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Boardman & Gray Piano

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WHO BUYS THE V "We present a few ñames of purchaeers of the new Boardman & Gray UPRIG-HT Pianos. J. J. Qood7ear, J. M. 8rifD, John Mead, Dr. P. B. Rose, Mrs. Judge Oooley, (three in ODe order) John Moore, Mrs. Maggie Slater, Mrs. Spenoe, Mrs. Dr. Danster, Prof M. E. Oooley, Mrs. Dr. Angelí, Prof. L. D. Wines, O. Schultz, Prof. F. L. York, Wesleyan Guild, Dr. Gibbes, Prof. Rositer, G. Oole, Wm. Biggs, Mrs. Fields, P. G. Suaey. Read these solid unpurchased testimoniáis. Cali or write for testimonial catalogue. Mr. AL VIN WILSET, Dear Sir: We purchased our Boardman and Gray Upright Piano of you about six years ago. It has never been tuned, never been out of order. No piano eould do better. Yours truly, Ann Arbor, Aug. lst, 1889. Tom. E. Nickels. From Prof. Francis L. York, of the Ann Arbor School of Music, and Organist at the Church of Our Father, Detroit, Mich. AL VIN WIL SE r, Esq., Dear Sir: The Boardman & Gray Upright Piano that I purchased of you Jive years ago has been in almost constant use., tnuch more so than is usual. It wears like iron, and stands in tune remarkably. The B. and G. is a very reliable piano. Francis L. York. Ann Arbor, March 7th, '89. ' The Boardman & Gray stands unrivaled 'in the esse&tifcls of a flrst1 class piano. ALVIN WILSEY, Agent. 23 SOUTH I', Ann Arbor, Mich.


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