Literary Notes
The Journal of Marie Bashkirtseff, a young Russian artist who died at Paris in 1884 at the age of twenty-three, and which has attracted theadmiringattention of the foremost critics in Europe, will be published by Messrs. Cassell & Company, about Nov. llth. Among the most enthusiastic in their praise of th8Journal is the Right Hon. Wm. E. Gladstone,who in an article in the Nineteenth Century, pronounces it "a book wilhout a parallel." The translation has been made by Mrs. Mary J. Serano. Aportraitof Mlle. Bashkirtseff and reproductions from her paintings now owned by the Luxembourg Gallery,will accompany this edition. Cassell & Co., New York. Dr. Talmage again an Editor.- Beginnine with January lst next.the Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage, D. D. will become one of the editors of the Ladies' Home Jonrnal of Philadelphia. The famous preacher will have a regular ment each month, written by htmself, with the title "UnderMy Study Lamp." His íirst contribution will appear in the January number of the Journal. Dr. Talmage's salary is said to beoneofthe largest ever paid für editorial work. Ladies' Home Journal, 435 Arch St., Phila. Drake's Magazine for November has been received ?nd is a good number. Kspecially noticeable are the article on the national drink of Mexico, Pulque, by Howard Noli, and "English life as Shakespeare knew it." There are also a number of stories. [DrakePublishing Co., 21 Park Pvow, New York.] For 1890.- Consider Scribner's Magazine when you are deciding upon your reading matter for next season. The subscription rate is low- $3 a year. The standard of the magazine is high; its spirit progressive; the illustrations are interesting and of the best. There is not space here to give even a summary of the features to appear next year, but among other things there will be a new department and additional pages, and groupsof illustrated articles will bedevoted to the following subjecte: Afriran Exploration and Travel; Life on a Modern War Ship (three articles) ; Homes in City, Siiburb and Country ; Providing Homes through Building Associationp; The Citizen's Rights ; Eleetricity in tho Household; Ericsson, the Inventor, by hisAuthorized Biographer; Hunting; Humorous Artists, American and Foreign. There will be three seriáis. Robert Louis Stevenson will contribute in 1890. Each subject and there will be a great variety this year, will be treated by writers most competent to speak with authority and with interest. Readers who are interested are urged to send for a prospectus. 25 cents a number; $1 for lour months. Charles Scribner'sSons,743 Broadway, New York. Worthington Co., 747 Broadway, New York.announce a spaikling French novel cal led ■'Henriette.oraCorsiean Mother," by Francois Coppeó. 1 vol. 12mo., half bound, $1.25; fancy paper covers, 75 cents. This exceptional story, by one of the great modern writers, admirably translated, tells of a high-born mother's intense love for her only son, who, after the death of her husband, decides to devote her life entirely to him. But when the son attaches himseif to a young, but poor girl, the mother betomes discon8olate and repudiates the girl. The writer sharply contrasts the motl er"s devotion with the young girl's love.and has produced a novel of singular beauty and grace.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register