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The Ann Arbor Savings Bank

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Organized 1869, under the General Banking Law of this State. CAPITAL, $50,000-" "SURPLUS, $100,000; TOTAL ASSETS, $66 1,186. Business Men, Guardián, Trustees, Ladies and other persons will find this Bank a SAFE USTD CONVENIBNT Place at which to make Deposite and do Businss. INTEREST IS ALLOWED ON ALL SAVINQS DEPOSITS of $1.OO and upwards, acocrding to the rules of the bank, and interest compounded semi-annually. Money to Loan in Sums of $25 to $5,000. SECURED BY UNINCTIMBERED REAL ESTÁTE AND OTHER GOOD 9ECVRITIE DIRECTORS : - Ohristian Mack, W. W. Wines, W. ' . Harriman, William Deuble, David Rinsey, Daniel Hiscock and W. B. Sraith. OFPIOERS: - Christian Mack, President; W. W. Tines, VicePresidont ; O. E. Hiscock, Cashier. Report of the Condition of the Ann Arbor Savings Bank .A.T A.1STIT AEBOE, MICHIGAN, SEPTEMBER 3O. 1889. RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. . ooo . Capital Stock paid in f 50.000 06 Loansand Dlscounts I 31o,333 94 surplus Fund.' 100,000 00 Stocks, bonds and mortgages etc 250,143 42 Undivided Proflts 10,171 90 r.„„jM(,. ifis 80 Dividends unpaid - 135 00 Overdrafto. o su Commercial ep08Ug 140,531 74 Due from banks in reserve cities L9,618 92 8flvng, deposits 858,004 26 " " City of Ann Arbor 6,7(9 25 Due tn banks and bankers 613 51 " School Dist. No.l, Ann Aibor 2,14112 Certiflcates of deposlt 11,927 58 Furniture and flxtutes 1.930 85 ; 671,283 99 BilLs in transit. 3,343 20 State op Michigan, County of Washtenaw, ss. Current expenses and taxes paid 1,624 43 I, Chas.E. Hiscock, Cashier of the abovenamed r.i, i..J..iiitin. 3 659 5"! Bank, de nolemnly swear that tne above suteChecks and cash items ifixi w metil'ia aue t0 tÉe best ofmy knowledue and Nickels and pesnles 34 00 belief. CHAS. E. HISCOCK, Cashier. Gold 15,300 00 corrkct- Attest: Christian Mack, Daniel Hi?" glver 1,230 53 cock, David Rins&y, Directora. II S and'aüunal Bank notes 9,519 00 Subscribed and sworn to btfore me. this 3d day ■ ofOctober, 18S9. ADAM D. SEYLER, I 671,283 99 Notary Public.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register