Mack & Schmid
You will not have to hunt for birgains at the store next week. On all eiJes you will see s'.acks of seasonable goods going out at tempting prioes - prices that are low by reason of fortúnate and la-ge purchasea. Come and see wbat all this means. There's money to be saved nnd that in the next two weeks. The last of November.- The winter months at hand- supply yourselves while prices are running so low. There is no humbug about us when we pronounce these values the best ever offered. 'Twould be impossible fnr any house to give greater bargains. We put our shoulders to the wheel to obtain for our patrona something not obtainable elsewhere at the prioes we are naming ara we have succeeded beyond a doubt. We prefer to cali you attention to those we have at pricts mentioned, each week in a weekly paper, because they are such as will not alone prove good goods, but aleo be the direct means of proving our claim of being the cheape6thouie in the county. Should anything you buy of us prove different from what we advertise or from what you are told by any of our employees return it at once and we will refund your money to you. We give an account eaeh week of new and diBerent bargains. Maybe one of them is just what you have in your mind. All wool doublé fold stripes, checks and plain colora in English Suitings at 25 cents per yard- 3G inch Hennetta cioths at 18 cents - 36 inch fancy stripes and plaids at 18 cents per yard- 28 inch fancy Persian printed Henriettas at 18 cents- 36 inch fancy Persian printed Henriettae at 35 cents- 5é inch heavy Broadcloths at 85 cents, worth $1.00 per yard- 54 inch French twilled Broadcloths at $1.00 per yard- Imported striped and plaided Drts Goods marked to sell from 55 to 90 cents, all reduced to one price, 50 cents peryrd. - 10 pieces Persian striped Silks at $1 00 per yard- 15 good 40 in h Seal Plush Sacques at $15 00-25 sood 40 inch Saai Plush Sacques at $25, mude of Walker'g Celebrated Combination Pluh - Oce lot children'scloaks, choice at $5.00 - Another lot of Ladies Garmenta at $7.50-3 dozen full-sze woolen shawls at $2.00-5 dozen full size doublé woolen shawls at $4.00 - 10 doz,n white bd sprexls at 75 cents each - 1 lot (tiand made) Swiss Curtains at $6 00 per pair. Our Hcrierr, Glovee ar.d Mitiens are not only best ft r quality and wear but we also take the gn atest care for flt and comfort. New line of all wool heavy boys hoe, doublé heel and toes at 25 cents ribbed or plain - Our 25 cents ladies' all wool hose are the best we ever offered at the money - Extra fine Cashmeres hose (French fuet) reduced to 50 cents - S Ik bose reduced to 75 cents, worth $1 00- Kid Gloves- The wear will te!l the tale - Mousquetaire "Pig Skin" gloves reduced to 75 cents - 25 dozen real Toster" kid gloves sold everywhere at $2.00 per pair, reduced to $1.00 in dark colors only - 10 dozen 4 button warranted kids at $1 00 per pair- $1.00 silk niittens reduced to 85 cents - A look at our Underwear will convince you at once that we are headquarters - 40 dozen (well made) Merino vests and pants at 35 n's- 50 dozen Merino (silk bound) at 50 cents - 25 dozen heavy jersey ribbed vests at 50 cents - 45 dozen Sinitary wool (warranted not to shrink) iti gold - natural mix and white jersey ribbed vests at 90 cents - 20 dozen natural wool vests and pants at $1 each- Our $1.25 and $1 40 scarlet ladies' vests and pants are all reduced to $1.00 each - 10 dozen penuine Camel's hair vests and pants at $1.50, Ypsilanti goods at list price - 5 dozen good heavy woolen skirts at $1.15-2 di zen pairs extra values in all wool heavy scarlet blankets at $3.40 per pair - 3 dozen pairs large size and heavy, strictly wool blankets at $4 60 worth $6.00 per pair.
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Ann Arbor Register