Personal And Social
A. Terry spends Tbanksgiving ia Detroit. Chas. Ashley of Toledo was in the city Friday. E. H. Scott and wife went to Tüledo Monday. Jacob Meyers returned Siturday from a trip to Europe, where he Fpent ssveral months. Mrs. S:anton Thomas of Cassopolis is visiting K. C. Barney, at 47 E. Washington -st. Byron Green of Detroit wsb in the city yesterday. Miss Niary F. Miley was in Dátroit Wednesday. C. H. Kanmeyer of Port Huron is the guest of Dr. Smiih. Miss Ella Whi'8k-ïr of Ohelsea spent Sunday in the city. Miss Louisa Walpert of W.Washington8t is visiting in Charlotte. Dr. Pinkham of Milan was in the city Monday on business. Mrs. J. G. Pattengill visited her sister at Mt. Pleasant last week. J. C. Watts of East Saginaw spent Sanday with his family on Lberty-st. Secretary Cavanaugh is visiting schools in Salem and Northfield this week. Mrs. A. C. Bruen of Kalamaüoo is visiting her gister, Mrs. E. R. Curtis. Miss Loefler and Miss Wasrner are the guests of Philip Krause of W. First st. Cornelius Rouse of Bethlehem, Pa., was visiting Mrs. Dr. Garwood last week. J. L. Stone returned from Indianapolis Saturday, having spent a month in that city. Gilbert Watkins of Detroit was in the city Saturday on business connected with the street railway. Walter Chatnbsrlain and bride of Detroit will spend their Tbaaksgiving with Mies Lizzie LaSuer. D. Cramer is at Hilldal to-day on legal busines', being attorcey for tbe plaintiff in the case ofHickox vs. Hickox. Mre. W. T. Whedon, neeMillie Knowlton, of N)rwood, Mass., is spending her Tnanksgiving with her parents in the c tv. Miss Pattersun of Westfield, N. Y., sister ot' Gdo. Pfttters-n of the iiterary faeully, spent hst week with friends in the city. Éiward 8. Studley, of the Preston National bank, Detroit, will spend Thanksgiving with his father, Rev. W. S Studley. Junius E. Beal left to-day f r Cooper, near Knlamazoo, where he is to be manied to-morrow to Miss Eila Traver oL that place. Mrs. 1 M. Jones left for her home at Wichita, Ks., Monday morning, alter spending moDth with rjlatives in this city and Fliat. John R. Miner ppent geveral days this week visiling his sister at Detroit nd att'nding the meetings of the Alystic Shrine, hel 1 at that place. Prof. W. H. H iwkins cL Birmingham was in the ci'y this week on business connected the laboratory of the high school of that place. Eiliott M. Be.-t has besn spending s week at their famüy h me on W. Huronst, on his return trip from New York to Silt Lake City, Utah. Miss Lena M. Ballagh of Starkvill, Out., who has heen visiting friends iti this c ty and vioiüiiy for a coaple of weekj' returued home Thursday. Editor Louis L'eemer of the Post wil leave in a few days for St. Louis, Mo. where he v.'ill join a party of fnends anü travel through the Souih. Prof. E Chadwick, for many years principal of the Stirkey Seminary, has been visiting his former pupil, Mrs. Jennie B. Figher of N. University-ave. Misses May Win, Ern-na Myers, Julia Kennedy and Will Kennedy were entertained by their camping companions at Whitmore Lakp, Mi ses Susie and Anria Smith and Mr. Cüllins, at the house of the Misses Smith, Jackson, Saturday. A bacquet and Germán were given in their nonor.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register