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A Hebrew Departure

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The Jewish race in America have developed traits different frora their brethren in the Old World. There la now a movement among theni to bring poor boys of their blood and faith into the niechanical trades and tnake Jewish carpenters, rnachinists, etc. There is at this time a Jewish manual trcde school in New York where boys of this race receive a thorough technical training. The school is called the Ilobrew Technical institute. Youths who have been trained in it pass into the niechanical trades and shops and at once take good places, passing rapidly ahead of those who lack such preliminary education. Drawing is one of the branches in which the young mechanics are trained must carefully. So that in a few years we shall have Jewish artisans in all the manual labor departments. This invasión of the tradea is something quite new in the history of the race in modern times. The school is a benevolent institution, f ree to students. It is supported by a number of prominent and wealthy Jewish gentlemen. In explanation of this new departure they say that the ranks of trade and commerce are already crowded till they can receive no more recruits. So are the professions. The boys who are now in the technical school are poor, and would be forced to stand upon the street and sell shoe strings and matches and beconie petty peddlers. They could not be anything else than tradesnien in a tneager and miserable way, because there are so many of them. With a thorough manual training, however, they can go hito the world and hold their own with the best.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register