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Trust Stocks. The industrial syndicates have had a curious effect on Wall street and the va rious stook exchanges of the country They have given rise to new opportuni ties for stock gambling. Shares of the great industrial coinbinations, such as the Standard Oil, coal, etc, have come to be f reely bottght and sold and gamblec in, just as railroad shares havo been for so many years. The new industrial prop erties aro called trust stocks, and they are regularly quoted. Some of these trust stocks are listed on the exchanges, others are not. One of the favorite properties of this kind is the stock of the sugar trust. It is the general impression that sugar will continue to rise, owing to the failure of the beel root erop in Europe. Anything svill do for an excuse. Carnegie's cook gets $3,000 a year. SHILOH'S CURE will irnmediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. Sold by Eberbach & Son. Whitfs took the places of striking Chinese at Fre9no, Cal. " I have seen Samaritan Nervine do wonder ihat I csunot, in justice to every Epileptio, refrain from mentioning. The case I had under my care is entirely fieed from fits. Mr. Berkey, a son-in-law o: Judge ChaflFee, ot AshtabuU, Ohio, whose little dauhter had Epilep'ic Filssince her bii th, has had no further ttackrt sinoe ghe took the first dose. A woman, Mary Jjhnson, an Epüeptio since her birth, and a coiinty charge for over twenty years, is cured; but the most remarkable cure that carne under my immediate knowledge was a son ot' Mr. Bradbury, of Manhat'an, Kansas, who wbs the must diatressing and pititul sijiht f eer saw. Rtaaon, Iocjmotion and life had nearly departed. ] pusg-isted to the parent to t'y Samaritan Neivice. They tclegrajihed for a botilfl, nnd in len days the boy w walkmg.' Dr. E. I. Patee, Manhattan, Kansas. A c -llege of shoemakinw is snggest. WHY WILL YÜU cough when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief Price 10 ets. 50 cU, and $1. Sjld by Eberbach & Son. At Lindon 300 retail bakers are ia a trust. LEGALS. Notice of Cliancery Sale. In pursuance and by virlueof adeereeof the Circuit Court for the County of Washteaaw in Chancery. Made and entered on the first dayof October, A. D. 1889,iii a rertain cause therein pending, wherein Wiiliam II. Mather is complaiimnt, and J. (i. Bailey, executorof the will of Julia A. Reynolds deceased, and Eliza Montgomery are defendants. Noüce is Hereby Given, That I shallsell at public anction or vendue. to the htghest bidder, at the south front door of the Court Housa, in the City of Añil Albor, County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan (that being the place of holding the Circuit Court of sid County), on Friday the thirteenth day of December, A. D. 1S89, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, all or so inuch thereof as may be nocessary to raise the amount due to said eomplainant for principal, interest and costs in this cause, of the following described parcel of land, to wit: All of the following described land situated in the towuship of Manchester in the County of Washlenaw and State of Michigan, viz ; The south-east quarter (S. E. %) of section number thirty-five (35) in township number four (4) south in range number three (3) east. excepting fittyfive acres off from the east side thereof heretoforeconveyed to John Pmally, leaving theamount of land included in this description, one hundred and five acres more or less. Dated at Anu Arbor this 27th day of Ocíober, A. D. 189. PATRICK McKERNAN Circuit Conrt Commissiouer for Washtenaw Co inty, Miob'ean. Noah W. CHEiVER, Solicitor for Complainant. ' 81 Nott. Ann Arbor, October 12th, 1889. Office of the Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Whereas. On the 3lst day of December 1889, the present Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance Company will have been in existence 30 years, and accordiuR to the constitution and laws ol the state, its charter UI expire on that date, and as the Attorney General of the state, has decided that no mutual insurance eirporation can extend iis corporote existence beyond 30 years: Therefore it has become necessary to organize a new Mutnal Firo Insurance company, to talte the place of the present company, and to commence business on the lst day of January, 1890, and this notice is given for the purpose of informing all members of he present Insurance Compauy and all other interesled, that such a company has been formed, and that it is proposed :o transfer, all. do ineured in the present company, to the new company, on or beforethe lst day of January 1890, and that all members of the present company and all others interested, areinvited and requesied to attend a meeting to be held in the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor. Mich., on Tuesday, October 28, 18K9, at 2 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of hearing report of the domgs of such organization. By order of the Board. WM. K. CHILD8. Sec. Commltmloners' Aotice. STATE OF MICHIGAN. County of Washtenaw, ( The uudenignert having been appointed by the Probate Court for said C'ouuty, Commlst ioners to receive, examine and adjust all claims and dmands of all persons against the estáte of Wiiliam H. Dell, late of said ctunty, deceased, hereby give notice that six months from date are allowed by order of said Probate Court, for Creditora to present tbeir claims against tbe estáte of said deceased, and tbat they will meet st the residenceof Geo. Nissly in the Township of Saline in said County, on Tuesday, the seventh day of January, and on Monday, the seventh day of April next, at ten o'clock a. m. of each of said days, to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated October "th, 1889. JOSEPH FEATHER, ) Ccmfmitmen, li GKORGE NISSLY, { OommHaonen. o iliii r' Nottce. STATE OF MICHIGAN, I County of Washtenaw, ( "" The undereigned having been appomted by the Probate Court for said County, Commissionere to examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persoiiH against the estáte of Benjamin E. Nichols. late of said County, deceased, hereby give notke thiitsix mouths from date are allowed, by orderof said Probate Court, for Creditorsto present their claims against the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the Abstract Office ofHarriman Manly and Doty In the City of Aun Arbor, in said County, onThursday the thlrteenth day of Jauuary and on Wednesday the thirteenth day of April next, at ten o'clock a. m. o( each of said days, lo receive, examine and adjust said claims Dated October 30th, 1889. W"íLJlÍaMMNDB1?aTriMAN, I ATTENTION. ïfo. 13 Ann St., is the place for Good Bargains! IW TEA, OOFFK KEROSENE Olí,, (KflCUKRY, LAHM. LASS.WKE, TIW-WAKK, BlïXroSS, THREA1, HOSIKKY, KOCUINU IIOKNKS. EX"ittSS i WAO.S, OU. CAM, SI.OI r.II.S. BKOOHN, HRUNI1KN, TOY ANI VOIIONS. QOOO8 MARKKD DOW TO THE 1.OWF.ST IMM.VT. i.ak(ii: stock, JiEw eoous. L. M. BENNSTT. - - ■ One Fact Is worth a olurnn of rhetoric, said ar American stafesmin. It is a fact, established by the tes'imony of thousands of people, (iiat Hood's Srsparilla does cure sorofula, salt rhei'in, and other diseases or affections a-isiug from nnpure blood. It lso overcomes that lired feeling, creates a good appetite, and gives strength to every part oí the system. Try it. Natural eas sves Pittsburg 7,000,000 tons of coal per year. t astlier Wm. E D-irgin of the Boston Loan Co , 275 Washington Street, says: I reeommend Sulphur Bitters as the very beat medicine I haie ever u=ei. There is nothing like them to give an appetite, tone up the system, and do awav with that languid feeling which is so frequent among those confined iodoors. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures catarrh by expelling impurity from the blood, which is the cause of the complaint. Give it a trial. In France husband and wife work in shops together. Ladies Have Trled It. A nutnber of tny lady custoaiera have tried "Mother's Friend," and would not be without it for many times its cost. They recommend it to all who are to become mothers. R. A. Payne, Duggist, Greenville, Ala. Write Bradfleld Reg. Co., Atlanta, Ga., for parti;ulrs. Byall druggists. Indians are the best workers in New York hop fields A Sensible Man Wou'd use Kmp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs. It is curing more cases of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup and all Throat and Lung Troubles, than any other medicine. The proprietor has authorized any drugiat to give you a Sample Bottle Free to convince you of the merit of thi great remedy. Large Bottles 50c and $1. In Bloomingdale the striaght jacket is raved over. Eczema, Itchy, Scnly, Skin Tortures. The simple application of "Swatne's OiNTMENT'whithout any internal medicine, will cure any case of Tetter, Salt Rheum, Ringworm, Piles, Pimples, Eczema all Scaly, Itchy Skin Eruption, no matter how obstinate or long standing. It is potent, effective, ond oosts but a trifle. Krupp uses 3,000 ton ot coal and coke daily. If Tonr Skin I rough, and pimply or covered with b'o'.ches and sores, and you want a clean, smooth s-kin and fair complexión use Sulphur Bitters. The best medicine in puch pas s I ever sold. - C. E. Scheilier & Co., Druggists, Liwerence, Mass. It seems as if grace c uld work in some maiters better'n others. A (rent Surprise Is in store for all who use Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, the great guaranteed remedy. Would you believe that it is sold on its merits and that any druggist is authorized by the proprietor of this wonderful remedy to give you a sample bottle free? It never feils to cure acute or chornic coughs. All druggists sell Kemp'8 BaUam. Large Bottles 50 cents nd $1. Catarrh origlnates in scrofulous taint Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies the blood, and thus permanently cures catarrh. We have more railroads than the rest of the world combined. JJïJACOBSQIÏ, S JktlHtiS ïst IL 10 BALL wfapTk offlt Complett O ff Braltes, Wounda Qr ThChn.A.VilrCo-.Blt-."M. for ire o pRDMFnYANDTrRMAKöniY .TTHniJTErrünn dfFi lm GhasAVd BtoR & -Bauq-Mo A NEW DISCOVERYli' TESTICURA EXTERNOSUM I x8. a gXALBERTXg jíor the euro of Seminal WeaK-J W : ness. Impotency, Nocturnal ' - tmissions, and Stunted - (=, velopment. tsrCan c% p- iy absorption. Applied direct to O ■a the Parta. No nauseoua drugs tbat Pö J ruin the stoinach ïuaranteed c3 r , cure or money refunded. fientr -3 I - to any part of the V. S. te-X g - Atturely packed free (romS 5 w obaervation upon ■ ADDRESS THE A-BERT MEDICAL CO. _ CLEVELAND, O. FIRST You shouid read The Chica Pfíf fÜT c0 Daily News because ignolUtiw ƒ ranee is expensive. You must read some paper. Probably you've always had a weckly- you can now afford a daily. The Chicago Daily News costs but one cent per copy - L it's so cheap you can' t afford to lose time waitíng for aweekly. You ought to know about things when they happen - not a week later. You live in the ninetecnth century, n the greatest section of the greatest country on the carth, and you can't afford to bc left behind. Eetnem&er - Its circulation ís 220,000 a day - over a million a week - and it costs by mail 25 ets. a month.four monthsi.oo, - one cent a doy, If any dealer saya he 2ias tne W. t. Douglaa Bnoea without name and price b tam pea oa L'í üoitoiu, put hiui down as a fraud. W. L. DOUCLAS $3 OrlUC CENTLEMEN. Best in the worl.l. Examine his S.-..00 GKNIÜNK HAXD-SKWEB SHOK. 84.00 HASD-SEWKI) WKLT SHOK. 83.50 PÓLICE AND FAKIHKKS' SHOE. ■■i.50 EXTRA VALUÉ CAI.F SHOE. S8.2S WORKINOHAN'S .SHOK. 83.00 and SI. 75 BOYS' SCHOOL SHOKS. AU made in Congress, Buttun and Lace. W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE lafd,rEs. Best Material. Best Style. Best Fitting. U not sold by your dealer, write W. L. DOCGLAS. BROCKTON. MAS Examine W. i.. iinu 82.00 Shoe fo Ü-Illll ! .(11 I I llil. wm. eeuthardt & co., 42 .S. M VI ÜTREET, nn Arlior. HUMPHREYS' DR. Humphreys' specifics aro scientineally and carefully prepared prescriptions ; ued for many yeara In private practlee wlthsuccess.and forover thlrtv years used by the people. Every single Speeifle is a special cure for the dlsease named. These SpeciüC8 cure without drugglng, purgIng or reduclng the system, and are In fact and deed the sovereiffn re medieHol the World. LIST OF PRINCIPAL NOS. CURES. PRICKS i Fe vers Congestión, lntlainniatlon ... .tij i 2 WormSi Worm Fever. Worm Colic.. .'2J i 3 ('ryinar Coli'orTeethlnguf Infanta ,' 4 fHarrnea, of Childrenor Adulto .'i 5 JDygentery Grlplng, Bllious Collc '2i 6 ('bolera Morbus, Vomltlng S 7 Comrhs, Cold, Bronchitis ti H Nem'alsia. Toothache, Faceache .. - ,íí 9 Iteadarh es, sick Headache. Vértigo .2.' j 10 IVyspepiiia, Bilious Stomavh 'il 11 Suppressedor Painful Periods. .21 12 Wnite, too Prof use Perltrtis sit 13 t'rouu. Cough, DifflcultBreatlilng il 14 Halt Rheum, Frysi pelas, Eruptious. .v'i 15 1L tl ril mil 1 i p.111. HlH'iimatlo l'uins S 1(1 Fever and Airue, l'hill. Malaria 50 ir Piles, Blind or Wecc.lng. 50 1 C'iitarrh, Influenza, ColdlntlvIIc-ad .50 ao Whoopine CoiiKli' Violent Coughs. .50 Ü-t ciicriil liHiiliiv .1 hyslcal v ■ akneaa .50 ÍÍ7 Kidm-y Discnse .50 28 Nervous Debility 1.00 30 I.'rinary Weaknesf, Wettlng Bed. .50 ■i liiseasesof thilliV.ii.i .ii ItaUonl.W Sold by Druggists, or sent postpald on receipt of prlce. Dr. HCMruREvs' .Masi'al. (144 pages) rlchly bound In cloth and Rolil, nüilled free. HnmphrcyH' MedicincCo.M' Fuiion St. N Y. SPECIFICS. MOTHERS fAAKES.öf H tASY ChilD'IhíoV LESSENS PAIN ,„ p T0 UFE nt BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA SOLO B Y ALL DRUGGISrS. "" "■'"f tbl n 1 1 n n p v fc_ GURNEY IMITATED, büt" NEVER EQUALLED, FOR HEATIXO DwellingSi f iililic Buildings, Churches Sc. 'The Oürney Hot Water System Is sfe, cleanly. readily manaved, establisnes a uniform, agreeable and wholesome heat. and is far superior in tbese mentioned particulare to any othermode of House-hcatlng with wblch I am aojainted." A. BROOKS, M. D., Chicago. Send for " How best to hent oiir Homes." GURNEY HOT WATER HEATER CO. Boston, Mam. Estímate furuished by Weütern riiinihlisx ■! Ilentinic ('. Detroit. Mlch. MILLARD'S HAIR GLOSSOMER. í A sure cure for itchy WTLL t( Kczema, Dead or FaMI 5kjj hitf Ilaip and alt scalp To waan the h:iir itnd cleane the Bralp without Injury uce M1U.AK1I'!) HA IK I'UAH.We i qnárt. Vrei.nietU.v 1!. B. MII.I-AKU, 73 Honrna St., Qrand Kuplcl, M-h. For fa1e by uil (1ugKist8 and dealers, or aent post'M 1 to any iidilres m recfipt of above price. Send ■'circulars and testimoniáis. Til IC niDCDlsonrt";lnl'h"'1"Ivhl f 'llw i"1 " - of Ui-ssrs. N. W. AVER SON. our authorlzed aeeutt


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