, one packcge.ïl; six tor SS EUKKKA CHEMICAL CO., Dktroit, Mica Noi.l by JII V JKtdKli. nv..l TiTil WITHOUT ANY EXCEPuHSSti Metttl I TÍOS the best in the ___d- _- i ! world. Absolutely rain -..._ a. a oaM ! storm and tire pruof. Kas ShTNitLTcS "y Artwlc is Wiilll WTJJ WW ihiish ml at pricesthat. in many parts of the country, compete successfiilly with wood shingles. IUustrattd catalogue and prices free. Tbs National Sheet Metal Roofisg Co., . S1O Eit. 301b St .. New York City. I The largest, fastest and flnesb in the world. IPaaseD.'iur uccommodations unexcelled. tu Yrk fo OitHoiv vin LoiMlonclerry. lnvonin, IV o v. 30; ircü.sia, lo. 7; AiK'horn. De. 21: 9 Itiiogxa, IM-. II: Feruessia, !.. 38; iinicsiii, Rov. SM. .nloon, fiicpond-Clas and Wtecruffe ralos on towent tonus. Kvciii-siuii TlcketB reduced. made availubl.? to return bytithtT tlie Pieturesque Clyüo and Korth of Irelanrt. or ltiver Mersey and South of Ircland, or Kaplt and (ilbmltar. _ Exi-urHloiift to Paris or Continental Tonrson lowpRt tertns. Travelers' Circular Ltttei-s ot Credit aud Pratts Cor any amount at loweutcurrcnt ratea. Apply to anv of our local n(reiits, or to 'HENDERSON BROTHERS, Chicago, III. SA LES MEN to canvass for the sale of Nursery Ptwk ! Sieaily cmpliiymentRuaraiitced. SALAEY AÏID EZPEN323 palJ to ttaccSfcfii) men. Apply at oncu tjiutiii,t; age. Meuiion this paper. CHASE BROTHSES C0XFAH7, Roitato, SEW ÏOXK. Why Should I Go to Montana ? Qreal K urva( ion. Because iS.000,000 acres of iYee Government land. uitli a delightful cl tra ate, and equaliy suited for genera] farming and stock raising have just been oponed to the Dome Boeker in the Miik Kiver Vallej and near Beatón and Great Falls, siiK'U t. aisintr. Because the favsrable climate and superior rasses of Montana inuke it the natural home of horst s. cattle, sheep and other domettic animáis and because winter ieeding is not itquired, as stock grazes at Iarge the year round. Hen ral Farmins1. Because a richsoll and abund-int suminer rains produce wheat, oats. rye. barley and the grasses and vegetables of a qualtty size and yíeld unsurpassed. 31 mi nu. Bt-cause Montana produces tro-e of the precious metáis than any other state or t' rrft ry. and abttndant opportunities remaia to sec i re vdJuable properues at nominal cost. limiiiif i ut utii. Because the Great Rcserration is the meeting p;iint of settlers erom the I'acific Coast and from the Kastcrn Stat s. and is the only exttmsive tract of good land left, suitable for settlement BiiMiiieH. Because therapidly growing1 towns along the St. Paul. Minneapolis & Man i toba Ry. offer splendid opportunities to en gage in business. 1:iii (i liii ii i-r. Because the i.oooooo horsepower water-power at Great Falls, the extensivc coal veins the wool, mineral and grain raising resources ot Montana offer excepüoual oppertumtie to the manufacturer. TMiriMl. Because the canon of the Gates of the Mountains, the Great Falls of the Missouri, the Giant Fountain and Continental Divide offer the most sublime and diversiñed scencry to be found on the Continent. Take a summer tour. Why Travel foy the t. ■., M. A M.? Because only by it can you travel through the largest body of free land left for settlement. Because it reaches the Great Falls, with the largest waterpower on the Continent. Becnuse it reaches Helena, the richevt city of its size in the world ; and because it is the shortest and best route to Butte, the largest míníngcamp on eartli. Special tourists and landseekers' rates. Daily tratns through solid to Montana. Choice of three routes to thePacific Coast. Find out all about it by writing for ' The Great Reservation," and " Tourists' Summer Guide." For further Information, rates, maps etc, applv to F. I. WHITNKY. G. P. & T. A.. St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Ry., St, Paul, Minn.


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Ann Arbor Register