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QPÍPJTIJ Vn" sfcould read The Chi ÖL wtmfw #1 cago Daily NF.wsbeeause # Cf cíoesn't stand ín thc way. It's reall y the cbeapest ih i ng on c;irth One cent mpan" practically nothing- untP ymi spcnd it. Then yon may m:ike h mean a great dc:il, accorrline as yon a ínvest it. A thing ís ■ Iwap it it costs little, and is wortfi much. The Daily News ís like atelegraph from the whole woríd to your brain. To keep it in constant working order costa yon but onecent aday. That'swhy it's chcap - becausc t renders a great service for an insignificant price. JUménther - Its círculation is 220,000 a day- over a million a week - and t costs by mail 25 ets. a month, four months $1 .00, - one cent a. day. I f any dealer saye he has tUe W. Ti, Doug Ia Bhoefl without name and price Itamwdoa tlie buttom, iut htm down as a frutal. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 OnUC GENTLEMEN. Best in the ivorll. Examine h! tü.OO GKSIIISE HASU-SKWED 8HOE. S4.0O HAMKSK1VK1) WELT SHOK. S3.5O PÓLICE ANO FARHEBT SHOE. 82.50 KXTKA VALUÉ CALF SHOE. 3.35 WORKINGMAN'S SHOK. 3.00 and SI. 75 BOYS' SCHOOL SHOKS. All made in CoDgress, Button and Lace. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE lafdres. Bent Material. Beet Style. Best Fitting. Ii not sold by your desier, wrlte W. L. DOUGLAS, I! KOCKTON", MA&3, Examlnf . I.. Donicln 83.00 Mine fo tt'if lenifu añil I ili". WM. REINHARDT L CO., 42 S. RtAlS NTRF.ET, Aun Arbor. HUMPHREYS' L'K. Hcmphbeys' Specifics are srlrutiflrally and carefully prepared presoriptions ; ustni for many year8lnprtvatepractlcewïthsuceos.s,andforoTer thlrty yeara usedby thepeople. Every single Spaclflc tó a special cure for the dlsease named. Tnese Kpeciflcs cure without tlrugglng, pnrfflng or reduclng the system, and aro in faot and deed the sovereiKn remedies of theWorld. list of rarsciPAi. sos. ccres. fbiczíi. 1 Kever, Congestión, lnnainmailon . .'-ï ïi Worms, Worm Fever, Worni Colk ,'li 3 í'ryinar ColiCjOrTeethingof Infanta .'. j 4 Oiarrnea, of Children or Adulta. . .. si! 3 Dyaentery Orlplng.BUiousCollc. . . .'.; 8 Cholera Morbus, vomltlng 'ii 7 ouiihH, Cold, Bronchitis '2.' B Neuralgia, Toothat'he, Faoeache .. ,ti 9 Headaches, SlckHeadaclie. Vértigo .i i 10 Dyapepaia, QIHoils stomach .'5 11 Snpbressed or Painfnl Periods .'.5 1 Wfiite, too Prof use Periods .-5 13 FroiPi Cough, Dlfflcult Breathlng .. .'.5 14 Halt Rheura, Erj'nipelas, Erupthui-s. ,'X'i 15 HheutnatiNin, ltheumatlc Palos. ;.. .■L) 16 Feverand Ame, Chllls, Malaria.. .50 17 Pile, Blind or BleeolBg ,58 19 t'atarrh, Influeuza, Coldlnthe Heaa .50 '20 WBOopins uuich, Violent Oough. .50 '4 General HeblIlty.l'iiysicanVtaltnni .50 '27 Kiilm-y li4'!ii' ... . .50 28 NerTousDebility 1.00 30 1'rinary Weaknes, Weltlng Ifc-d. .50 3Ü Sold by Drugglsts, or sentpostpakl oo recelpt of price. Dk. Hi-mi-hkeys' JUm ai., 144 pag-eü) rlchly bound In cloth and goW, mailed free. Humpbreya'Iedirinefi.l"91ult m8t.NY. SPECI FICS. 'MOTHERS JplpflEND" LESSENS PAIN T0 LIFE „ DIMIN1SHES DANGtK ur MAILEBFKE ' fj "{. fi I L U BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA m solo gr au cruggists. "" TlLL ciïRIp [H "water IMITATED, but NEVER EQUALLED, for HEATure Cwellir,, Public Buildings, Churcbcs L 'The liri'.NEY Hut Water System )j safe, cleanly. readily manatícd, establishes a uniform, agreeable anrt ivholesome heat. and la far superior iu these oenlloned partiiMilarK to any othermode Of House-heailng WIUl wlifch I ani acqainted." A. BROOKS, M. I)., Chicago. Send for" lio hfnt l heat our Homes.'' GUENEY HOT WATER HEATER CO. Botton, Mast. E&timates fnrnisht.'d by Wi-sit'i-ii l'liimliii{f hikI HeHliiiu: ('o.. Detroit. Hiehu MiLLARD'S HAIR OLQSSOMER. ff rrfyi A ui e cure for itchy Sfi. ' ■" sore scalp, Dandruff WJS BflMBOa, Io:id or Fant. f ''""' n"ir and "" 8cal11 M2jBb dieuses. rjllL HABK.X # V#a 'Y wnsh the huir und rU'an"e thfi scülp without iniurv ue MII.I.AHW.M IIAIIC KO.VM.50n i uttirt ?'rC..rviHy II. K. Mli.l.AKB,M Mouroe SC. Grand Unpldx, Jlli-li. nr suie by all drogirlsts ami dealers, or went post.1 toany addresson n'ct int of above price. Sen :irculars umi testimonial!. TU M fl A OrD " "n Ule in lh)l4elpn) I "V I SSJsJtlilnifAspney of Mesara. N.W.AYERa SON. our authorlzed ageat


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