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The Czar of Russia is fond of hunting and fishing. Do y 0,1 suffer wi:h oatarrh? Tou can be cured f you take Hond'g Sarsaprilla, the ereat blood purifier. S Ad by all drugists. Tbnt Little TickllngIa your throat, which raakes you cough ooce in a whilí and keeps yon constantly clearirg your throaf, arises from catarrh, and as catarrh is a constitutional disease the ordinary cough medicines all fail to hit the spot. Wiiat you need is a constitutnnal remedy like Hood's Sarsaparilla. Many people who have taken tfais medicine for scrofula, dyspepsia, loss oí appe tite, and other troubles, ave been surprised that itshould cure this troublesome cough. But to know the actual cause of the cough h to solve the mystry. Many cases of consumption can be traced back to the neglect of eome suïh slight affection as this. Consumption can be eontrolled in its early stages, and the eöïct of Hood's SarsaparilU in purifyine the blood, building up the geceral health, and expelling the scrofulous taint which is the cause of catarrh and consumption, has rjstored to perfect health many persons on whom this d er.d'ul dwease seemedto have a firm hold. ' Ifyou want your stomach free, your mind clear and energetic, take SamaritAn Nervine. The finest alternative and anti bi ious medicine on earth, is Sumaritan Nervinp. $1.50. Sarmnfan Nervine cured a very severe case ot Enilepy tor me. Dr. B. Munsey, Lacinia, N. H. A NensIMe Man Wou'd me Kemp's Bolsam for (he Throat and Luntr. It is curinj; imre cases of Coughs, Colds, Aítfima, Bronchitis, Criup and all Throat and Limg Troubles, than any other medicine. The proprietor has auiborzed any dru;gUt to give you a Sample Bjtlla Free to convince you of the merit of thi great recnedy. Lirge Bottles 50c and $1. Chilblains, cu s or woundf, cao be cured in short lime bv the ose of Salvation Oil. All druggists sfll it at 25 cents a bottle. A irruí Surprise Is in store for all who use Kemp's 15lsaDQ for the Throat and Lnngs, the great guaranteed remedy. Vou!d you believrt that it is sold on its merits and that any druggist is authorized by the proprietor of this wonderful remedy to give you a sample bottle free ? It never fÜ8 to cure acute nr chornic coughs. All druggiots sell Kemp's Iiilarn. Large Bottles 50 cents nd$l. REMedyAIM For Bruises and Burns. Fresh, Strong, Convinclng Facts. Best Resnlts EitPTOTldenc, X. I.t Jnn'S8. Whlle In the employ oí the Bptow BtoT O. applied voor St. Jcobi 011 to many k&d bornf of ti moulder, wjd lw7 wlth bJt remití OEO. W. HOET0S. Ladder Teil. Galierton, TeiM, June J3. 1888. Feil from ladder; brotied nd iprained mj foot nd wri.t; iiilerd i dty; wi cured by Si. Jcotu Oil. JOSHÜA WYTETH. Knee-Cap Hurt. Rail, In4.. Ang. 10, 1888. Knee-cap wi hnrt and I inflered 3 montlu; 3 bottlei ot St. Jacob. OU n"l0ej"J[t00d,a""Dislocatiou. JoUet, ni., May It. 1SSS. Diilocaud ihoiüder 3 jeari ago; counned J weel to Hoom: th. pain wu cured by 8t Jacobi Oil and kar had no rturn of It. J. D. BBOWH. HO"Bdk4V,'1c0x'oïïnadU ..i can.; two bottlw SU Jaci 0'"'. At DRrGGisrre and Dealer. THE r.H IRLES VOGELER C0w Baltimori. M. TWTÜl TESTICURA EXTERNOSÜM SB BY V 5_XALBERTgg 3 tor the cure of Seminal j W o ness. Impotency, Nocturnal " = tmissions, and Stuntad 0 ca velopmcnt. -Cu g?l fv; iy absorption. Applied direct to 5 i "C the Parts. No nauseou drugs tbat 5X3 ! min the stoinach JuaraDteeJ rs g-i ure or money refundod. bentr I E3 Vt0 an5' part ' t'le "■ '- seS S iO ..curely packed free [rowjr sxi 'v obaervation upon f ■ % 'Vreceipt of S2. r J ADDFÏESS THE OERT MEDICAL CO. CLEVELAND, O. - vfipffiSk FRESH YDURlJMVrtUS GROCERMSkH C.H .PEARSON & CS.-BALTIMORE,Ma


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