Goodyear & St. James
special SALE. DR, Y GOODS speciaií sale For the Next Thirty Days we offer you the following Popular Price Trade Stimulators: 3 Bales Liwrence L. L. yard wide sheeting atóle, worth 7c 2 Bales I. tke Michigan yard wide Sheeting at 4c, worth 6c 2 Cases Fruir, of the Loom Bleached Cotton at 8íc, worth 10c 2 Cases Lnnsdale Bleached Cotton at 8Jc, worth 10c 5 Pieces Unbleached Cotton Flannel at 6c, worth 8c 10 Pieces Extra Heavy Unbleached Cotton Flannel, 40 lije, worth 18c 10 Pieces Utibleached Toweliug, 16 in. wide at 41o, worth 6c 10 Pieces Extra Heavy All Wool Red Flannel at 25o, worth 35c 10 Bales "Electric" Batts, Extra Fine, íull 16 oz at 12c, worth 16c 25 Pieces Plaid Dress Ginghams at 6c, worth 10c ]5 Pieces Mixed Dress Goods, 38 inches wide at 12c, worth 20c 5 Pieces Checked Shirting Flannel at 12Je, worth 15c 5 Pieees Checked Shirting Flannel, Extra Heavy at 23c, worth 30c 50 Dozen Ladies' Swiss Ribbed Vests, Extra Heavy at 23c, ' worth 35c 25 Dozen Ladies' Mermo Vests, Heavy at 43cc, worth 50c 25 Dozen English Satteen Corsets, all sizes and Colors Z at 43e, worth 75c 10 Dozen Ladies' Winter Skirt Patterns at 59c, worth 75c SPECIAL BAS.GAXÏTS In Turkey Red Table Cloths at 20c, 25c, 30c,35e yar In Bleached and Unbleached Table Linen at 35c, 40c, 50c yar In White Spreads at 75c, 85c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.3d In Blankets t $1.00, $1.25, $2.00 paid In Extra Heavy All Wool Dress Flannels, 52 inch wide at 50c yard We invite a careful inspection of these Goods before purchasing, and guarantee everything exactly as represented or money cheerfully refunded. 18 fath Main Street, GOODYEAR & ST. JAMES,
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