Around The County
A teachers' examination will be held at Dexter Friday. A new hall to be used for dances ís to fitted up in Dexter. A "Merchante1 Car ni val" will be held at Chelsea Dec. 5 and 6. The South Lyon band furnish.s a street concert weekly. The qnestion of sewerage is now being talked t Ypsilanti. The Ypsilanti high school drdicateda new fiag Tuesday evening. The Ypsilanti Building Association built six houses this season. D. E. Smith has been elected manager of the Salem butter and cheese works. Chas. Burkha--dt has removed back írom his farm to his residence inSaÜDe. Hoover'sand Bachman's fruit evaporators at Chelsea have been closed for the season. The masonic fraternity at Saline are making a number of improvements at their hall. This evening Tlianksgiving parties will be given at both the Whitniore Lake hotels. F. W. Briggs of Dexter has purchased an interest in a hardware store at Greenville. Birkett & Jedele of Dexter have sold their wool, and they ehipped it to Bosten last week. Howell is tired of private banking institutions, and anew state bank will be organized there. A. W. Snyder will teach the inhabitants of Whitmore Lake how to sing during the winter. Clark Crawford of Milford has been recommended for postmasterat Milford by Congressman Brewer. The Episcopalians of Hamburg will give a dance to-morrow evening for the oenefit of the church funds. Miss Cora Gorton, who has lived at Chelsea, has moved to Oregon and will make her future home there. Ed Dunn of Ypsilanti has purchased E. M. Lewis' charcoal kilns at Azalia and will carry on the bubiness. Wm. Ferrier, an employé of the T. & A. A. who lives at Azalia, was seriously injured while working at Owosso last week. Senator Gorman expresses himeelf in the Evening Newsas against holdingan extra sesnion of the legislature. Ihat's just right. The next meeting of the Grass Lake Farmers' Club will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee in Grass Lake township. The house of Win. Riemensrhneider of Chelsea was dainaged about $1,000 worth by Fiaoke fire and water, one night last week. The Ypsilanti light guard will give a reception at their armory to-morrow evening which will be one of the social events of the seaaon. R. D. Glenn of North Lake went to Howell last week and entertained tl; e crowd at the u Trades' Carnival " by his excellent whistling. Mrs. Wm. Hudson of North Lake is in hard luck. Her flock of 23 fine turkeys has stiayed away and willescape death ibis Thanksgiving day. Ten new fcholars haye entered the Brighton high school within the past two weeks, and 39 foreign gcholars are now attending that institution. While Wm. Gauntlett of Milan was breaking a young colt belonging to George Shutea, the colt suddenly threw itself over backwards, killing itself. Dr. J. Hooper Brown has purchased the practice and good will of Dr. K. Gunzolus of Dundee. The latter will remove to Detroit and ensage in tice. The members of the Azalia P. of I. assembly produced "The Honeymoon" last week, much totheenjoymeni of the "actors" and the benefit of the treasury. Rev. Woodworth of Salem will occupy the Presbytererian pulpit at South Lyon until the arrival of the new preacher, Rev. D. R. Spriggs, about Jaiiuary 1. The Patrons of Industry of Monroe county will meet at Dundee Saturday and endeavor to contrive some new scheme to cut down the profits of the merchant. South Lyon is a business place and the larger places in the vicinity want to look to their laurels. One day last week $1,500 was paid out there for poultry and stock. Perry McFall of Whittaker left home last spring and his whereabouts was a mystery until last week, when he suddenly appeared at home and paid hislfriends a short visit. By the death of Charles Farrington of Milan one of the leading candidates for postmaster at that place is removed. He died suddenly last Thursday, and was aman of sterling integrity, respecte.d by all who knew him. W. H. Talcott has moved from Pontiac and opencd up a grocery store in South Lyon. But he will not devote his entire attention to selling he is an attorney and has also opened up a law ornee. Mies Carrie Hueber of Lodi is now Mrs. Henry Bugg of the sametownship, Rev. Barry changing her name for her last Thursday evening. The bride is twenty-two, while the groom is past fifty but is still a very lively Bugg. Congreseman Brewer agreed to appoint the Republican who should receive the [most vote?, to the Howell post mast erehip. F. G. Switzer received 249 votes out of the 283 cast, and will cairy off the prize. The Michigan Central has built a fence around their property at Ypsilanti.tokeep the people from gettibg tco close to the cars. The fence is not very artistic in design, and the Commercial expresses a hope that something disastrous will happen to it. The Cornwell Fire Company has been succeeded by the Ypsilanti Fire Department, but the Cornwell company is not ready to turn over their property to the city, at least a part of them are not. At a meeting of the company last wetk it was voted to turn over the projierly to he city, but when the council met 18 members sent in a protett. Fed Webb of Pittsfiekl is fond of huntingandhisindignationwasaroused last Sunday at the sight of a party ot hunters on his father's preraises. red ( rJered them off and üred at their dog, wbereupon the hunU-rs discharged a mimber of shots at Fred, hitting him about the head and neck- Observer. The Congregationalistsof Salem know how to draw out a crowd. Rev. Shannon will preach the ïhanksgiving sermón tomorrow morning. after whicn the ladies of the church will furnish a dinner to the congregation. University hall woulin't be large enough to hold the crowd if such a plan was adopted here. The Southern Washtenaw Farmers' Club will meet at the residence of S. M. Merithew on Friday, December 6. An interesting programme will be rendered as follows: Select reading, Mis. H. R. Palmei; essay, Miss Mary Hitcbcock; clippings from the press, L. D. Watkins subject for discussion, "What inducements do farmers offer to young men; paper, Albert English. David Haggart teaches the school in the southwestern part of the township. anrl rffrmrRp. ia stibiect to the trials and tribulations of those of his profession. One day last week he punished a daughter of Valentine Mang very severely and in consequence Mr. M. had him arrested. He appeared for trial before Jiistice Webb, pleadguilty.and was flned $5 and costs, but before paying the fine concluded to appeal to the circuit court, notwithstanding he had plead guity- a ratherunusual procedure.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register