Michigan (Tentrai, " The Niágara Falls Route." OENTXAL STANDARD TIME. GOING EAST. STATION. d A 2 . Mí f 1 Si f_ t& - n. $&_ z& A H A. M. 1'. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. Chicago Lv. 7 5 10 3 - 3 Hl 10 10 1 9 25 P. M. V. M. A. M. Kaiamazoio 12 5i 2 45 6 58 7 10 3 S3 2 27 Jaekson Ar. 3 30 4 47 8 52 9 3i 6 15 4 48 A II II ArlMir ... 4 52 5 45 1 9 41 10 43 7 50 6 00 Detroit Ar. 6 33 6 50 10 45 1150 9 20 7 30 A. V. A. H. P. M. P. M. BuBklo Ar 2 30 8 25 6 15 4 5ii 7 50 GOING WEST. , , o, , STATIONS. xSLSLgg.Sg 3 Jo. aja. go.: ga ? ra j?w w r fcfl A. M.A. M. P. M. A. M A. M P M. Bualo Lv. 1126 5 30 8 8,12 30 P. M. P 11 I Detroit Lv. 9 10 8 00 3 50 1 20 8 00 10 15 Allll Arliiir... 10 25! 8 59 5 17 2 20 9 15 11 35 Jacksoa Ar 11 45' U) 00 6 ou S 18 10 45 12 49 P. M. P M. A. M. A M. Kalamazoo 2 50 12 13 9 45 5 07 1 20! 3 07 Chicago Ar. 7 53' 4 3' 9 0 7 00: 7 45 Sunday excepied JSaturday excepted. fDaily. O. W. RUGGLE3, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. A., ChicaRO. Ag't. Ann Arbor. ToleöOjün Aröor & Nortt liclmai R'y Time Table going lnto effect Sunday, Nov. 17, '89. Going Nortb, Going South. na 4. ■L. STATIONS. 1. ;{. ; I. FatL Ex. Mail Southern D visión. Ex Mail.íS A. M. P. M. A. M. Lv'El (ARE P. M. P. M. a. M. 3 25 6 00 Toledo 1 10 11 15 4 07 6 40 Mouroe Junct'n 12 27 10 08 4 17 6 47 Dundee 12 20 10 18 4 3 7 06 Mllan 12 04 9 58 4 53 7 2 Piltsfleld .... 11 4 9 341 6 0'J 5 07 7 83 ..Aun Arbor.. 11 30 9 2 8 lii l 00 5 30 7 5 Leland's 11 U 9 07 7 15 5 47 8 0 Whitmore Lake 11 02 8 55 5 53 8 10 Hambare 10 57 8 50 6 28 8 46 Howttl' 10 25 8 17 7 15 9 86 Dumud 9 35 7 30' 8 55 10 5 ...Kast Sagiuaw... 7 45 5 5 A. M P. M. A. M. A. M P. M. A. M. NORTHERN DIVISIÓN. 735 9 35 Durand 9 35 7 '0 10 15 12 4' ...Mt. Pleasant... 6 48 4 35 3 1" Cadillac 2 05 A. M. P. M A M. P M. All passenger trains run daily exeept Sumlay. Oonneutiouti at Toleilu wiih railroadtdlvnpig, AtManhattanJunctionwithWheeliiigALakeEr e E. S. At Alexis Jnnci!'.)' with H. C R K L . tt'y acd F & e M R K A Monroe Jnnctloi wun L. 8 . M. K'y. ai Dundec wlth L 8 S M. S.. and M. & O. Ry. At Milau witb W.hi. L. & P. Ry. At PHtsfield with U 8. A M. 8. Ry. At AnD Arbor with Miihigan Central R. R., am at South Lyou wltb Ueiroii. uumuu uu .vu-u, em K. R.,an(i i. T. Kj. H. W. ASHLFV, a. J. PAISI.EY, Supen]itenii''ut, Gen Paeii(er Aíent. GE ). H. HAZLEWOOD, Aj. ent, Aun Arbor. At Ashley with tbe Trueil -aginaw & Muskejjon railway. OT-.I-i O HST G. H. WILD BEFORE PLAOIVfi VOÜB ORDER FOB A Fine Dress Suit! If you want i Nice Suit, the latest le, eee G. H. WILD, THE TA1L0R. X. 2 Washington St. See for yourself how 5 i Blankets wear and other makes tear. FREE- Get from your dealer free, the $4 Book. It has handsome pictures and vahiable information about horses. Two or three dollars for a 5a Horse Blanket will make your horse worth more and eat lesa to keep warm. , 5A Five Mile . , , 5A Boss Stable Ask for 5A Eectrc 5A Extra Test 30 other gtyles at prices to suit eyerybodr. If you can't get them from your dealer, irrite us. #ORSt BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. NONE GENUINE WITHOUT TH E S'A LABEL Manufd by Wi. Atruj Sons. Phllada whu make tbe fatnous Horee Brand Baker Hlankets. F. H. HUSERTV. PM. J. . PAULHAMUS, SlS. ABERDEEN, SOUTH DAKOTA The commercial and railway center of the two Dak otad Is ou r western headquartei'8. We can offer investors chcice guaranteed 7 per cent, scini-aunual farm mortgagea, secured by the best farm lands in South Dakota. We also issue oertifleatea of depositfor 6 and 12months, at 6 per cent per annum. If you are Beeking safe investments, we know it will pay you to write for our pamphlet whioh gives full Information and references. KEYSTONE MORTGAGE COMPANY. Alerde'n, South Pakota. Or-OlT Lawaun. V. P., 1328 Chestnut St. Philadelphia, Pa. SKKK ItlliS FOR AGRIGULTURAL HOMES. Who are now ready for removal wlll, 1Í they so deslre, be visited at thelr homes by tbe ' COLON IZAT1ON AGENT OF THI SOUTHERN PACIFIC (RAILROAD) COMPANY, witnout expense to tbem.on receipt of a response to this advei'tift'ineiu. 'l'he agent will afford them the most minuto and Bpeciüc informatiou concern ing alt Bucb. matterB as are of vital lmportance The object of the llaitroad Company ís to save home-meekers unnecensary waste of money asc time in seeking locaiions after arriving IN, CALIFORNIA. Address, B. MARKS, Colonization Agent Southern Pacific Rail'.aJ Co., 204 Clark St.. Chicago. 13 VThe Best and Purest Medicinepl SL EVER MADE. i.ItwindrivetheHiimorfroraymirl ."icLuystem, and make your skin III . V5Wclen and Bmooth. Thosel I VTFimple9 aml BlotchesUl _, -fe, a &, Lwliith mar your beauty w E3 % i '4 'Vs'Vare causeo by impuretjS BI ,. "% .■ 'ièJLblood, and can be II pa m The DoselsVV , ?%%,% III [II small-ouly a tea%; fc, A 0 t. . II II best and cheape.íVV .JV II I meüicine. Tiy it, anfu % I youwillbe8atisfled. , X %N$k-1 ■U Get it of your Druggi3t. % SS o DON'TWAIT. GETITATONCEk 3 If you are euffcring from K'd III T hey never f ail to cure. III UI ui Send 3 2-ccnt itampl to A. P. Onhvay & Co., Boston, Mass., for beet medical work published? LADIES, GENTLEMEN, AND STUDENTS' The Ureat KiikIInH PreNcrlption w!ll restore that lost Vitality and a Rugged Healthy Condition follow its use. Buy at youi drugRist's, one ïl ; six for 85. EUREKA CHEMICAL CO., Detroit. Mich S..I.1 by JIIHN 9IOORE. pvoof yr 4. i without anyexcepUliCCb IVietal TION the best in the üBBaa world. Absolutely 'rain m ■% m m fin storm and are prooi. ' KasSHINGLES z$& aá in many parts of the couutry, compete success fully with wnod shiugleB. IUustrattd catalogue and prices free. The National Sheet Metal Roofing Co., S1O Enst SOtta St.,Sie York City. ítSÉsíK The largest, fastest and flnet in tbeworld 1'uBsen. ier accommodatious unexcelled. w Tcrk to .lasiiou vla Lonrioiv (lvn . It i 4mii:i. Iov. .10; ClrcasNi. Dfi. 7: Ainliorü. Dec. 21; BthtoplA, !■. 14: I-VriM'ssia. Iec. S: uruehsln. Pitioon, Scond-Claii and Steeraare r&teson lom -t ICtfiurnH'ti "llckets retlnced, tnatle availuble to i - tuir. Wy.ith r UiO Plctui'CTque Clydo aml North oí 1 ■ latí tl. ór Hiver Mei-sey and Souih oí' IiLiaiid, or Napl.-s o; : I ü i aliar. t . to Iarl or Continental Tours on W,l ttfl ms. Travoifi-s1 Circular Lt-tUts ol In till B d i ir any amouiit at lowestcuiTeiit rat, Applj ie O11J of Oir locnl nfrents. or to HENDERSÖN BROTHERS, Chicago, III. SA LLS MEN WASÍTED to canvass for the sale of Nursery Stook ! Steady employnientguaranteed. SALAET AHD ESPEN 3ES paiJ to succtssfal men. Apply at onoe stating age. Jleulion this paper. CHASE BROTHERS COKPAH, Hochsster, HEW YOKK. Whjr Should I Go to Montana ? CiírpHt R üervntion. Bccause 18.000,000 acres of free Government land, with a delightful climate, and equally suited for general farming and stock raising', have just been opened to the homesceker. in the Milk River Valley and near Benton and Great Kalls. SliK'K Kniins". Recause the favorable climate and superior grasses of Montana make it the natural home of horses, cattle, sheep and othcr domettic animáis; and because winter i not required, as stock grazes at large the year" round. General Farmliiar. Because a rich soil and abundant summer raíns produce wheat, oats, re, barley and the grasses and vegetables of a quality size and yield unsurpassed. Mliiiliiic Because Montana produces mo'-e of the precíous metáis than any other state or ti trlt iry, and abundant opportuntties remain to securo valuable properties at nominal cost. Iinmlicrntioii. Because the Great Reserva tion is the'meeting point of settlers rom the Pacific Coast and from the Eastern States, and ii the only extensive tract of good land left, suitablo for settlement. HiisIim'hs. Because the rapidly growing towns along the St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Ry. offer spiend 1 d opportunities to en gage in business. ïttitiiufiicl-tirer. Because the 1,000,000 horscpower water-power at Great Falls, the extensive coal veins, the wool, mineral and grain raising resources of Montana offer exceptional opportumties to the manufacturen TurlNt. Because the canon of the Gates of the Mountains, the Great Falls of the Missouri, the Giant Fountain and Continental Divide offer the most sublime and diversified scenery to bc found on the Continent. Take a summer tour. Whr Travel by tbe Ut. P., M. M.T Because only by it can you travel through the argest body of free land left for settlemen t. Because it reaches the Great Falls, with the larest waterxnver on the Continent. Because it reac hes Helena, the richest city of its size in theworld; nd because it is the shortest and best route to Bu f te, the largest miningcamp on earth. Special tour sts and landseekers' rates. Daily trains through solid to Moutana. Choice of three routes to the Pacific Coast Find out all about it by writing for " The Great Reservation," and " Tourists' Slimmer Guide." For further Information, rates, maps, etc, apply to F. I. WHITNEY, G. P. & T. A. . St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Ry., SL Paul, Minn. KIRK'S AMERICAN FAMILY SOAP.
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Ann Arbor Register