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Real Estate Transfers

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Goorge Sehmidt to Fredcrick Kaücwehr, Looi and Freedom X000 00 James V. Ca-ty to Ptter Stoulur, Augusta 16jO 00 Jacob Scharberle to Fellx Duulavey, üexter _ 1700 00 Hermann Langer to Leonhard Gruner, Ann Arbor 7(0 00 Gnstave Waltcr to OUo SehipJaek, Ann Arbor 225 00 James Cosgrove to John Cosgrove, Ypsi. 1 00 E. O. Ebersparcher lo Htinrich Kbersparcber. Aun Arbor _. 1 w Abram Pride to Alpheus Feieh, Anu Arbor „ i 00 Claudtus B. Gram to Alphius Felch, Ann Arbor i CO E. A. C. i oberts 10 Alpheus Felch, Ann Arhor 1 00 Wm. Ha' ham to Catherine B. Banr. Manchester 450 00 Louisa H. Smlth to Chas, tl Smith, llixter 5 00 Chas. 8. Smlth toWm. C. Clark, Ann Arbor 800 00 Hathaway Densmore et al to Anson Hathaway, York 300 00 Stephen I). Allen to Sarah E. Dibbel, Anu Arbor. 3200 00 Gottlieb Bucholz lo the Kegents of Michigan Univereity, Ann ArS.r 3750 CO Herman Bucholz lo the Regenta of Micnigan Uiiiveraity, Ann Arbor 650 00 George Crampton lo the hegents of Miihipan University, Ann Arbur 107 00 Goitlleb Bucholz to Herman Bucholz, Ann Aror „. 300 00 Helen M. Whedou to the Regente of Michigan ITniversity, Ann Arbor 15000 John BuriiB et al by heirs. to the Regents of Michigan Universlty, Aun Arbor _ SO0 CO