A Life Saving Improvement
An important improvement is chronicled in our marine Ufe saving service. After March, 1890, all steam vessela will be required to carry a life line rocket. Heretofore the line rocket appliance has been confined to life Baving service on shore. A rocket, to which a line was attached, was fired from a mortar gun'to the ship in distress. Sometimes tlie line became entangled out of reach and was of no use. Sometimes the aim missed altogether. Now, however, the rocket and line will be on board the vessel, and can be fired thence to the shore. At Washington a rocket has been tested which carries a line 1,000 yards. With appliances like this, it does not seem Íthat a ship's crew need very of ten be lost before the eyes of those on shore, who are unable to help them.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register