The 'arth ign't r.o place for saints; tulks heie_ beluw dou't know how to treat 't m. " Let observulion with extended view, mrvey goed thir gs from China to Peru" and he will not ficd anything of such astonishing tnerit in killing all ihe pains that flesh is heir to, as he will know is in Silvaüun Oil, when he bas given it a fair trial. When you can do somethin', either to help or to hinder, it's a comfort. SHILOH S COUGH and Consumption Cure is sold by U9 on a guarantee. It cures consumpüon. Sold by Eberbach & S&n. A Guarantee. - ïhere is no case of rheumatism or neuralgia, Vthich will not be relieved by the use of Salvation Oil. Price 25 cen's. iüST TT Intercsted People. Advertising a patent medicine in the peculiar way in which the proprietor of Kemp' Bakaiü, for cougha and colds doee, it is indeed wonderfol. He authorizes all druggiats to give those who cali for it, a sample bottle free, that they may try it before purchasing. The large bottles are 50c and $1. We certainly would advise a trial. It may save you from Consuiuption. In France workers stop at 10:30 . m. for lunch. Sunday work is common. The drugeists of CharlestOD, S. C, re fuse to put up Dr. McDow's prescriptions. Wadsworth, Nev., railroad hands tarred and feathered a "spotter." Nm Alxillt 1 )H II. It is a current report about town that Kemp's Balsarn for the Throat and Lungs is making some remarkable cures with people who are troubled with coughs, Sore Throat, Asthma, Bronchitis and confumption. Any druggist will give you a trial bottle free of cost. It 3 guaranteed to relieve and cure. The large bottles 50c and $1. At Cincinnati ell men out of werk can get $1 a day chopping wood. Iiiclge Simpson Of the "Superior Court writes: [From mental exhaustion, my nervoua system beeame shattered, and I was utterly unable to sleep nights. Sulphur Bitters cured me, and my sleep is sound, sweef, acd refreshing. 9 San Francisco has 40,000 Chinese. They earn $12,000,000 a year. Soutlicrn Bloori! Also gets out of order. When I recieved the box of Solid Extract ordered from you, my SISTER-IN-LAW 46 years old, HAD ANOLD-FEVER SORE on her leg SIX INCHES ABOVE THE ANKLE, it was of 15 YEARS STANDING, but until some twoyears ago would come and go, but the last breaking out would YIELD TO NO TREATMENT, though we tried everylhing, and she had taken her room, wilh the expectaiion of i te SÜON PROVINO FATAL, as it was spreading rapidlv. I spplied piasters of your SOLID EXTRACT and gave it to hor internally. The effect was MIRACULOUS. She improved from the ftart. The TONIC effect of your RED CLOVER EXTRACT is wonderful. Her appetite of which she had none increased, the stomach and bowelst performed their allotted functiona, and wiihin four weekR her LEGrj was PERFECTLY HEALED UP, and her general health better than at auy time in FIFTEEN YEARS, and we used but f of the Extract. For ANY AND ALL BLOODDISEASES, aod asa eprintr medicine I think LOOSE'S EXTRACT OF RED OLOVER the VERY BEST, and T have had PRACTICAL experience with all. Yours truly, C. G. JONES, Leeksville. N. C. To J. M. Looso Red Clover Co., Detroit, Mich. Write for circulars and testimoniáis. For sale by Eberbach & Son. GRBAT su n 'm We 8haU offer our entire Stock of KEW SPRING WALL-PAPERS At a Great Sacrifice. Splendid Papers at 4c, 6c and 8c. Elegant Gilt Papers at lOc, 12c, 18o and 2Oc. Tho flnest Embossed Gold Papers, at 20o, 25o and 30c. Oeiling Papers to match equally as low. We have the latest and xichest patterns, and can show the largest variety ever exhlbited in the city. We have in our employ the most expert hangers. Window-Shades, Ourtain Poles, Room Moulding, in all grades and prices. Don't fail to visit our Stock before buying. GEO. WAHR, Books, Stationerv and Wall-Paper. Tree TJy 8eniliiiK your Bddrma to K. MARKS, Gene! Colonlzatlon A rent Southern l"acilic Itailroatl Company, '04 Clark St., ('hirago, you wUl reeeivo free a book on lile o 11 Small Farms in California.
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