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Supervisors' Proceedings

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[CONTINUED FROM LAST WEEK ] Fkiday, October 25, 1889. The Board of Supervisors met pursuant to ailj mrnment. Called to order by the Cliairman. Roll called and quorum present. The journal of yesterday was read and approved. Mr. Perry from Committee to Settle with the Superintendents of the Poor, made the following report : Ann Arboe, October 25, 1889. To the Honorable Board otáujervisoí: Your commiltie appointed to examine the accounts of the Superintendents of the Poor respectfully report that they have thoroughly examïned faid accounts and tind thera correct. We further desiie to thank the said Superiniendems for the business-like manner in which their bookii have been keptani iheir assi.-tance ruudered us in tlie exmniii&Uuu uf said accounts. (Signed; A. H. Pkrry, Wm. BUBTLESa. J. W. nktt. ]{po' ailptcil. Mr. W ■■ ■ '. i'-"')' Crititin. i Gi.i ui" Cummiliue Nu. 1, lejiurtedtlieiuilowiin! L.. I I.. . Cliarl Pw-j-t. rtiriff S " ■■' Chorlo. ÜWir. lu-i-ff 1 -'.' Charles üwyer, slierut' I0 uu Mr. Duncan moved to allovr said bilis as claimed. Carried. Mr. Walter, from Committee on Per Diem, made the following report. ANN Aebob, October 25, 18S9. Your Committee oq Per Diem respeetfuUy make the following report: I i . Name, R g g I $, I S g J. R. Miner U 836 00 1 t 12 536 12 Eugene Oesterlin 12 36 Oí 1 12 36 U ChaseDow 12 36 00 1 12 36 12 Ambrose Kearney i2 36 00 1 12 36 12 Am,w Onrav 19 36 00 1 12 36 12 John W. Bennett 12 36 00 1 12 36 12 Thomas Burlingame 12 36 00 5 GO 36 60 William Dansinfeburg i2 36 00 15 1 80 37 80 George Walters 12 36 00 301 3 60 39 60 Jacob Jedele 12 36 00 11 1 3i 37 %l Jacob Breining 12 86 00 16 1 92 37 92 John V. N. Gregory "12 36 00 14 1 68 37 68 GeorgeJ. Mann 12 36 00 13 155 37 56 Thomas Young, Jr i 12 36 00 27 3 24 39 24 William Buriléis... 13 86 00 35 4 20 40 20 Frank Duncan 12 36 00 1o 120 37 20 Morton F. Case 12 36 00 7 84 86 81 GeorgeS. Wheeler 12 36 00 20 2 40 38 40 Edward DePuy 12 36 00 11 1 S 37 32 Andrew T. Hughes 12 36 00 8 96 36 96 Albert H. Perry 12 86 0u 46 4 20 40 20 WilliamGeer 12 36 ■ 10 120 37 20 James L. Gilbert lv 36 00 18 2 16 3 16 Edwin Ball 12 86 00 10 1 20 37 20 Alfred Davenport 12 36 0 lti 1 92 37 92 Albert R. Graves l 36 00 12 144 37 44 David Edwards 12 86 00 10 1 20 37 20 Stephen Hutchinson 12 36 00 10 1 20 37 20 AU of whlch is respectfully submitted. (Signed) George Walker, Thos. J. Burlinoame. Mr. Duncan moved that the report be adopted, and that the clerk be instructed to draw orders on the contingent fund for payment. Carried. [CONTINUED.]


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