![Classified_ad image](/sites/default/files/aa_register/aa_register_18891128-p02-08.jpg)
In the mountaina collarsare worn high. CROUP, WHOUPING COUGH and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by Eberbach & Son. NightcRps still hold their own ii Keutucky. CATARRE CÜRED, health and sweet breath secured, by Sbiloh's Oatnrrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal I: jector free. Sold by Eberbach & Son. Among the ' hiñese white shirts are worn oí. t a good deal. f Farmers will find that Salvation Oil s a sure remedy for frcs'edfeet. All drnggists ke 'p it. It is sold at '25 cents a bottle. Diring the purnmer night-shirts will be worn open in thfi front almost altogerher. THAT HACKING COUCH can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Sold by Eberbach Our local politicians are making a;tive arrangement for the next campaign. They ordered a box of Dr. Buli's Cough Syrup, and feel conödent and happy. RingiuK Notses In the ears, sometimes, roring buzz'ng sound?,are caused by cartarrh, that excef dingly dNngreeable end very commön disei se. Loss of smell or hearing also refult from Citarrh. Hood's Sarsapa-illa, the great blood purifier, is a peculiarly succeepful remedy for this d sea? e, which it cures by purifing the blood. If you ter Irom cuarrb, try lloods barspanlla, the peculiar med'cine. Men Rtamp 3,000 letters per hour. T! e New.; York postoliioes is trying a machino that handles 24,000 per hour. Railroaders have asked the governruent to compel the use of automatic brakes and couplers. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrible nough. Shiloh's Cure is the Remedy for you. Sold by Eberbach & Son. Some American sailors refused to take the (jUces of the London strikers even at triple wages. THE REV. GEO. H. THAYER, of Bourbon. Ind.. says: "Both mvself and wi'e owe our lives to SHILOH'S CONSOMPTION CURE." Sold by Eberbacb & Son. Lake City, Fla., butchers must exbibit the eais and hide of the meat of aaimals for sale. _________ to Motbers. Mrs. Witslow'B Soothing Syrup should alwsys be used for children teething. It aootbes the child, softens the gurns, allays all pain, cures wind colie, and is the best remedy for diarrhcea. Twenty-five cents bottle. A New England rubber company made 22 per cent last year on a capital of $10, 000,000. j; Pimples on the Fuce cartd?" Sulphur Bitters will cure ïhe worst case of skin disease; from a common pimple on the fece to that awful disease scrofula, it is th 3 best medicine to use in all csses of such stubborn and deepseated disease. Do not delay; use Sulphur Bitters and drive the humor from your blood. MARY F. MILEY'S ART EMBROIDERY AMD STAMPING Itiions AU_Materials for Faticy IWork constantly on fpHand." Zephyrs, Yarn. GermantownJWools, I ■■ Canvas. Felts, etc. Agent for the HS (Mg _ P.D.ÍCorset. i_ , -'-r- i"" HAKY F. BIIEÏ.: ' Ho. 20 E. Miislii nliii-St.. "Anu Arbor. INSTRUCTIONjgg ■- - "" T-ï ♦" In Fainting Miss MattieHarriman Wlil glve LeesonsJin;Oil anl China Painting. The Hoy nl Worcenter IS yle of DecorliiiK fhlim a SpooiHlI j . T For Particulare inquircatMT.Washteiiaw Avenue tf BIISEY & ÊEABQM 3STOS. e A.JST1D 8 W ashington Street, Ann Arbc , Michigan. K&te ajways on hand a complete Stock of ev thinu i) tbo BR0C8RY LINE! Teas, Coffees and Sngan All prime Articles bougbi íor Cati and can se . atlow figures. Our frequent large involoes o Teas k a sure sign that we glve bargalns Ín QUALITY AND PRIOE. We roaet our own coffees every week, alway fresh and good. Our bakery turns out the ver. best of Bread, Cakes and cracners. Cali aree s LUMBEEl LUMBER! LUMBER! If you contémplate building cal at FERDON üÉmiii Corner Fourth and Depot Sts., ai d get our figures for all kinds oi LUMBEE We manufacrure our own Lnmbei and -ïuarantee VERY LOW PRICES -U' US li ( Uil , ,l U, „ ÉII Mll.k. ! our interest, n our Inrij' mil wot (f-niilcil Miifk fuliy HlIMtHiUN our iiwn. Hou. JAJIKS TOUtEKT, iCrt-.i 'I . J.KKKCM.Bupt. Henry Richards, NO 9 DETROIT ST. Dealer in all kinds of HARD WOOD, LUMBBR, FENOB POSTS, etc, also all kinds of STOVE AND CORD WOOD I ara also Agent for the celebrated (MFION BINDERS AND X0WE&5, And Keep a Full Line of Repairs for tb e Same. Telephone No. 5. NEW FIEM O) THE !?m hoke Barber Shop ! Everything neat and first-clas3. Bett of Workmen. Try us. CHAS. SHETTERLEY & BRO, OSCAR 0. SORG, DEALER IN PAINTERS' SUPPLIES House Decorating and Sign Painting a specialty. 70 S. Main-st, Ann Arbor. rNoo3s:'s Oottoii Eoot !& CO M PO U N D ■ ilHrrompospd of Cotton Koot, Tansy and 7 j IVnnyroyal- a reoont dlscovery by an old physician. Ja suwessuüy ttsed nonthly- Safe, Effectual. Prioe $1, by mail, sealed. Ladies, aak your drucglst for Cook's Cotton Boot Compound and take no substituto, or tnolose 2 stampa for sealed particulars. A drew POND LiLy COMPANY, No. 8 Flahei piock, 131 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mlolj, Sold in Ann Arbor by all; druggists. Pn, PENNYROYAL WAFER3 "S Aro ucoeMÍully osea mjnthly to over ïn.roo I.ndles. Are Safe, EJhitual imd Plcaaant. 1 fver box bï mail, or at rtriigïisl. Sealed Purr fundaré Sjwetase Btampe. Address TlIK El'HV.KA CHKMICJIL l'llMI'ÍW. Flslier Block. I;1 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mich.
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