James Means & Co's
BOOTS AND SHOES. ,=AIAMES MEANS' JAMES 7AEANS f terü iSv $3 SHOE $4 SHOE fiWËÈt i Bf " ASTYLE UNE0UALLE3 _i=,. T0 A f # rxSCOM THE MOST -SV I % JAMES MÍÍNS' BOOTS and SHOÊS r&?.50 Are Unexcelled in Merit. WfclUW 1ohíiívcIv none geuuiue unless havlng ow ñamo nuil prlce . u ■ itiinSedpülnly on the olea. Tour reteller wUl supply yoo win rilll notlnslM.someretaUerawUlooax jou Intobuylng Inferior; -, ;-; Bipï:-ï; i,,,.. i whk-lillicvmake a larser pruilt. O.n -; ,nv th,-,,riuinal3ami fS-: S sim.-s, and tboM who Imlïatc oor ystem oí buatneM are onaWe iJjí 1MBtó compete wlth u In quality of iaotorypro !-. In our llues kS = ue are the largwt mairafacturers In tbc Lintou ocatcs. ÚÚSÚ't wü. outwear any other i ÍJ MfC liMg bóya' abneerer made. Yu eau h.ive lace or button. YtjfcA il. J Mgie t $2.50 Buys the Best Farmers' Thick Boot. -jg "Si ksvJ JAMES MEANS' PIrH SJquarter eacle boot K 11 y A Reliable Kip Boot for Farmers. Éfen fj WÊÊnl 10 Mili miiUe one Cent) fè =SllNti 10 Centa one Diiiic: .sS te 10 Jiimi's limito eme nolliir; iÈ & 10 Dullms malie one EnB''. 65 í An.t wlth a Qnarter Bagle any Farn.er in the MsiSP""" 3 Country can uow buya boot that wlllsaust.v Imn. fc=. L1==== Farmers have been looktng for such a boot ior a long time and now It ha come. - - - s" ! Terrltory ffyou will uvest oue ceut ina postal j . V ;card and write to us. - _ Suecial Offer on tha James Means Qaarter Eagle Kip Boots for Farmers. Inon]ertolmmecliat-lydstrlbuteK.mpleK„ftl Boot all ?w (counnyjWe wlUjenttem iliBïliBlillll JAMES MEANS & CO.. 41 Lincoln St., Boston, Mass. FULL LINE OP THE ABOVE GOODS FOR SALE BY LN-DTT1WT"D S SOUTH MAIN ST.
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