GOAL! We are receiving about one Hundred Cars of All fize-i of LEHI KOAL, From the Pennsylvania R. R & Coal Co., oíd and CSLSSEA TES LEE HIÑE. Before Purchaeing Oall and inspect the KOAL AT S. WOOD & CO.'S LUMBBR OFFICE, or at GEORGE MOORE'S GROCERY STORE, S. STATE ST., or at YARDS, located on T. & A. A. TRACK, near D. HISCOCKS. MARTIN CLARK ín onr nnthorizetl Agent lor Ihls city. HISCOCK & WOOD. INSURANCE, REAL ESTÁTE AND LOAN AGENCY OF A. W. HAMILTON Offices, No. 1 and 2, First Floor, Hamilton Block. Partles deslrinfr to buy or sell Real Estáte wlll önd lt to their ail vamatre to cali on me. I represent the followlng flrst-class Fire Insurance Corapanies, havlng an aggregate capital of ovei S8,0OÜ.OOU : The (iriiml RnpldN l'lre Ins. Co., Ohlo FaniH'r's lus. Co., (iiisnres onl.y dwelliiiKH). Ttae Uerman Fire Iiih. Co., The Couconlia Fire Ins. Co., The Citizeiit' Fire Ins. Co., The Wertchester Fire lus. Co., The Milwaukec rchanlc's Mntaal Fire Ins. Co., The New Hnnipshlre Fire Ins. Co., The Amazou l-'ire Iun. Co. Rates Low. Losses llberall; adjusted and oromptly pald. I also issue Life and Investment Follóles In the Conn. Mutual Life Iusurance Company. Aatets $55,000,000. Persons deairing Accident Insurance, can have yearly Pollcies wrltten for them or rraveler's ftoupon Insurance Tickets lssoed at Low Katex in the Standard Accident Insurance Compaña of Korth America. Money to Loan at Curren Ratea. Office hours from 8 a. m. to 12m. and t IC , H ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Hamilton Block C.H.ÊÈARS0N&C2.BALTIMORE.Ma THE WORLD'S BEST Kid Button $2.50 Siioe Has no eqnal for Style, Fit and Wear. Posltlvel j the best oboe in America for tbe money. Do not b deceived. 8ee stamp on bottom of eacb shoe. Tak do other. Èvery pair warranted. Styllsb anti equul toanyJ5noeiaUiemarket, ForealeM J. M, PEEPLES & CO., Chicago. FOK SALE L7 DOTY & FEINER, nn rbor, Mich. ffi DRILLS II II lm Have made two feet II u ? minute. Hydraulie II 1 1 MJW jetting or rock maehII f I a V inery any depth. II f I WJtV Honest goods at Seud twenty cents for mailing catalogrie. F. C. AUSTIN MFC. CO. COR. CARPENTER ST. ANO CARROLL AVE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. ÍITTTCI T A TÏWD may t ronnrt on me at ato. J Ulo Xillr üliV KKowelUCii'sNcwspantf dvertislng Bureau ( IC Spruce St A wherad vertlsing io(rcu taan Lw made tor lt iii ÏKW IVB&
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