OCR 85 CENT COLUMN. Adveitisements, such as To Rent, For Sale, and Wants, not exceeding three lines, eau be inserted three weeks ior 25 cents. WAMEI. WANTED- Small unfurnished house in good loeality. Addresa G. 11., 60 a. División Street. 81 WANTED- Country Boy 16 or 17 years of ag as an apprentice to a florist. English o Germán. Enquire persoually at Miller avenu greenhouse. 81 YXANTED- Servant girl at St. Andrew's Kec VV tory, No20N. Division-st. 81 WANTED - A competent nurse girl not unde 20 years of age, and a girl cook to go to city in Indiana about January lst Wages fo each 13.00 per week with no washing. Inquir 31LLiberty-st., city. 81 WANTED -1000 bushels of rye at highest mar ket prices. AHmendinger & Schneider. Ty ANTED- A girl, 48 S. State Street. 80 Girl for household work, 44 South Thayer Street. 80 XJ ANTED- Girl to do house-work. No board TT ers, small family. No. 2 Packard. l'J WANTED- A front room. ftirnished, outside o business center, by a lady and gentleman Address G. Register Office. 7S WANTED- Two lady roomers, No. 10 State-ft corner E. Wa-hingtonst. 79 FOR SALE. ÍjOR SALE- One new 4 drawer Singer Sewing Machine, for $12.1.0. Warranted for five years H. N. Neuhoff, Agent, lío. 3 Washington-st. 81 FOR SALE- A second hand square Ideal eoal stove, property of the late Judge Joslyn Cali at J. Schumacker's, 68 S. Mainst. 81 IpOR SALE- A very flne ladies gold watch an chain. Used 3 mths., H k.. 11 jewel uickle movement. Cali or address 'B" this office, 79 F' iR SALE- A law library consisting of Mith igan reports, New York common law reports and good line of text-books. A bargain for someone. B. F. Graves, Adrián, Mich. 79 FOR SALE- Railroad tickets to Portland, Ore gon and return, good till Jan. Ist, 1890. To El Paso, Texas, and reiurn. Ihese tickets may be had at a very low rate. Address S., Register of flee. FpOR SALE- A fine brick residence, oneof the best in the city. Excellent location. Price reasonable, Inquire of S., Register office. 70tf FOR SALE -Building Jots, fronting west side Mannst; extra view; sizes to sutt; long time forpayments. J. D. Duncan, 76 Miller-ave. f0 FOR RENT. FOR RENT- Nice suite of furnished rooms at 86 East Huron. 80 FOR SALE- Thirty acres land, several hundred bearing fruit trees, % miles trom the Court House: also ten acres in the city, and house and lot. Address F. C. Loomis. 80 FOR RENT- A desirable suite of rooms with use of bath room ; cali at 47 South División street. 80 FOR RENT- Fu'nace heated suite Í4. Small suite or single room 2. Register.- M. 79 FOR RENT- A suite of four handsome unfur nished rooms on the ground floor; also clo!et. Cali at Mrs. Harris, 41 E. Catherine. 79 FOR RENT- Store in cew brick block. recently vacated by Yale. 22 Statest. J. P. Judson. 79 1TOR RENT- Several Houses in good repair, in E central part of the city. Yearly rent from J130 to83 0. Enquire of J. Q. A. Sessions, Atty. and Real Estáte Agt-, No. N. 5 Main St. 1!IN IJ.I.AMOI S. LOST- Pocket book enntaining change and a pair of gold spectaclcs. Return to "S," this office. 81 LOST- A long, brown embroidered Indian Scarf on Sunday morning, In or about the Campus. Reward will be elven to the fluder for return of the scarf to this office. 80 FORTY Dollars wiU'buy a fairly good secondhand Piano. Intending rurenasers can see the instrument at No. 17 División st., cor. Catherine. 80 CfcKl"k T1" (t JtA A MONTU can be 5pOU IU èfclOU made clear of expenses selling a NEW PICTOKIAL book we nave just publlshed. Agents meeting with great succets. We furnish explauatory circulars free. Address O. A. BROWNING & CO. Toledo, Ohlo. P. 8.- A few general agents wanted on special commission or guaranteed salary. 08 aug. 21-'89-8m. HICKORY AND HICKOHHMBEB, I will pay Ji2 oo per cord. cash, for Good Second Growth Hickory Butts, suitable íor Axe Handles. Delivered at myShop, or at M. C. R. R. Track, Ypsilanti. Good Second Growth White Ash also wanted. C. W. DICKINSON, Ypsilanti, Mich.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register